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n view of the exponential growth, now is the time to help the hotel industry transform itself and embrace project management as a strategic competence. Hotel Owners Manual is for those who manage hotel opening projects, including hotel... more
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      Training and SupervisionTraining and DevelopmentHospitality ManagementHuman Resource Management
Master thesis written in 2016 - University of Warsaw
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      GeographyEconomicsEconomic GeographyConservation
This paper focuses on environmental disclosure on the Internet and empirically examines whether ownership structure and company characteristics have a significant association with the level of Internet environmental disclosure (IED)... more
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      Agency TheoryOwnership StructureProfitabilityBoard of Directors
Bank Garansi adalah jaminan pembayaran dari Bank yang diberikan kepada pihak penerima jaminan (bisa perorangan maupun perusahaan dan biasa disebut Beneficiary) apabila pihak yang dijamin (biasanya nasabah bank penerbit dan disebut... more
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    • Ownership Management
"The framework of agency theory, firm management is agent that must responsible to the shareholder's as a principal. Agent given responsibility to manage asset from principal with eficient, agent able to increasing wealth together. Agent... more
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      Agency TheoryPerformanceSizeEconomic Value Added
This research was carried out for the purpose of investigating social capital among owner-managers and professional managers. This research's findings could provide essential grounds for training and educating the entrepreneur managers... more
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      EntrepreneurshipSocial CapitalOwnership Management
Hubungan kepemilikan dan kinerja perusahaan memiliki banyak hal yang diperdebatkan. Penelitian sebelumnya hanya menguji pengaruh konsentrasi kepemilikan terhadap kinerja perusahaan. Berbeda dengan penelitian sebelumnya, kebaruan pada... more
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      Performance ManagementOwnership ManagementFirm Value
Abstract Using evidence from paired franchisor-franchisee dyads, this study identifies how plural formed ownership mechanisms curb the risk of shirking and free riding in franchise systems. These risks have damaging effects on the... more
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      EntrepreneurshipCorporate LawTransactional AnalysisSmall Business
Tapash Dev
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    • Ownership Management
Rendez-vous — назначенная встреча. Книга написана по следам диалогов автора с теми, кого в деловой среде называют «первыми лицами». Акционеры, бизнес-партнеры, топ-менеджеры, предприниматели, члены бизнес-семей — именно они принимают... more
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      Russian StudiesStakeholdersStakeholder Relationships & Issues ManagementBusiness Management
The aim of this article was to explore succession dynamics in a family business. A role transition model as a generic perspective on succession has been explored and applied. The application to a family business case enabled a focus on... more
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      EntrepreneurshipFamily BusinessSuccession PlanningOwnership Management
In diesem Beitrag wird die Gelegenheit wahrgenommen, den vermögenskulturellen Ansatz vorzustellen, indem wir die in der Studie „Vermögen in Deutschland“ (ViD) gewonnenen Daten einer Analyse im Sinne der Vermögenskultur unterziehen. Ein... more
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      Free Will, Moral ResponsibilityPhilanthropyWealthPsychology of Wealth
The ownership and value relationship of the company has a lot of contentious issues. Previous studies have only examined the linear effect of ownership concentration on company value. In contrast to previous studies, the novelty of this... more
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      Ownership ManagementNonlinearityFirm Value
La gestion des pêcheries est une prérogative de chaque pays et ne peut être mise en oeuvre à travers des projets financés et exécutés exclusivement par des bailleurs de fonds sans l'implication des pays. Il devient fondamental de... more
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      Project ManagementSustainable DevelopmentFisheriesOwnership Management
Understanding animal population size and its demographic features is essential to address Public Health policies as well as to provide valuable information to pet industries and veterinary practitioners. Nevertheless, official data on... more
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      DemographyEpidemiologyPopulation estimationOwnership Management
Megtiszteltetés, hogy Csécsy György professzor ünnepi kötetében szerepelhet a tanulmányom, hiszen az ünnepelt nemcsak Debrecenben kollégám közel 20 éve, hanem egykor annak a miskolci alma maternek a tanára is volt, amelyiknek az 1989... more
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      Civil LawContract LawLocal GovernmentEnvironmental Sustainability
Understanding the idea of possession is essential for creating successful products and services, particularly in digital and access contexts. This paper examines current shortcomings in conceptualising ownership and possessions before... more
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      Product Service SystemOwnershipPsychological ownershipHuman-Centered Design
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      SMESmesOwnership Management