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Personnel Management Policy Personnel Management Policy Of DABALOY Role and Responsibilities According to Organizational Structure General Council General Council will form an Executive Council by voting/election. Approve organizational planning, Budget and Income-expenditure. Amend, change and revise the policies. Make solution of any severe problems or unable to take decision by the Executive Council. Dissolve the Executive Council. Executive Council Supreme powered council of the organization. Implement annual budget, planning and program of the organization. Hold the authority to receive donation / subscription / admission fee. Execute staff recruitment / canceling / supervision / income-expenditure statement / inventory of the goods / assets of the organization. Liable to the General Council. Executive Director Provide direction to execute vision, mission, principle, policies and programs of the organization. Responsible for proper execution of the programs. Assist to collect donation / fund for the organization. Assist to develop annual planning and supervise the execution of planning. Coordinate between inter-project activities. Take initiative for skill development of the staffs. Control and approve financial flow and transaction of the projects. Supervise all legal aspects of the organization. Act as the Chairman in the Executive Council meeting. Director Provide direction to execute vision, mission, principle, policies and programs of the organization. Prepare Policies / Manuals / Guide-Lines and execute the same Prepare Project Proposal, Expression Of Interest, Concept Note for collection of funds. Prepare Action plan for the program / project Coordinate between partner organizations and monitor / supervise their activities Responsible for proper execution of relevant offices. Provide necessary assistance towards overall development of the organization. Provide assistance to develop annual planning and supervise the execution of planning. Coordinate between related official activities. Prepare planning for important activities and execute by relevant staffs. Take initiative for skill development of the staffs. Control and approve financial transaction of the relevant projects.. Coordinator Will be treated as the head of respective project. Responsible for overall management of the project. Take initiative for overall development. Prepare annual action plan and supervise implementation of planning. Assist project staffs to perform their duties. Take effective measure for staff development. Coordinate between different on going project activities. Present income-expenditure statement of the project before the Director and take approval. Execute tasks properly as assigned by the authority. Reportable and responsible to the Director Manager Will be treated as the head of respective office / project and be responsible for overall management of that project / office. Execute internal management by following organizational vision, mission, values, and policies. Assist directly to prepare annual plan of the organization and keeping properly Collection, keeping and exchange of internal information. Assist to prepare new concept note and project proposal. Supervise / monitoring activities of different components of the project Assign tasks among fellow component wise staff personnel Control and supervise fellow staff personnel / project staff Coordinate between different stake holders, GO / NGO / LGI / Community Activate all documentary evidence to introduce the organization towards international arena. Reportable and responsible to the Director Accounts Officer: Prepare Annual financial planning and budget of the organization and take approval from the Executive Director Open separate bank account for mother account ant and individual project account in the Banks Posting and filing all accounts, bills, voucher and keep properly in the books of accounts. Keeping daily income-expenditure records and provide necessary assistance for maintain banking transaction. Assist purchasing by following financial policy and procurement procedure. Assist to organize Quotation / Tender related activities. Take necessary steps for auditing by authorized audit firm. Arrange timely payment of salary / allowance of the project / core staff / project staff of the organization. Allocate & disburse project funds timely to the respective project office Prepare monthly/ quarterly / annual financial statement, get approval from the Executive Director and send to the respective project office / donors office. Reportable to the Executive Director Assistant Accounts Officer: Assist Accounts Officer to posting & filing accounts, bills, voucher and keeping properly in the books of accounts. Provide assistance for keeping daily income- expenditure and banking transaction. Assist in purchasing by following financial policy and procurement policy. Provide necessary assistance for auditing. Assist in timely payment of salary of the core staffs / project staff. Assist to prepare monthly, quarterly and annual financial report and send to the higher authority. Reportable to the Manager Finance / Accounts Officer Trainer /Training Officer Prepare & keeping all schedule and module of group based and organizational training. Implementation and coordination of all training courses of the organization Prepare training calendar, document and keeping properly. Perform responsibility as the trainer in the organization. Prepare & maintain training cost and report to the Coordinator-Finance & Director . Maintain & Keeping all the equipments and materials of training center and control fellow staffs. Program Officer Assist execution of goal, objective, values and policies of the organization. Reportable to the project coordinator / Program Manager for his / her duties and responsibilities. Act as in-charge in absence of project coordinator / Program Manager or by the request of the administration. Assist Project Implementation Committee (PIC) / CMC frequently. Assist in planning and implementation of annual action plan of the program Perform own specific duties and responsibilities as per methodology of the project and by following the rules and regulation of the organization. Monitoring the activities of implementing staffs and reporting. Program Supervisor Assist execution of goal, objective, values and policies of the organization. Perform responsibilities of different activities of the program and reportable to the assistant program officer. Should have belief and respect on gender equality. Supervise the works done by the field workers. Maintain the aspect of awareness on environment in all sphere. Provide solution of the problems, errors of the field workers through discussion. Disseminate actual information of the field level situation to the project coordinator / program manager Prepare & submit monthly work plan, report and coordinate between other project activities. Perform other responsibilities as assigned by the authority. Field Worker Perform duties and work in the grass root level such as: base- line survey, group formation, participate in the group meeting, keeping meeting minutes, build working relationship with community people, social elite, LGI representative. Inspect & supervise own activities and assist beneficiaries directly. Prepare weekly and monthly reporting and submit to the higher authority. Present favorable feasibility report of program implementation to the higher authority. Prepare, keeping and submit weekly and monthly work plan / report. Regular write-up and filing office record and receive signature of the authority. Care-Taker/ Peon To be treated as support staff and work as messenger of the office. Taking care of the assets/materials of the office and ensure cleanness of the office. reportable to the Admin officer Cook Cooking foods for the office and training center and be reportable to the Admin/ training officer Guard Maintain security of the office both in day and night. Keep safety of the assets of the office strictly and not allow any body inside office premises without prior permission Monthly Compensation Structure Sl. No Designation Gross Salary House Allowance (60%) Conveyance Medical allowance Total 01 Executive Director 25,000/- 15000/- 6000/- 4500/- 50500/- 02 Director 20,000/- 12000/- 5000/- 4500/- 41500/- 03 Coordinator 14,000/- 8400/- 4500/- 3700/- 30600/- 04 Manager 10,000/- 6000/- 3700- 3400/- 23100/- 05 Officer 7500/- 4500/- 3000/- 2900/- 17900/- 06 Asst. Officer 6000/- 2400/- 2600/- 2500/- 13500/- 07 Supervisor 6000/- 2400/- 2600/- 2500/- 13500/- 08 Field Worker/ (Driver) 4500/- 2700/- 2000/- 1900/- 11100/- 09 Supports Staff (Caretaker/Peon/Ayah/Guard/Cook) 3000/- 1800/- 800/- 1000/- 6600/- 10 Volunteer (Teacher & Supervisor) 2000/- 4000/- - - - 2000/- 4000/- Salary structure may be changed depending on strength of the organization. Salary structure for the project is changeable. Staff Personnel of THL There are four (04) types of staff personnel are in THL. Permanent or Core Staff The staff will be recruited as regular staff as per organizational structure. The core staff will enjoy all benefits of the organization. Project Staff The project staffs are time bound and directed as per project manual. Contract Based Staff Time bound with specific job task. Volunteer To render service / work in the organization or its any project as time-bound voluntary staff eg teacher / supervisor/ data collector etc. Recruitment of Core Staff Ideological Base Organization will recruit qualified and experienced India nationals as the staff. Women will be preferred at the time of recruitment. Maintain equal opportunity for class, cast, race & religion. Organization will ensure equal benefits for the development of the staff. Selection Board There will be a selection committee comprise 04 members led by the director. In the committee, there will be equal number of men and women. The members of the committee are: Director (Chairman) 01 Member of the Executive Committee 01 Member of the core management team 02 04 Selection Procedure If position is lying vacant or create new position, the respective project head will inform to the head of HRD. Initiative for staff recruitment will be taken with prior permission of the chief executive, by searching potential internal staff and through advertisement. Receive and Scrutinize the Application Human Resource Department will receive the application. Academic qualification, skills, training and experience will be considered at the time of scrutinizing. Preference will be given to the women candidate for all the position. The name of mother and then father has to be mentioned in the application. Written and Oral Interview Selection board may decide for single or dual selection process. Perhaps, women issues will be considered and selection board members will encourage women candidates. Interview Process Written interview Viva-voce Practical test (if necessary) If both men and women are selected in the same position, in that case, women candidate will be proffered. Appointment After selection, an appointment letter will be issued to the selected person for a stipulated period and it will be effective after signing of chief executive/ director and the selected person has to submit release order by the previous organization. The following facts will be mentioned in the appointment letter: Title of the position, grade and salary. Type of appointment. Work place. Section / Department/project/program. Effective date of appointment. Probation period and condition of permanency. Other benefits (if applicable). Probation Period There will be a probation period for all types of staffs. Probation period will be for three to six (6) months. In case of termination or willingly resignation, one (01) month notice has to be given by both parties. After completion of probation period, department head will produce an evaluation with comments to the chief executive / director along with a recommendation for permanency. During probation period, a staff will be paid consolidated salary only. Annual leave will be on monthly one-day basis After completion of probation period, the staff will receive all benefits as admissible by the organization as per service rule. Promotion/ Demotion/ Increment Promotion A staff will be eligible for promotion whenever HRD organize promotion process. A staff will be eligible for promotion when he/she will be fit for higher position. A staff will acquire skill and qualification. Based on seniority. Annual staff appraisal report. New position, job description and up graded salary will be awarded. Demotion If a staff fails to prove his/her efficiency he/she may be transfer/change of position/demotion. Increment Organization will provide increment 10%-15% of basic salary based on annual staff appraisal report / extra ordinary skill ness. Increment will not be allowed for the staff under probation period In special cases, special increment may be provided for extra ordinary performance / achievements. Increment will depend on the basis of successful performance round the year. Transfer For the interest of the organization / for the development of the staff he/she may be transferred to other branches/ offices / project, in that case, salary structure will remain unchanged. Salary grade will not be changed for transfer unless change of position. In case of women staff, address of her parent or husbands work place and education of her infant children will be considered. Women staff will not be transferred during first six month of pregnancy and after six moths of delivery. Resignation of Permanent Staff If a core staff willing to resign, he / she shall have to submit a one month notice to the HRD.. Staff Under Probation Period He / she may resign by giving 07 days notice. If notice period is not being followed properly, one-month salary has to be surrendered to the authority. The respective staff has to hand over charges to the assigned staff. Termination The rule of termination is applicable perhaps If a staff does activity subversive to the organization/ state, found guilty for anti-social activity, occurred physical torture to the women staff and it is being proved, the authority can take instant legal step. Suspension If a staff personnel found engaged with financial corruption, did activity subversive to the state and rules, regulations & constitution of the organization, in that case, if the administration does consider it as severe offence & he did not committed for rectification, instantly the staff will be brought under suspension as per regulation. Written suspension order will be given to the respective staff and be effective instantly. Only basic salary will be paid during suspension period ( Maximum up to 60 days). During suspension period, the staff will not be allowed to leave the station without prior permission of the authority. Benefits at the Time of Dismissal / Termination Salary and other admissible benefits up to the date of termination. Amount equivalent to15 days unveiled leave will be paid to the staff as per organizations management policy. Amount of provident fund will be paid as its regulation. Benefits for the Contractual Staff Salary and other admissible benefits up to the date of termination. Amount of un availed annual leave. Leave HRD will prepare a annual leave plan and be approved by the Executive director. Government Holidays The staff personnel are allowed to avail all government holidays perhaps have to work in special occasion. Casual Leave The staffs will enjoy 20 days C.L in a year provided he / she should be enjoyed within 1st January -31st December, other wise it will be lapsed. At a time 03 days C.L will be allowed with the prior written permission by the authority. Earned Leave The permanent staff is allowed 15 days earned leave in a year. Un availing earned leave will be discouraged. Maximum 05 days un availed leave may be merged with next year. Equivalent to maximum15 day’s salary will be paid after retirement, resignation or death of a staff calculating his total un availed earned leave. Medical Leave The permanent staffs will be allowed to avail medical leave. 15 days medical eave in a year could be availed. Medical certificate by the doctor is needed for the leave more than 03 days. At the 1st day of M.L, must be informed to the admin department. Maternity Leave Women staff of the organization has to apply for maternity leave before 03 moths of delivery. 06 months maternity will be allowed as per government policy Women staff not be eligible for this leave unless her 09 months service tenure, but she can apply for leave without pay If extra leave will require in this regard, the authority may consider such leave without pay or half leave will be allowed as per government policy During her service tenure in the organization, a female staff will be allowed maternity leave twice. Paternity Leave The male staff of the organization will be allowed 10 days paternity leave A male staff can avail only twice during tenure of his service. Special Leave A staff may avail special leave with the prior approval of the Executive Director and it would not exceed 03 days. Procedures of Leave Prescribed leave application format has to be field-up. Relevant papers have to be enclosed in special cases. Organization has the right to cancel any leave of a staff in special situation perhaps organization will inform the reason. Financial Benefits The staff of the organization will be provided 02 festival bonus. Equivalent to one month gross salary. Advance against festival bonus never be paid Festival bonus will paid divided in to two parts: For the Muslims : Eid-ul-Fitre and Eid-ul Azha. For the Hindus : Durga Puja and Kali Puja. For Christian : X-Mas day and Easter Sunday. For the Buddhist : Budha Purnima & Draghi purnima. Others will be paid as per their religious festival. Gratuity The permanent staffs who has been working since minimum 03 years, they will be eligible for gratuity. One months gross salary is payable as gratuity. Advance against gratuity never be allowed. Terminated staffs due to violation of discipline of the organization are not be eligible for gratuity. Advance Advance may be given to the relevant staff in special cases. Entire amount of advance must be adjusted within 15 days. Advance voucher must be prepared and approve before payment. Accident If a staff occurs accident during on duty and in service, the following expenses will be borne by organization with prior permission of Chief Executive: Doctors fee. Hospital / clinic expense. Medicine cost. Accident related other medical costs. A staff will be paid accidental cost once a year, perhaps for expense more than highest allocation may be adjusted in special consideration. Staff Appraisal Organization will evaluate staff for the following purpose: Create opportunity to evaluate himself for his skill development. Feed back to the staffs on proper implementation of purpose of his appointment. To get clear idea for arranging training of the staff for his skill development through staff appraisal. Recruitment of Project Staff Ideological base Organization will appoint qualified and experience Indiai nationals. Women candidates will be given preference. There will be equal opportunity for all religion, cast, race and places. Recruitment Procedure If there is a need of recruitment for specific time-bound project, Human Resource Department will take initiative for recruitment (receiving application, scrutinizing, arrange written and viva-voce interview. Resignation Project staff may resign by providing notice as per terms and condition of the appointment. Otherwise one month notice have to given or amount equivalent to one salary have to be surrendered by the resigned staff. The staff has to receive clearance by hand over charges to the authority Termination Termination procedure of the organization will be equally applicable for the project staff. If a male staff occurred physical torture to the women staff and be proved, in that case, he will be discharged from his job and legal steps may be taken against him. Leave Project based staff of the organization will be allowed to avail government holidays and one day in each month as earned leave only. Financial Benefits Project staffs will get financial benefits as per project guideline or Program Management Team of the organization may assign responsibility to a core staff for stipulated time. In that case, it needs approval by the Executive Committee and the staff has to be informed about his role, project activities, responsibilities and length of deputation in written. Apart from this, his role and responsibilities in organization level also be mentioned. Recruitment of Contractual Staff Contractual staff will be recruited for time bound specific job task. If a contractual staff intends to be resigned, he should be notified as per terms and conditions of the appointment. His appointment, termination and financial benefits determines according to the rules of the organization. Recruitment of Volunteer Volunteers will work in the organization as an apprentice or voluntary zeal. According to the terms and condition, the appointment & termination may be solicited. PAGE 2 Personnel Management DABALOY