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Table of Contents Introduction 3 Background Hilton London 4 Concept of Human Resource Management and examination of human resource function in service organization (Hilton London) 5 Discussion how human resource management function contribute to the Hilton London 6 Brief on human resource plan for Hilton London considering supply and demand of service sector personnel in Hilton London 8 Examination of the employees relation of United Kingdom and analysis of the current state of employee relation in Hilton London 10 Discussion how employee laws in this country affect the human resource management function in Hilton London 11 Analysis of the recruitment and selection policies and procedure in Hilton London 13 Discussion how job description and person specification can be matched for specific job in Hilton London 16 Comparison of selection process in Hilton London with other tourism and hospitality organization 16 Evaluation of different selection process 17 Analysis how training and development contribute to the effective performance and organizational success in Hilton London 18 Critical Analysis of the current training and development policies and procedure of Hilton London 18 Conclusion 19 References and Bibliography 20 Introduction One of the most important and complex task for the human resource manager is to manage human resource of the company. This report has critically explained the key issues related with managing human resource. To clarify the report the discussion the explanation has been carried out on the function and the concept of the human resource management, HR planning also has been discussed in this document. On the other hand, nature of employees’ relationship and its the practice carried out in Hilton hotel, London, UK. In contrast, the recruitment processes, job description, specifications that influenced the employee’s performance will also discussed in further discussion and different types of selection processes are also discussed in this report. Background Hilton London Hilton London is the one of the most common and famous name hotel businesses. The main company is called Hilton. The Hilton London hotel is very famous as because its location is in suitable place for the tourists and the location of the hotel is in Coppice Road, Stansted CM24 1SF, United Kingdom (Hilton-global, 2013). It takes about 30 minutes from city of London to Hilton London hotel by the train and 6 minutes walking distance from the Stanstead airport terminal. The main competitors of Hilton London in hotel business market are Holiday Inn Brenod, Corinthia and from Sheraton Heathrow (Hilton-Global, 2013). Task 1 Concept of Human Resource Management and examination of human resource function in service organization (Hilton London) Human resource management is that process, where the development of the human resources of an organization can be done. On the hand, to make sure the development of human resources some basic and primary activities could be done in human resource management. Those activities are like staffing of human resources, train them and motivate, develop and maintenance. All the functions of Human resource management are written below- Staffing: Hilton is one of the most versatile Hotels in United Kingdom. It is very important that the management of Hilton hotel make sure, all the staffing activities for Hilton recruiting team recruits the qualified applicants, select them and places them in proper position according to their experiences and efficiency (Freeman, 2001). Trainings and Developments Training seems like a small part of the whole development process of the employees. But training is very important for the employees of any company. Hilton London provides training to the employees regularly basis to ensure that the employees become more competent and efficient. As a result, the employees can better quality. On the other hand, development and training are the most important part of human resource management function that contributes many ways to the human resource management. Development and training best ways that really helps to increase the competency and capability amongst those people whose are really involved in the training and development curriculum held by the Hilton London management (Eccles, 1991). Motivation: Motivation is the mechanism what energize the employees and inspire the employees to be directed according to the desire of the organization management and the ultimate desire of the management of the organization is to achieve the goal of the organization. The management of Hilton London believes that motivation is the psychological process that creates inner feeling among the employees of the organization to generate profit reducing the employee’s absenteeism and increases the employee’s commitment in work (Eccles, 1991). Maintenance: Another important part of the human resource management is to maintain the employees of Hilton London is sincere as it is offering the employees of the company with those policy that is better for the management of the employees’ health and safety of the organization. The management of Hilton London believe that if the good relationship and communications is maintained between the company and employees, the company definitely will prosper and the company outcome would be very good. (Hodgetts and Luthans, 2000). Discussion how human resource management function contribute to the Hilton London HRM is that management philosophy where all the emphasis has been given to develop the employee relationship where all the emphasis has been provided to the improvement of the organization. On the other hand, as many organizations emphasize on the applications of the functions of HRM for the improvement of the employees of the organization, the Hilton is doing the same thing. This part of the report is named statements that provide functions of human resource management and the process of how these functions is helping the Hilton London, which are written below- The management of Hilton London is able to offer reasonable price to the customers where as other competitors are offering high prices. The function of Human resource management contribute to the Hilton London by supplying the poll of efficient applicants and the candidates as it attracts the experienced & capable candidates by the staffing function of the HRM. The function of the Human resource management also helps to achieve to develop the performance ratio of Hilton London as because it gives these company very competent employees. The reason of having competent employees is because of the training and development of human resource function. The training and development of make the employees more competent and reduce most of the turnover among the employees as well as increase the punctuality. Brief on human resource plan for Hilton London considering supply and demand of service sector personnel in Hilton London Human resources are the most important part of an organization. If the human resources are properly utilizes, the organization could be more competent and profitable. Another important thing is Human resource planning. Human resource planning is those decisions that are determined previously according to the requirements of HR for various positions in the organization. Hilton London Human resource planning is shown below- Figure: Human Resource Planning Source: Hilton-Global, 2013) There are five different steps in Human resource planning for Hilton London. Those steps are written below- Identify the key areas of position: First step of employees planning of Hilton London is find out or to identify all those key areas of position where more possibilities to find out the vacancies. According to that identification the Hilton London try to start planning for the human resource (Eccles, 1991). Identify the capabilities for key areas and positions: Second step of the human resoIn this section of the human resource planning the management of Hilton London identify the capabilities that are needed to perform the tasks which are assigned for the people of the vacant positions. On the basis of the requirement of the skill to perform the work the management makes the plan. Identify the interested employees and assess them against capabilities: In the third step of human resource planning the management of Hilton London identifies the interested employees and assesses them against capabilities whether the employees are capable to complete the tasks with their capabilities or not is identified by the management of the respective organization (Singh, 2003). Develop and implement succession and knowledge transfer plans: In this step of human resource planning the duty of the human resource manager is to identify the areas where they will be able to implement the succession and knowledge transfer plans if think that it will be necessary. Evaluate effectiveness: The last step of human resource planning is the evaluation of the effectiveness of the human resource planning. If the predetermined actions of human resource planning works well and make organization as competent through the implementation of the human resource plan then the actions will be considered as effective. Task 2 Examination of the employees relation of United Kingdom and analysis of the current state of employee relation in Hilton London Employee relationship in United Kingdom is based on the democratic philosophy or style. The employees are supposed to maintain the rule of United Kingdom while serving the respective organization and the employers are supposed to maintain the law of United Kingdom while maintain the employees in organization. According to the philosophy of employees relationship in United Kingdom the employees and employers stay in position from where both of them have the power to bargain to see the win position of their desire and in the employee relationship in United Kingdom emphasize has been given on the win-win approach where the concerned parties will be benefitted (Kamoche, 2001). Hilton London one of the profitable and customer oriented hotel businesses of United Kingdom believes in win-win approach that mean that the associated parties will be benefitted from the contract or from the activities performed. Therefore it can say that Hilton London believes in democratic style of employee relation and it exercises the win-win approach in employee relationship (Hilton-London, 2013). Discussion how employee laws in this country affect the human resource management function in Hilton London Law is the guideline what informs how the activities will be completed. Each and every country needs to follow the law when it formulates the human resource policy for the organization. The organization of United Kingdom needs to relate the laws of human resources when it makes its’ human resource policy. In this section of the report the discussion has been presented how the employees low of United Kingdom influence the human resource management function in Hilton London. In every organization the employees are considered as the catalysts to perform all the activities as to perform all the activities of organization the human resource involvement is vital (Singh, 2003). Brief contents of employees law of United Kingdom: Employee law of United Kingdom states the issues that ensure the improvemnt of the employees or workers and to protect the interest of the employees working within the organization the employee’s law plays vital role. In this sub-part of the report brief discussion has been on the contents of employee law of United Kingdom. It is employee law of United Kingdom which covers the legitimate relationship of workers, authority and trade unions. The workers who are involved in the activities of United Kingdom are benefitted by dint of the minimum charter of member privileges. The contents of employees law has been presented below- ‘’The contents of United Kingdom employees law directly related to the human resource management practice are ‘’minimum wage of £6.31 for over 21-year-olds under the National Minimum Wage Act 1998, 28 paid holidays and no longer than 48 working hours unless one consents under the Working Time Regulations 1998, the right to leave for child care, and the right to request flexible working patterns under the Employment Rights Act 199’’. Impact on the human resource management practice of Hilton London: Task 3 Analysis of the recruitment and selection policies and procedure in Hilton London Recruitment and selection are the two parts of the staffing of the function of human resource management. Hilton London as a resilient hotel business of United Kingdom recruits its necessary human resources through the websites advertisements. Firstly it recruits its necessary human resources on the basis of the identifying the required persons and the selection policies of this organization is performed through the discrete selection philosophy and the selection procedure of the organization has been presented below- Figure: Selection Procedure in Hilton London Source: Hilton-Global, (2013) The selection procedure of Hilton London is the summation of activities by which the management of the hotel can select the best candidates from the applied group of candidates and the selection procedure by which the organization can select the suitable candidates are stated below- Initial Screening: In the initial screening stage of selection process in Hilton London, the candidates are terminated who cannot fulfill the minimum acceptable qualifications that the management of Hilton London cited out in recruitment and the passed candidates are allowed to the next stage (The Guardian, 2013). Completed Application: Completed application is the second stage where the employees are terminated who fails to complete the application form properly and the applicant are allowed in the further stage has completed the application thoroughly. Employment Test: If the candidates of Hilton London fail in the test are terminated and the candidates who passes are allowed to go to the further stage. Comprehensive Interview: The management of Hilton London terminates the employees who fail to impress the interviewer and the candidates are allowed in further stage are allowed in the further stage and are offered with the conditional job (Freeman, 2010). Background Investigation: If the candidates apply for the post prove their worth are justified with their background investigation. Background investigation process helps the management to know the information about the candidates thoroughly. Medical Examination: The management of Hilton London asked for the medical examination fulfilling criteria to do the job for continuously (Hilton-Global, 2013). Permanent Job offer: The candidates who fulfill all the criteria successfully are provided with the job opportunities and they are assigned as the permanent employees in Hilton London. Discussion how job description and person specification can be matched for specific job in Hilton London Job description is the written papers where the details descriptions are involved regarding the activities of jobholders, how the job holders do the activities, situation what needs to face to complete the activities and the reason why the jobholders do the activities and person specification is the identification of the person who will be able to perform the certain job. Hilton London as growing and profitable business sometimes needs human resource to complete the tasks or to carry on its activities properly. If Hilton London wants to recruit experienced employees the employees of other organization can compare the job description with their activities they perform if match they go for adding in the family of Hilton London and the fresher can apply to the according to the job specification and in this category the experienced can also match with the specific job of Hilton London (Singh, 2003). Comparison of selection process in Hilton London with other tourism and hospitality organization Hilton London is hotel business of United Kingdom although it one of the branches in United Kingdom and it has many branches around the world. To compare the selection process of Hilton London the hotel business Holiday Inn has been selected and in this section the discussion has been presented on the comparison of selection process of Hilton London and Holiday Inn Brenod. From the analysis of the selection process of Hilton London it has been informed that the management of Hilton London follows the discrete selection process. Discrete selection process of Hilton London terminates the employees in each stage that stops to impress the interviewer in each stage. The competitor of Hilton London is Holiday Inn Brenod which follows comprehensive technique of selection where the employees are allowed to face all the stages of selection stages (Hilton-Global, 2013). Evaluation of different selection process The advantages of this selection process are it reduces the cost, it needs little time, it helps the management to reduce hassle, and the management of the organization can be free from pressure to select at the last step and the disadvantages of this selection process are that it fails to select the best employees, it creates frustration, it creates the pressure for management as the management terminate the candidates in each stage. Comprehensive selection process has also several advantages and disadvantages besides. The advantages of comprehensive selection process are that this process helps the management or interviewers to judge the core competency of candidates as in this process the candidates are allowed in all stages so they get the opportunities to show their competency, this process help the organization to select the who have quality from different segments. The disadvantages of this selection process are from the time as it takes huge time, it takes effort from the management and it incurs more costs (Forgang, 2001). Task 4 Analysis how training and development contribute to the effective performance and organizational success in Hilton London Training and development are the managerial activities that are conducted to increase the performance of any organization and to increase the employee performance the management of Hilton London emphasizes on the training and development. Training and development contribute to the effective performance and organizational success in Hilton London in the following ways- Increasing the efficiency of the employees of Hilton London Creating the awareness about the work and workplace Creating the employees morale, reducing absenteeism and employees turnover Increasing the productivity among the employees of the organization Saving the additional cost and increasing the volume of profit and Increasing the employees’ creativity (Hilton-Global, 2013). Critical Analysis of the current training and development policies and procedure of Hilton London Training and development is the primary function of human resource management and the intention of training and development is to increase the performance of company. To increase the performance, Hilton London follows on the job training between off the job training and on the job training to develop the employees as well as to develop the performance of Hilton London. On the job training helps Hilton London with reducing the cost and increasing the earning and the disadvantages of on the job training method is that it creates disorder in office or workplace (Hilton-London, 2013). Conclusion Managing human resource is the necessary issues for any organization and for Hilton London as well. Hilton London as a versatile hotel ensures the performance of the organization by the implementation of the functions of human resource management and to develop the performance of the employees the management of Hilton London believes in on the job training. References and Bibliography Forgang W.G., 2001. “Competitive strategy and leadership: a guide to superior performance”. Rowman & Littlefield: London. Freeman, R.E. (2010) Strategic management: A stakeholder approach, Cambridge University Press Eccles, R. G., (1991): The Performance Management Manifesto, Harvard Business Review, January-February Hodgetts, R. and Luthans, F. (2000). International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behavior, McGraw-Hill. Kamoche, K. (2001): Understanding Human Resource Management. Buckingham: Open University Press Pfeffer, J (1995): Producing sustainable competitive advantage through the effective management of people: Academy of Management Executive, 9; 55-69 Richardson, R. and Thompson, M. (1999): The impact of people management practices on business performance: A literature review. London: IPD Singh, K. (2003): The effect of human resources practices on firm performance in India. Human Resource Development International 6, 1, pp. 101-116 Vectorstudy, 2012, Administrative management, [Online] Available At: http://www.vectorstudy.com/management_schools/administrative_management.htm[accessed on 02 June, 2014] The Guardian, (2013), Business information, [online] Available At: <http://www.theguardian.com > [Accessed on 04 June, 2014] Business information, (2013) website: Available at, <http://www.hilton-global.com> [Access time:04.06.2014]