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Semin Radiat Oncol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2011 October 1.
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Published in final edited form as:
Semin Radiat Oncol. 2010 October ; 20(4): 282–287. doi:10.1016/j.semradonc.2010.05.006.
The Tumor Microenvironment and DNA Repair
Thomas J. Klein, MD, PhD and Peter M. Glazer, MD, PhD
Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Yale University School of Medicine, P.O. Box 208040, New
Haven, Connecticut 06520-8040
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Genetic instability is one of the hallmarks of cancer cells. As tumors grow, they progressively acquire
mutations that ultimately allow them to invade normal tissues and metastasize to distant sites. This
increased propensity for mutation also leads to cancers that are resistant to therapeutic intervention.
Recent evidence has shown that the tumor microenvironment plays a major role in the etiology of
this phenomenon; as tumors are exposed to repeated cycles of hypoxia and reoxygenation, they
downregulate a number of DNA repair pathways, thus leading to genetic instability. Understanding
the mechanisms involved in this process may provide insights into the development of novel
treatment strategies.
Historically, tumors have been thought of as homogenous, clonal expansions of a single cell,
typically induced by a change, or series of changes, in the genetic make-up of that individual
cell. This concept drove much of the research regarding tumor biology and the clinical practice
of oncology. Over time, however, we have come to realize that, in the process of expanding
from a single cell to a clinically relevant neoplasm, a considerable amount of inhomogeneity
arises within a tumor, which impacts both the biology of the cancer as well as treatment of the
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One major area of study regarding this intra-tumoral variability involves the different cell
populations that arise within a given tumor. Much of this work has focused on the cancer stem
cell, a cell whose hallmark is the ability to generate identical daughter stem cells as well as
more differentiated tumor cells (reviewed in (1)). These studies have broadened our concept
of the tumor from that of a cluster of identical, ever-dividing cells to a much more complex
tissue, with distinct cellular subtypes that have different abilities to divide and to metastasize,
and potentially differential sensitivities to therapeutic agents and interventions.
The other major area of study regarding the inhomogeneity within a tumor involves the
variability that arises due to the environment in which the tumor exists and develops, commonly
referred to as the tumor micro-environment. As a tumor matures, there are many complex
interactions that take place between the cancerous cells and the surrounding normal tissues that
influence the ways in which a particular tumor grows (reviewed in (2)). Ultimately, a tumor
will grow to such a size and/or at such a rate that portions of the tumor are unable to maintain
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Corresponding author: Peter M. Glazer, [].
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an adequate blood supply. This, in turn, leads to regions within the tumor that are nutrientdeficient, have an altered pH, and are hypoxic. The effects of hypoxia, in particular, are varied
and profound, and have a significant impact on the effectiveness of many different therapeutic
One of the classically understood impacts of hypoxia is the effect it has on the ability to treat
with ionizing radiation. Most of the effect of clinically utilized ionizing radiation is a result of
the indirect action of radiation, which involves the formation of free radicals that then go on
to damage DNA. This process requires oxygen for the formation of these radicals and, as such,
hypoxic conditions dramatically reduce the DNA damaging effects of radiation, thereby
decreasing the ability of radiation to kill cancer cells.
More recent studies have shed light on the important biological changes that take place within
a tumor under hypoxic conditions (reviewed in (3)). These include alterations in angiogenesis,
cellular metabolism, and genetic stability. The study of angiogenesis, in particular, has been
the focus of a large body of cancer research and has lead to the development of novel
therapeutics used in clinical practice today, most notably bevacizumab (Avastin, Genentech,
South San Francisco, CA; reviewed in (4)).
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While the relationship between hypoxia and alterations in angiogenesis is at least somewhat
intuitive - hypoxic cancer cells signal for increased blood flow in an attempt to receive more
oxygen - the relationship between hypoxia and genetic stability is much less clear. A growing
body of scientific work, however, has helped to shed light on this topic and will serve as the
focus of this review.
Evidence of a link between hypoxia and genetic instability
Genetic instability is a hallmark of cancer cells and is thought to be responsible for much of
the aggressive behavior that tumors show (reviewed in (5)). As cancer cells accumulate more
and more genetic mutations, they acquire phenotypes that allow them to grow, invade, and
metastasize. The mechanism underlying this mutator phenotype has typically been attributed
to the loss of particular genes within cancer cells that protect the genome from mutation, most
notably p53 (reviewed in (6), (7)). In fact, it is precisely the functional loss of these genes that
has been accepted as one of the fundamental causes of cancer.
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Evidence suggests that there are additional mechanisms at work that enhance the underlying
genetic instability of cancer cells, including the effect of hypoxia. One of the first pieces of
evidence to support this theory came from experiments designed to understand the mechanism
of hypoxia-induced methotrexate (MTX) resistance in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells
(8). It was known that this resistance was due, at least in part, to the amplification of the
dihydrofolate reductase gene; however the underlying mechanism was unclear. Rice et al
demonstrated that the resistance to MTX in response to hypoxia was dose-responsive
(increasing exposure to hypoxia led to increased MTX-resistance) and that this correlated with
an increasing amount of total DNA per cell under increasingly hypoxic conditions. They
showed that this was due to an overreplication of DNA during S-phase and postulated that
hypoxia led to a transient inhibition of DNA synthesis, thereby resulting in “an increased
capacity of cells for initiation of DNA replication.” In the discussion of their work, the authors
eloquently stated the following:
“We propose that [chromosomal] alterations may be related to a hypoxic state, in
particular in those regions of a tumor where the blood supply is partially compromised
and from which the progressively malignant cells are derived. Thus, the hypoxic state
may well induce overreplication-recombination events leading to spontaneous drug
resistance, oncogene amplification events, aneuploidy, and various forms of
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chromosomal rearrangements resulting in increased cellular heterogeneity and
malignant progression.”
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Evidence of altered DNA replication under hypoxic conditions was subsequently confirmed
in other model systems including mammalian cancer cell lines (9).
Although it had been postulated that the same sort of hypoxic conditions used in cell culture
experiments exist in solid tumors, this was first demonstrated by an experiment in which a
tumorigenic mouse cell line was grown in a mouse xenograft model (10). This cell line had
been modified with a lambda phage vector that carried a reporter gene used to measure mutation
rates. After growing in either standard cell culture conditions or as a mouse xenograft, cells
were harvested and comparison of reporter DNA revealed a five-fold increase in the rate of
mutation in the cells grown as tumor xenografts.
To confirm that the increased mutation rate was primarily caused by the hypoxic state of the
xenografted cells, the same cell line/reporter construct was grown in culture under various
hypoxic conditions. This experiment demonstrated that both the rate of mutation and the types
of mutations (point mutations, transversions, and deletions) found in the xenografts could be
almost entirely explained by the effect of hypoxia. Moreover, this experiment showed that
repeated, transient exposure to hypoxic conditions, as is typically found in solid tumors, is
more mutagenic than prolonged hypoxia alone.
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Taken together, these data provided the basis for the assertion that the environment in which
a tumor grows, especially the hypoxic nature of that environment, impairs the genetic stability
of the individual cancer cells within that tumor. More recent work has shed light on many of
the mechanisms underlying these hypoxia-induced changes.
Mechanisms of Hypoxia-Induced Genetic Instability
Although early work suggested that the mechanism of hypoxia-induced genetic instability was
the stalling of DNA replication forks under hypoxic conditions followed by subsequent DNA
overreplication, as described above (8), this theory couldn’t fully explain the types of mutations
seen in the tumor xenograft experiments. Rather, these mutations suggested either that hypoxia
causes an increase in spontaneous damage to DNA or that it inhibits DNA repair processes
(11). Both of these hypotheses have now been shown to be correct, with evidence
demonstrating that reoxygenation of hypoxic cells has directly damaging effects on DNA and
that hypoxia induces inhibition of DNA repair.
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The initial evidence demonstrating that significant DNA damage occurs during the
reoxygenation of transiently hypoxic cells came from a series of experiments designed to study
the activity of the tumor suppressor genes ATM and ATR under hypoxic conditions (12).
Hypoxia alone is sufficient to induce ATR-mediated phosphorylation of downstream targets,
including p53. ATM-mediated phosphorylation, however, does not occur to a significant extent
under hypoxic conditions, but rather is initiated once hypoxic cells are reoxygenated. Given
that ATM signaling typically occurs in response to DNA damage, this finding suggested that
reoxygenation acts as a DNA damaging event.
To test this theory, a human cancer cell line was grown under hypoxic conditions, then
harvested in either hypoxic, partially hypoxic, or normoxic conditions, and subsequently
analyzed by comet assay, which is used to quantify DNA damage (12). This experiment found
that cells grown and harvested under hypoxic conditions showed no difference in the amount
of DNA damaged per cell compared with cells grown and harvested under normoxic conditions.
In contrast, cells grown under hypoxic conditions and then harvested in the presence of oxygen
demonstrated a significant increase in the amount of DNA damaged per cell. The level of
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damage seen was comparable to treating the cells with 4-5 Gy of ionizing radiation and the
mechanism for this was shown to be directly related to the formation of DNA-damaging
reactive oxygen species under reoxygenation conditions. Thus, the cycles of hypoxia and
reoxygenation that typically occur in solid tumors were proposed to be directly mutagenic,
thereby enhancing a tumor’s genetic instability.
The other proposed mechanism of hypoxia-induced genetic instability is that of hypoxiaspecific inhibition of DNA repair. There are five major DNA repair pathways, which can be
subdivided into those involved in the repair of single-strand damage and those involved in the
repair of double-strand breaks (reviewed in (13), (14)). There is now a growing body of
evidence demonstrating that pathways involved in single-strand damage, including nucleotide
excision repair (NER) and DNA mismatch repair (MMR), as well as those involved in doublestrand breaks, including homologous recombination (HR), are inhibited by hypoxia.
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The initial experiments which showed that DNA repair pathways are inhibited by hypoxic
conditions analyzed the NER capacity of hypoxic cells (11). UV-damaged DNA (which is
repaired by the NER pathway) was transfected into cells that were subsequently grown under
normoxic or hypoxic conditions. The cells grown under hypoxic conditions demonstrated a
significantly reduced ability to repair the UV-induced DNA damage. The key to this experiment
was that, by using DNA which was damaged prior to transfection and prior to exposure to
hypoxic conditions, the results definitively demonstrated that there was truly a defect in DNA
repair, not just an increase in DNA damage under hypoxic conditions, as had previously been
The MMR pathway has also been shown to be inhibited by hypoxic conditions ((15), (16)).
The hallmark of MMR deficiency is the instability of simple, repeated sequences of DNA. To
study MMR activity in hypoxic cells, a reporter plasmid that was designed to specifically
identify MMR defects was transfected into cells that were subsequently analyzed under
normoxic or hypoxic conditions (15). This experiment found that hypoxia induced an increase
in MMR-specific genetic instability, the mechanism of which was shown to be a decrease in
the activity of the MMR gene Mlh1.
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In contrast to hypoxia-induced NER pathway inhibition, which is thought to take place at the
enzymatic level (as no change in NER gene expression is detectable secondary to hypoxia),
changes in the MMR pathway due to hypoxia were shown to take place at the level of
transcription (15), as demonstrated by decreased levels of Mlh1 mRNA under hypoxic
conditions. This inhibition was shown to be dependent on the activity of histone deacetylases
in a hypoxia-specific manner but, interestingly, was not dependent on the activity of the
HIF-1α transcription factor, one of the key genes involved in transcriptional responses to
Other MMR genes, including Msh2 and Msh6, have also been shown to be downregulated by
hypoxic conditions (16). As with the Mlh1 data, hypoxia induced transcriptional
downregulation of Msh2 and Msh6, which correlated with an increase in genetic instability. In
contrast to the Mlh1 data, this transcriptional inhibition was proposed to be dependent on
HIF-1α. It should be noted, however, that there is also clear evidence for HIF-1α independent
downregulation of MMR (17), and thus the exact role of HIF-1α in this context is still in
question. Additionally, the work on Msh2 and Msh6 found no decrease in transcription of
Mlh1 mRNA in response to hypoxia, whereas the work on Mlh1 found no decrease in
transcription of Msh2 mRNA in response to hypoxia. The discrepancies in these data sets may
be due to differences in cell lines, specific growth conditions, or other yet unidentified factors.
Work is ongoing to sort out these differences. However, the overarching conclusion from both
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papers is the same: hypoxia leads to the transcriptional inhibition of MMR genes, which in
turn leads to genetic instability.
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The most recent DNA repair pathway that has been shown to be inhibited by hypoxia is the
HR pathway. This was first discovered in a large-scale microarray-based screen to identify
gene expression changes in response to prolonged hypoxia (18)). This screen confirmed that
expression of NER genes expression is not significantly altered by hypoxia, whereas MMR
gene expression is decreased. Additionally, this screen identified Rad51, a key HR gene, as
being significantly downregulated by hypoxia. Interestingly, this downregulation persisted for
up to 48 hours after cells were reoxygenated and was independent of HIF-1α expression. As
with the MMR experiments, an HR-specific reporter construct demonstrated that the decrease
in Rad51 expression under hypoxic conditions corresponded to a decreased capability for HR.
BRCA1, another HR gene, was subsequently shown to also be downregulated by hypoxia
Molecular mechanisms of hypoxia-induced inhibition of DNA repair
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The data presented above provided the first insights into the cellular mechanisms underlying
the increased genetic instability seen in hypoxic cancer cells. More recent work, however, has
focused on elucidating the underlying molecular mechanisms responsible for the changes
described. In particular, significant advances have been made in our understanding of the
transcriptional regulation involved in both hypoxia-induced MMR inhibition and HR
An initial observation that the proliferation-promoting transcription factor c-Myc is
downregulated by hypoxia (20) led to the hypothesis that c-Myc might be involved in the
transcriptional down-regulation of DNA repair genes (17). To test this, quantitative chromatin
immunoprecipitation experiments (qChIP) were performed using an anti-c-Myc antibody and
then analyzed for the binding of various DNA repair gene promoters. These experiments
identified the MMR genes Mlh1 and Msh2, which were previously shown to be downregulated
by hypoxia (described above), as being regulated by c-Myc in a hypoxia-dependent manner.
In brief, hypoxia was shown to transcriptionally downregulate c-Myc expression, which leads
to decreased levels of c-Myc bound to the promoters of Mlh1 and Msh2. Additionally, hypoxia
leads to increased binding of the repressive transcription factors Mad1 and Mnt to the Mlh1
and Msh2 promoters. The net effect of these changes is that hypoxia leads to the transcriptional
downregulation of these MMR genes, which, in turn, leads to genetic instability.
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Of note, the effects of c-Myc/Mad1/Mnt on the MMR genes were shown to be HIF-1α
independent, consistent with the initial work on hypoxia-dependent Mlh1 inhibition, described
above (15). However, a recent study has demonstrated a novel, indirectly HIF-1α-dependent
mechanism for hypoxia-induced MMR gene repression (21). In that paper, the authors
identified the HIF-1α dependent transcription factors DEC1 and DEC2 as regulators of MLH1
that act in a hypoxia-dependent manner. They showed that this particular effect of DEC1 and
DEC2 was, in fact, HIF-1α dependent. As before, there is clearly some controversy as to the
exact role of HIF-1α in the hypoxia-induced transcriptional downregulation of MMR genes.
The molecular mechanisms regulating the hypoxia-responsive HR genes are distinct from those
regulating the MMR genes. Initial experiments identified a 250-bp region upstream of the
BRCA1 gene that regulates transcription in a hypoxia-responsive manner (19). E2F1, a
transcription factor that had previously been shown to regulate BRCA1 in conditions other than
hypoxia ((22), (23), (24)), was found to have multiple, conserved binding sites within this 250bp region. Subsequent experiments demonstrated that hypoxia induces a qualitative shift in the
types of E2Fs bound to the BRCA1 promoter – from activating E2F1 complexes under
normoxic conditions to repressive E2F4 complexes in hypoxia.
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E2Fs have also been shown to regulate the HR gene RAD51 in a hypoxia-specific manner
(25). As with BRCA1, there is a conserved E2F binding site upstream of RAD51 and changes
from normoxia to hypoxia induce a similar shift in binding from activating E2F1 to repressive
E2F4. Mechanistically, this change was shown to be due to a hypoxia-induced increase in the
prevalence of hypophosphorylated p130, which forms functionally active repressive
complexes with E2F4. The exact mechanism by which hypoxia leads to the dephosphorylation
of p130 is unclear, and further work to clarify this is needed.
One additional mechanism of hypoxia-induced HR gene downregulation involves the role of
microRNAs (26). miRs are small, noncoding RNAs, which were relatively recently discovered
as regulators of gene expression at the mRNA level (reviewed in (27)). Initial experiments
demonstrated that certain miRs, including miR-210 and miR-373, are upregulated in a hypoxiaresponsive and HIF-1α dependent manner. A bioinformatics approach revealed putative
binding sites for these miRs in the 3’-UTR of the HR gene RAD52 and overexpression
experiments confirmed that these miRs can, in fact, inhibit Rad52 expression. Moreover, the
hypoxia-induced inhibition of RAD52 was partially blocked by a specific miR-210 anti-miR
molecule. Taken together, these data demonstrate a novel role for miRs in the hypoxia-induced
inhibition of HR.
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In summary, a number of varied mechanisms have been discovered that are responsible for the
inhibition of multiple DNA repair pathways in response to hypoxic conditions. This, in turn,
leads to an increase in the genetic instability of tumors. The implications of these findings for
clinical practice are just starting to be understood.
Hypoxia and Genetic Instability in Clinical Practice
Taken together, the data presented above paint a picture of the tumor microenvironment as an
environment that is hostile to cancer cell DNA and promotes genetic instability within cancer
cells. Frequent cycles of hypoxia and reoxygenation lead to the formation of reactive oxygen
species that act as DNA damaging agents; periods of hypoxia lead to stalled replication forks
which then lead to overreplication of DNA; and hypoxia-induced transcriptional inhibition of
multiple DNA repair pathways leads to a durable impairment in the fidelity of DNA replication.
The clinical implications of these findings are far reaching and include novel rationales for
fractionated radiotherapy, new targets for medical therapies, and a better understanding of how
tumors become resistant to treatment.
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One of the classically taught rationales for fractionating radiation therapy is that fractionation
allows tumor cells that are hypoxic (and therefore radioresistant) the time to become more
normoxic (and therefore more radiosensitive) during subsequent treatments. While this
rationale still holds true, the data presented above add another layer to our understanding of
this mechanism. Under conditions of hypoxia, tumor cells begin to downregulate DNA repair
genes, including those involved in double-strand break (DSB) repair. Because these changes
occur at the level of transcription, they are durable, often requiring 48 hours or more after the
reintroduction of normoxic conditions for cells to regain the ability to properly repair DNA
damage. Thus, cells that are transiently hypoxic, as are found in solid tumors, are sensitized to
DNA damaging agents (e.g. ionizing radiation) in the immediate post-hypoxic period (28).
The study of hypoxic conditions is also relevant to a number of novel therapeutics coming to
market that act specifically to inhibit DNA repair processes. One of the most promising classes
of these new drugs is the Poly-ADP Ribose Polymerase (PARP) inhibitors (29). PARP serves
a critical role in the process of base excision repair, which is important for the repair of singlestrand DNA damage (reviewed in (30)). In the presence of PARP inhibitors, single-strand
damage is not properly repaired and goes on to form DSBs. Under otherwise normal conditions,
these DSBs are repaired by the HR pathway. However, under circumstances in which the HR
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machinery is impaired, PARP inhibitors lead to cell lethality. This concept of selective
synthetic lethality, in which two non-lethal events are induced to occur together in specific
target cells, thereby killing those cells, is becoming an increasingly attractive technique for
designing targeted therapies that have minimal side effects.
PARP inhibitors are currently being studied in patients whose tumors have genetic defects in
HR, typically BRCA1/2 mutant breast cancers. However, the data presented in this review
suggest a rationale for expanding the use of PARP inhibitors. Since hypoxia leads to the down
regulation of HR genes, tumor cells in the hypoxic and post-hypoxic periods would be expected
to be sensitized to PARP inhibition. We have confirmed this hypothesis in unpublished data
(Figure 1; Denise Hegan, unpublished). Thus, any tumor that experiences significant periods
of hypoxia, including most solid tumors, might be expected to at least partially respond to
PARP inhibitors.
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Another area where the study of the tumor microenvironment is likely to yield clinical benefit
is that of acquired resistance to treatment. Understanding the mechanisms underlying this
resistance is an important step in the development of strategies to counter it. Although there
are an extraordinary number of strategies employed by cancer cells to evade treatment, many
of them can be understood by the data presented in this review. One such mechanism is that
of increased resistance gene expression in hypoxic conditions, as described above for MTX
resistance (8). Another mechanism comes as a result of the hypoxia-induced decrease in MMR
function described above. It has been shown that cells that lack MMR function are resistant to
certain DNA damaging agents, including platinum-based chemotherapies (31). The
mechanism for this is thought to be a form of damage tolerance, in which cells that are lacking
MMR function no longer recognize certain forms of DNA damage as being damage. This likely
plays a role in resistance to a number of clinical agents, including platinum-based therapies,
drugs such as cytoxan and temozolamide, as well as ionizing radiation. Since hypoxia leads to
an inhibition of MMR, hypoxia itself can be seen as indirectly promoting this resistance.
Thus, the data presented herein provide not only explanations for clinically observed
phenomena, but also opportunities for future clinical research. Since hypoxia occurs
preferentially in malignant, rather than normal cells, therapies that take advantage of hypoxic
cell biology are likely to provide an additional means to enhance the therapeutic index of
specific treatments. Hypoxia-activated drugs, for example, may provide a novel means to
exploit the DNA repair pathway defects in hypoxic cancer cells in a highly targeted manner
((32), (33)).
Concluding Remarks
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Under stressful conditions, particularly those that are damaging to DNA, it might be expected
that a cell would act to protect its DNA even more than under normal circumstances. Thus, the
fact that the cellular response to hypoxia includes the inhibition of DNA repair pathways is
often seen as counterintuitive. There are two explanations for this phenomenon, both of which
are likely to be, at least in part, correct.
The first explanation stems from the fact that DNA repair is a metabolically demanding process,
requiring significant amounts of ATP to proceed. Thus, under nutrient-deprived conditions,
cells might downregulate DNA repair pathways in attempt to conserve energy. The process of
autophagy, in which cells consume themselves under stressful conditions (reviewed in (34)),
is likely to play a part in this and is an area of active investigation in cancer biology.
The other explanation is rooted in evolutionary biology. Evolutionary studies have
demonstrated that under stressful conditions, single-celled organisms like E. coli acquire a
“mutator phenotype, in which their rate of spontaneous mutations increases (35). This allows
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for new mutations to randomly arise that are protective against the stressor, and the cells
carrying these mutations are then selected for. The same sort of selective pressures exist on
cancer cells, and the benefits of a mutator phenotype can clearly be applied to the cancer cell
(even if they are to the detriment of the patient). Thus, by inhibiting DNA repair pathways
under hypoxic conditions, cancer cells have an increased likelihood of developing phenotypes
that allow them to survive, grow, and even metastasize.
Regardless of the reasons why these changes occur, the data presented in this review
demonstrate that they do. By understanding the effects of the tumor microenvironment on
cancer cell biology in the lab, we have been able to develop strategies to better treat patients
in the clinic. And by exploiting the effects of hypoxia on DNA repair pathways in malignant
neoplasms, we expect to see improvements in cancer therapy in the years to come.
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Klein and Glazer
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Figure 1.
Hypoxia sensitizes cancer cells to PARP inhibition. MCF7 breast cancer cells were grown
under normoxic or hypoxic conditions for 48 hours, as previously described (10). The cells
were then exposed to 0, 10, or 100μM of the PARP-inhibitor KU0058684 and assayed for cell
survival by colony formation. The fraction of surviving cells is shown.
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Semin Radiat Oncol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2011 October 1.