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Table of contents 1. Introduction 1.1. The 3 ethic principles 1.1.1. nature = one 1.1.2. humans = one 1.1.3. context/limits I am nature I respect all humans I live within nature’s context & limits 1.2. The 3 levels 1.2.1. personal = I = ego = body-mind 1.2.2. collective/tribal/family = we = group 1.2.3. global = all = spirituality/ecology/wellness 1.3. The 7 petals + Prezi (to be developed=interactive exercise) 1.3.1. 1.3.2. 1.3.3. 1.3.4. 1.3.5. 1.3.6. 1.3.7. home how to? pass it on ! happy ! create value group resources available 1.4. The 7 anti-petals of un-reality now, the 360°lie of western “civilisation” 1.4.1. 1.4.2. 1.4.3. 1.4.4. no-territory, spying, conformism, collective trance & panics experts rule, powerlessness dis-information, propaganda, newspeak, herd-morality patent law suffering, medicine rules, pollution kills, artificially created “needs”, pretend or be ostracised - the new clothes of the emperor 1.4.5. eco-suicide, burn up the resources for our grandchildren, exhaust eco-systems, monetise the last commons, financial speculation = ? economy, colonialism, militarisation 1.4.6. isolation, apartheid, end of family, despair, distrust, addiction, fear-driven politics & economy 1.4.7. alienation, irrealism, lying, destruction of environment, non-scientific use of resources, planned obsolescence,… 2. Transition & integration - how to integrate the old & the new harmoniously 2.1. The transition town movement 2.2. Adapted technology (low-tech) vs technological corporate overkill 2.3. New organisational techniques for meeting each other, for working together, for group living 2.4. Deep ecology 2.4.1. the real costs of the actual system + perspectives for a future ? 2.4.2. illusions of classlessness, over-stimulation, confusion, a media story 2.4.3. basic attitude=gratitude/awe=being one with nature 1 Table of contents 2.5. Steps toward a no nonsense economy 2.5.1. 2.5.2. 2.5.3. 2.5.4. 2.5.5. 2.5.6. 2.5.7. 2.5.8. 2.5.9. local exchange durability do not harm generosity through natural abundance do & live it yourself grassroots politics cyclic waste management /cradle to cradle re-use/cycle/pair/fuse/make/.... 3. The new paradigm = quantum consciousness 3.1. The void - Nassim Haramein + zero point energy 3.2. Spin - Roger Penrose 3.3. Big bangs - Roger Penrose + Chinese perception of Tao 3.4. Non temporality - Einsteins theory of relativity 3.5. Non-locality - Richard Feynman 3.6. Superposition’s – What the bleep do we know? 3.7. Incertitude of measuring - Heisenberg/Schrodinger 3.8. Quantum mechanics & probability - Haegelin 3.9. Immanence & the phenomenal world - David Bohm 3.10. The self aware universe - Amit Goswami The 5 dimensions : material – energetic – mental - supra-mental – absolute 3.11. From immanence towards harmonic creation : realise the specific meaning of your life 3.12. Q-biology – Bruce Lipton – The fear/love basic reactions of any cell 3.13. Cold fusion/transformation of elements - Kervran 4. Life design 4.1. The 3 centers (Chinese medicine) = belly – heart – head 4.2. The 7 chakras & their functions 4.3. Life stages  7 yearly = women - 8 yearly = men  Interactive exercise in family & social genealogy 4.4. Integrating the 3 centers 4.5. Flux and the results of blockages & the imbalance yin yang 2 Table of contents 4.6. What is yin/yang = exercise in point of view + interactive list 4.7. Macrobiotics = balancing & intertwining the yin and the yang 4.8. Free will & destiny & continuing the old life-model – do we create our own reality? 4.9. The negative function of addiction & obsessive behaviour upon life choices 4.10. How to free your life energy (=chi)through creating/allowing meaning in your life 4.11. Feng shui, harmony, the golden rule 4.11. Why do we get sick ? – function of illnesses, socio-pathology, decadence 5. Patterns/cycles 5.1. In nature 5.2. Fractals 5.3. Kymatica 5.4. The yin-yang polarity + list (see life design) 5.5. Attraction-repulsion in nature, physics and humans 5.6. The wave/particle flow + how to surf on the waves 5.7. The trampoline meditation, interactive exercise 6. Water dimensions 6.1. H²0 and its various states : liquid, vapour, ice, liquid crystalline - Mae Wan Ho http://savremenimaterijali.info/sajt/doc/file/casopisi/SM1_2/2-Mae-Wan-Ho.pdf 6.2. The 5 dimensions - Amit Goswami  Physical  Energetic personal-bound  Information   Meta-information Bliss collective Correspondence between scientific discoveries and eastern wisdom 6.3. Information in water=homeopathy - Jacques Benveniste 6.4. Patterns of water molecules - Masaru Emoto 6.5. H²0 bridging dimensions - Bruce Lipton stam cell research 6.6. Weak electro-magnetism on nano scale = nature working as a quantum mechanical living device 3 Table of contents 6.7. Water cleaning with nature = phytoplants for waste water 6.8. Water dynamics ? - Bovis measurements 6.9. Schaubergers vortex models 6.10. The grander (gie) system for tapwater = ”happy water” 7. Food year round 7.1. For which group ? 7.2. What is food ? 7.3. Natural, whole foods or artificial, homogenized, blended, coloured, preserved,… 7.4. Dairy as an example of denaturisation by the bio-industry of medical, nutritious, basic food 7.5. History of food adapted to the climatic environment 7.6. Local food or import/luxury 7.7. Coffee, tea, chocolate, tobacco = food ? 7.8. The food-industry and its lies & the enormous benefits for the global financial control of people? 7.9. Gardening for year round in our climate (Be/Europe) 7.10. Making preserves – freezing – coulis- drying - essential oils - …. 7.11. Exchange 7.12. CSA/AMAP/food collectives/collective garden = an integrative attitude vs food, organising group economy direct from farmers 7.13. Importance of organic quality 8. The permaculture garden 8.1. Organic = ecology ? involvement of financial world ? labelling ? trust from the group towards the farmer? 8.2. The importance of continuous design + evaluation 8.3. Cyclic aspects for ergonomic advantages through design 8.4. Biodiversity why ? = interactive exercise in the garden 8.5. Harvesting from a perma gardening/creative weeding & planting, a permaculture “art” 4 Table of contents 8.6. Quality level=ripe (“pluk-rijp” + needed (not taking more than needed=economy of self-harvesting 8.7. Incompatibility with the post-capitalist distribution “system”=act local, think (feel!!!) global 8.8. Seed saving & propagation + the big lies of gmo & hybrids + a short history of human seed selection consciously & unconsciously via domestication of animals 8.9. A list of techniques for our climate (list of 30 in 2014 course cycles see end of doc) 8.10. Water management = reducing the speed of the cycles 8.11. Recirculating evaporated water in the food forest(7 layers) 8.12. Dry farming in our climate 9. Soil fertility as an eco-system 9.1. The global h²o cycle = from mountaintop to deep ocean currents = interactive exercise 9.2. Soil life :  bacteria  fungi  macroscopic life  communication between different forms of soil-life 9.3. Transformation at the rhizome level = living cycle of the elements : C+H²O+O²+N+P+K+ oligo elements creating ever higher levels of life 9.4. The law of least energy expenditure (yin = expand / yang = fix, contract, stabilize) 10. The function of borders 10.1. Exercise = list of natural ecosystems + how do they work ?                Movement of the forest (ents in lord of the rings) From clearing back to forest From gletsjer to savannah From savannah to rainforest From rainforest to desert(amazon) From marsh to garden (maraîchage in French) From mountain peak to fertile valley Survival of life at the N & S-Poles From top of the mountain to ocean Rivers: effect on landscape Greening the desert (man helped) Creating deserts (testimony of man’s greed & foolishness) From alluvial delta to cereal/corn/rice field From clearing to forest & back again Watersheds as ecological universes 5 Table of contents 10.2. Forces of nature = water salt, water sweet, ice, vapour, mist, snow, steam, information in water, energy in water (waterfalls, rain, …), heat from fire, heat from sun, heat from volcanoes, wind, fragmentation, tectonic movements, gravity, attraction/repulsion, time, repetition, crystal focus concentration, spiral vortex, pressure, shade, submerging 10.3. The function of erosion 11. Man-made eco-systems of past & future and their relative effects on nature through time 11.1. Oases 11.2. Garden of Eden 11.3. Hunter-gatherers 11.4. Market gardens around towns 11.5. Alluvial cereal productions 11.6. Clearing the forest for food 11.7. Mangroves 11.8. Coral reefs (fisheries) 11.9. Deserts 11.10. Mountain agriculture 11.11. Irrigation systems old & new 11.12. Desalinisation= a tool for the future ? 11.13. Chinampas 11.14. Small medieval village, with sheep and gardens 12. The new social dynamics 12.1. Why does western civilisation suck ? vs living with an open heart 12.2. The sadomasochistic family model - no witnesses = obsessive privacy needs as a mental Illness 12.3. Exclusive love vs unconditional love in the light of Tantra 12.4. Education of children in a time-obsessed & overstimulated society ? - children as idols 6 Table of contents 12.5. The new guidelines = non-hierarchy - freedom to come & go – mutuality – empathy - ... 12.6. The mama-papa game & the child within us(imago therapy) 12.7. Messages from the Toltec’s 13. Stories 13.1. Here and now Eckart Tolle 13.2. Be here and now - Ram Das + Advaita 13.3. Humans are story-bound herd-animals 13.4. His or her story = evaluation of a 5000+ year take-over by “the males” with catastrophic results (fear to bring children into the world - Bob Dylan) 13.5. The clear inconsistencies of the official story:        Post (?) colonialism and mineral robbery The 1% vs the 99%, or killing earth for the profit of a few suicidal superrich or the end game of capitalism (collapse) Cave men building pyramids ?? Anthropocentrism Egyptology for tourism only ? Forbidden archaeology Western-centered stories 13.6. Who built the pyramids all around the world ? 13.7. Ancient symbols and their meaning 13.8. Mythology as a source of very ancient knowledge 13.9. Modern multi-disciplinary research going on:     climate studies reconstructions of life styles from p.e. foodstuff left in stomachs of frozen human global geology global language studies 14. List of basic gardening techniques 14.1. How to seed 14.1.1. Seeding in lines 14.1.2. Rough seeding with cement mixer 14.1.3. Preseeding 14.2. How to transplant 7 Table of contents 14.3. What to do depending on the weather? 14.3.1. Dry and sunny: scratch and let the weeds dry out 14.3.2. Cloudy or rainy: transplant if the soil is wet enough 14.3.3. Dry and sunny after rainy: seeding 14.4. Take seasons in account 14.4.1. Seeding in begin autumn (August-September) + protection  harvest in early spring/spring (March-May) 14.4.2. Seeding in early spring (February-March) + protection  harvest in late spring/summer (May-July) 14.4.3. Seeding in spring (March-May)  harvest in summer 14.4.4. Seeding in summer (June-July)  harvest in autumn/winter 14.5. How to weed 14.5.1. Just pull out, use pitchfork, don’t let them go to seed 14.5.2. Recognising plants/weeds 14.6. How to see that a plant goes to seed 14.7. Scratching: when, where, why 14.8. Preparing fields in spring 14.9. Watering: when (look at the plant!) – amount 14.10. Harvesting potatoes, pumpkins for storage 14.11. Vegetables that get stress ( dry, cold,…) have a tendency to go to seed 15. List of advanced gardening techniques 15.1. A garden is for humans to feed themselves as different from hunter gatherer subsistence 15.2. Soil fertility re river deltas - clearings in the forest – clay - the humus complex 15.3. Raised beds = why/how they develop over the years 15.4. False seedbed = problems of weeds seeds - weed roots – too wet + too dry-damages 15.5. Seeding between crops = distance + variation 15.6. Scratching the earth = tickling the Pachamama as opposed to putting the knife to her or poisoning her 15.7. Edible ground covers year-round in our climate = advantages + difficulties 15.8. To mulch and when to mulch with what ? that is the question (Shakespeare revisited) 8 Table of contents 15.9. Why and how fertilise land ? Complexity of the garden & forest 15.10. Ecosystems – Eco niches - Eco climates 15.11. Soil life and the small critters 15.12. The Gertrud Franck method = seeding on lines & interseeding. planting later = advantages, discipline needed, complementarity of growth 15.13 The seven levels of a perma-garden 15.14. Protection against too dry // too cold // too wet 15.15. The water table in gardens over the seasons - in sometimes difficult weather situations – how to make an oasis ? 15.16. Water evaporation and how to redirect it through clever design 15.17. Dry farming Belgian style 15.18. Forest garden Belgian style 15.19. What with the animals that were there before you ? Share ? Protect ? 15.20. Creative weeding with minimal disturbance of soil strata = weeding away from …towards …… 15.21. Seed saving and/or self-seeding = letting nature show where plants like to grow - story of mother nature's stepchildren 15.22. How and when and when NOT to give water + which water ? 15.23. Living winter-ground cover = facelia, rye, mustards; spinach, purslane, ...+ advantages of each 15.24. Warm beds = how and why and economic value over many years 15.25. Using the roads between the beds for compost making + drying + giving back fertility 15.26. Pre-seeding before + after (keep alive during winter!) 15.27. Seeding in pots = the plukpot + function of the pot in dry farming 15.28. Groundcover made from nylon? jute? plastic? scrap metal? leaves? cardboard? small twigs and branches fragmented? Advantages and risks 15.29. The rabbit/chicken tractor = cleaning up before seeding/planting 15.30. No-till techniques for tractor buffs 15.31. Hilling for potatoes, leeks, … 15.32. Gardening basics: how to transplant(push the soil around it, how to seed, what to do depending of the weather (scratching, transplanting, seeding, harvesting), how do you see that a plant goes to seed, recognizing plants/weeds,... 9 Table of contents 16. Stages Every 7 years for women: 7-14-21-28-35-42-49-56-63-70-77-84 Every 8 years for men: 8-16-24-32-40-48-56-64-72-80 Stages : 1) 0-7 copy the parents, weak identification to ego 2) 7-14 try to do like the parents inside & just around the family territory 3) 14-21 try the opposite= try out the limits farther from family territory 4) 21-28 adult young female seeks mate for procreation & other fun 5) 28-35 establish whatever person you have become + kids 6) 35-42 make your place in the big world around (career, family, ..) 7) 42-49 take stock and get rid of what is weighing you down = midlife crisis (I must make something of life before it is over) 8) 49-56 gather your experience& get to the meaning of this incarnation 9) 56-63 attain wisdom, for you to live most efficiently possible/for others to pass it on to them 10) 63-70 find out your energy & other levels are going down, while radiating wisdom 11) 70-77 let go of your ego-driven “wanting”, prepare for letting go of this incarnation(accepting after 5 stages = denial/ignoring/refusal/accepting/actively letting go) 10