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2015, Journal of Biological Chemistry
Polycomb group (PcG) proteins are key regulators in establishing a transcriptional repressive state. Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2), one of the two major PcG protein complexes, is essential for proper differentiation and maintenance of cellular identity. Multiple factors are involved in recruiting PRC2 to its genomic targets. In this review, we will discuss the role of DNA sequence, transcription factors, pre-existing histone modifications, and RNA in guiding PRC2 towards specific genomic loci. The DNA sequence itself influences the DNA methylation state, which is an important determinant of PRC2 recruitment. Other histone modifications are also important for PRC2 binding as PRC2 can respond to different cellular states via crosstalk between histone modifications. Additionally, PRC2 might be able to sense the transcriptional status of genes by binding to nascent RNA, which could also guide the complex to chromatin. In this review, we will discuss how all these molecular aspects define a local chromatin state which controls accurate, cell-type-specific epigenetic silencing by PRC2.
Nature Communications, 2021
Organization of the genome into transcriptionally active euchromatin and silenced heterochromatin is essential for eukaryotic cell function. Phase-separation has been implicated in heterochromatin formation, but it is unclear how phase-separated condensates can contribute to stable repression, particularly for heritable epigenetic changes. Polycomb complex PRC1 is key for heterochromatin formation, but the multitude of Polycomb proteins has hindered our understanding of their collective contribution to chromatin repression. Here, we show that PRC1 forms multicomponent condensates through hetero-oligomerization. They preferentially seed at H3K27me3 marks, and subsequently write H2AK119Ub marks. We show that inducing Polycomb phase-separation can cause chromatin compaction, but polycomb condensates are dispensable for maintenance of the compacted state. Our data and simulations are consistent with a model in which the time integral of Polycomb phase-separation is progressively recorde...
Applied sciences, 2023
Epigenetics and human health, 2014
Genes & Development, 2011
Polycomb group (PcG) proteins are required for the epigenetic maintenance of developmental genes in a silent state. Proteins in the Polycomb-repressive complex 1 (PRC1) class of the PcG are conserved from flies to humans and inhibit transcription. One hypothesis for PRC1 mechanism is that it compacts chromatin, based in part on electron microscopy experiments demonstrating that Drosophila PRC1 compacts nucleosomal arrays. We show that this function is conserved between Drosophila and mouse PRC1 complexes and requires a region with an overrepresentation of basic amino acids. While the active region is found in the Posterior Sex Combs (PSC) subunit in Drosophila, it is unexpectedly found in a different PRC1 subunit, a Polycomb homolog called M33, in mice. We provide experimental support for the general importance of a charged region by predicting the compacting capability of PcG proteins from species other than Drosophila and mice and by testing several of these proteins using solutio...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2008
Polycomb group proteins are transcriptional repressors recruited to many developmental control genes. The specificity of polycomb group protein targeting is incompletely understood. Subunits of polycomb repressive complexes (PRC) are encoded by multigene families in vertebrates. Five chromodomain-containing CBX family proteins are thought to mediate chromatin association by PRC1 complexes. We visualized the recruitment of CBX proteins to chromatin using bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) analysis, wherein fragments of fluorescent proteins fused to CBX family members and histone H3 form a fluorescent complex when the CBX proteins bind to nucleosomes. Different CBX family proteins associated with nucleosomes in different subnuclear regions in both ES cells and fibroblasts. The total populations of most CBX proteins had distributions distinct from those of the chromatin-associated complexes, indicating that most of these CBX proteins were not bound to nucleosomes. The cons...
Genome Research, 2008
We describe construction of a novel modification, “6C,” of chromatin looping assays that allows specific proteins that may mediate long-range chromatin interactions to be defined. This approach combines the standard looping approaches previously defined with an immunoprecipitation step to investigate involvement of the specific protein. The efficacy of this approach is demonstrated by using a Polycomb group (PcG) protein, Enhancer of Zeste (EZH2), as an example of how our assay might be used. EZH2, as a protein of the PcG complex, PRC2, has an important role in the propagation of epigenetic memory through deposition of the repressive mark, histone H3, lysine 27, tri-methylation (H3K27me3). Using our new 6C assay, we show how EZH2 is a direct mediator of long-range intra- and interchromosomal interactions that can regulate transcriptional down-regulation of multiple genes by facilitating physical proximities between distant chromatin regions, thus targeting sites within to PcG machin...
eLife, 2012
Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2) is essential for gene silencing, establishing transcriptional repression of specific genes by tri-methylating Lysine 27 of histone H3, a process mediated by cofactors such as AEBP2. In spite of its biological importance, little is known about PRC2 architecture and subunit organization. Here, we present the first three-dimensional electron microscopy structure of the human PRC2 complex bound to its cofactor AEBP2. Using a novel internal protein tagging-method, in combination with isotopic chemical cross-linking and mass spectrometry, we have localized all the PRC2 subunits and their functional domains and generated a detailed map of interactions. The position and stabilization effect of AEBP2 suggests an allosteric role of this cofactor in regulating gene silencing. Regions in PRC2 that interact with modified histone tails are localized near the methyltransferase site, suggesting a molecular mechanism for the chromatin-based regulation of PRC2 act...
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vai se fude, 2018
Четвертая Международная научная конференция «Византия, Европа, Россия: социальные практики и взаимосвязь духовных традиций», 2024
Symbolae Osloenses, 2008
Archives Europeennes De Sociologie, 1981
Propaganda politica in facciata. Il caso di San Pietro a Tuscania, 2024
Instituciones de control del delito, 2022
Transstellar Journals, 2019
Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2016
Scientific Contributions Oil and Gas, 2021
Jurnal Ilmiah Religiosity Entity Humanity (JIREH)
Clinical and Developmental Immunology, 2013
Revista Trama Interdisciplinar, 2010