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CEMES 33F Petros Vassiliadis Ε-book 8 ALBUM OF MEMORIES. COLLECTIVE AND PERSONAL, 1998-2023 ΡΙΝΙΣΜΑΤΑ ΚΑΘΗΜΕΡΙΝΟΤΗΤΑΣ: ΘΕΟΛΟΓΙΚΑ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΑ 2021 CEMES E-BOOKS Thessaloniki 2023 0 ALBUM OF MEMORIES. COLLECTIVE AND PERSONAL, 1998-2023 1 2 The book ALBUM OF MEMORIES. COLLECTIVE AND PERSONAL, 1998-2023, is the eight e-book by the Emer. Prof. Petros Vassiliadis, consisting of some pictures of major events of the last quarter of a century (1998-2023), some of which were posted in social media, as well as in conventional and electronic periodicals. Copyright © 2023 Petros Vassiliadis & CEMES. All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in notices or reviews. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publisher. Email: pv@theo.auth.gr Cover and Book design and typesetting by the author CENTER OF ECUMENICAL, MISSIOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES “METROPOLITAN PANTELEIMON PAPAGEORGIOU” 33F PETROS VASSILIADIS ALBUM OF MEMORIES. COLLECTIVE AND PERSONAL, 1998-2023 CEMES E-BOOKS Thessaloniki 2023 3 ΚΕΝΤΡΟ ΟΙΚΟΥΜΕΝΙΚΩΝ, ΙΕΡΑΠΟΣΤΟΛΙΚΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΠΕΡΙΒΑΛΛΟΝΤΙΚΩΝ ΜΕΛΕΤΩΝ «ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΙΤΗΣ ΠΑΝΤΕΛΕΗΜΩΝ ΠΑΠΑΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ» 33F ΠΕΤΡΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑΔΗΣ AΛΜΠΟΥΜ ΑΝΑΜΝΗΣΕΩΝ. ΣΥΛΛΟΓΙΚΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΚΩΝ 1998-2023 CEMES Ε-ΒΟΟKS Θεσσαλονίκη 2023 4 Dedicated to all the colleagues and friends shown in the present album 5 PREFACE This e-book is the eight in a series in this accessible format. It differs from all previous, because it consists only of pictures taken at major scholarly events, as well as personal moments with friends or renowned personalities during the period of the last 25 years (19982023), some of which were posted on social media, or on the proceedings of scientific meetings. New year of 2023 6 CONTENTS COLLECTIVE MEMORIES 1998 “Peace and Tolerance” Symposium in Bertinoro, Italy (p. 11) 2006 Symposium in Honor & Memory of Metr. Panteleimon Papageorgiou (p. 11) 2010 Series of Lectures in Korea, including a visit to the Orthodox Church (p. 11) 2011 World Inter-Faith symposium in Kuala Lumbur Malaysia (p. 12) 2012 AGAPE Global Forum “Poverty, Wealth and Ecology” in Bogor, Indonesia (p. 12) 2013 Orthodox Theological Society of Montreal, Canada (p. 12) “The Present & Future of Biblical Studies” in Florence, Italy (p. 13) 7 2013 Inauguration of CEMES by Patriarch Bartholomew, Thessaloniki, Greece (p. 13) 40th Anniversary of the Greek Bible Translation Project (p. 13) Group photo of the Serres Conference of the Orthodox Biblical Scholars (p. 14) Group photo of the Balkan Orthodox Biblical Scholars in Serres (p. 14) The Bose Conference in Orthodox Theology and Spirituality (p. 14) 2015 The CEMES Symposium on “An Orthodox Theology of Religions” (p. 15) 2016 Greek and African delegates at the Bose conference with Patriarch of Alexandria (p. 15) The CWME Executive Committee Meeting in Matanzas, Cuba (p. 15) 2017 The Global Christian Forum Meeting in Rome, Italy (p. 16) “Orthodoxy and Inter-Religious Studies” Conference in Volos, Greece (p. 16) 8 2018 The CEMES “Economic and Refugees Crisis” Symposium, in Thessaloniki, Greece (p. 17) The CWME Conference in Arusha, Tanzania (p. 17) The AUTH-ANTONIANUM Conference in Assisi, Italy (p. 18) The AUTH Conference on “The Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church” (p. 18) With the Post-graduate students, and their professor Sergii Bortnyk, of the Mogila Kyiv Academy, in Ukraine (p. 19) With the theological students, and their Rector Bishop Job Viktor and Prof. Fr. Nikolas Danilevich of the Pochaev Lavra of Ukraine (p. 29) Welcoming Chinese students in their Greece Study Tour at the CEMES headquarters (p. 20) Welcoming Georgian students at the CEMES headquarters (p. 20) 2021 At the UGCC offices with members of the All-Ukrainian Inter-Christian Committee (p. 21) 2022 At His Holiness, Pope Francis’ reception, presenting with members of the CEMES Presidium our book For the Unity of the One Church of Christ (p. 21) 9 PERSONAL MEMORIES With Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew - With Metr. of Kyiv and All Ukraine Epiphanios With Metropolitan of Pergamon John - With Metropolitan of Targoviste Nifon (p. 22) With Metropolitan of Demetrias Ignatios - With the Abbott of Athonite Esphigmenou Monastery, Archimantrite Bartholomaios (p. 23) With K.M. George of the Malankara Oriental Orthodox Church – With Dimitrios Nikiforos (p. 24) With Nikolaos Zacharopoulos - With Metropolitan of Veroia Panteleimon Kalpakidis (p. 25) With Sister Stephanie and Presbytera Juliana Schmemann With the Founder of Bose Monastery Fr. Enzo Bianchi (p. 26) With Founder of the Russian Transfiguration Brotherhood Fr. Georgy Kochetkov With Vice-Secretary of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Fr. Mykolay Danilievich (p. 27) With Tamara Grdzelidze - With Petros Panagiotopoulos (p. 28) With Natallia Vasilevich - With Dagmar Heller (p. 29) With Alexandros Papaderos - With Serhii Shumylo (p. 30) Index of names (p. 31) 10 COLLECTIVE MEMORIES 1998 “Peace and Tolerance” Symposium in Bertinoro, Italy 2006 11 Symposium in Honor & Memory of Metr. Panteleimon Papageorgiou 2010 Series of Lectures in Korea, including a visit to the Orthodox Church 2011 World Inter-Faith symposium in Kuala Lumbur, Malaysia 2012 12 AGAPE Global Forum “Poverty, Wealth and Ecology” in Bogor, Indonesia 2013 Orthodox Theological Society of Montreal, Canada 2013 “The Present & Future of Biblical Studies” in Florence, Italy 2013 13 Inauguration of CEMES by Patriarch Bartholomew, Thessaloniki, Greece 2014 40th Anniversary of the Greek Bible Translation Project 2014 Group photo of the Serres Conference of the Orthodox Biblical Scholars 2014 14 Group photo of the Balkan Orthodox Biblical Scholars in Serres 2014 The Bose Conference in Orthodox Theology and Spirituality 2015 The CEMES Symposium on “An Orthodox Theology of Religions” 2016 15 Greek and African delegates at the Bose conference with Patriarch of Alexandria 2017 The CWME Executive Committee Meeting in Matanzas, Cuba 2017 The Global Christian Forum Meeting in Rome, Italy 2017 “Orthodoxy and Inter-Religious Studies” Conference in Volos, Greece 16 2018 The CEMES “Economic and Refugees Crisis” Symposium, in Thessaloniki, Greece 2018 The CWME Conference in Arusha, Tanzania 17 2018 The AUTH-ANTONIANUM Conference in Assisi, Italy 2018 The AUTH Conference on “The Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church” 18 2018 19 With the Post-graduate students, and their professor Sergii Bortnyk, of the Mogila Kyiv Academy, in Ukraine 2018 With the theological students, and their Rector Bishop Job Viktor and prof. Fr. Mykolay Danilevich, of the Pochaev Lavra of Ukraine 2018 Welcoming Chinese students in their Greece Study Tour at the CEMES headquarters 2019 Welcoming Georgian students at the CEMES headquarters 20 2021 At the UGCC offices with members of the All-Ukrainian Inter-Christian Committee 21 2022 At His Holiness, Pope Francis’ reception, presenting with members of the CEMES Presidium our book For the Unity of the One Church of Christ PERSONAL MEMORIES 22 With HAH Patriarch Bartholomew With Metr. of Kyiv & All Ukraine Epiphanios With Metr. of Pergamon John (Zizioulas) With Metr. of Targoviste Nifon With H.E.Metr. of Demetrias Ignatios 23 With the Abbott of Athonite Esphigmenou Monastery, Archim. Bartholomaios 24 With K.M. George of the Malankara Oriental Orthodox Church With Dimitrios Nikiforos With Nikolaos Zacharopoulos 25 With Metr. of Veroia Panteleimon Kalpakidis With Sister Stephanie and Presbytera Schmemann 26 With the Founder of Bose Monastery Fr. Enzo Bianchi With the Founder of the Transfiguration Brotherhood of Russia Fr. Georgy Kochetkov 27 With the Vice-Secretary of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Fr. Mykolay Danilievich With Tamara Grdzelidze 28 With Petros Panagiotopoulos With Natallia Vasilevich 29 With Dagmar Heller With Alexandros Papaderos With Serhii Shumylo 30 INDEX OF NAMES Abbott of Esphigmenou Bartholomaios, 24 Amoiridou Evangelia, 19 Arvanitis Christophoros, 15 Aslanoglou Marina, 12 16, 19 Atmatzidis Charalambos, 14 Bianchi Enzo, 27, Bortnyk Sergii, 20 Charalambidis Konstantinos, 15 Clapsis Emmanuel, 18, 17, 19 Coorilos Matthew, 11 Danilevich Mykolay, 20, 28 Destro Adriana,11, Dimitriadis Nikolaos, 13, 21, 22 Dimitrov Ivan, 14 Ebralidze Beka Leonide, 21 Fotopoulos Ioannis, 12 Galanis Ioannis, 13 Galitis Georgios, 13 Goutzioudis Moschos, 11, 14 Grdzelidze Tamara, 29 Gurgenidze Nicolas, 21 Heller Dagmar, 30 Hovorun Cyril, 19 Igumnov Stephen, 17 Ioannidis Thomas, 14 Kaimakis Dimitrios, 14 Kalaitzidis Pantelis, 12, 17 Kancheva Stefka, 14 Karakolis Christos, 12, 15 Karavidopoulos Ioannis, 13, 14 Kasselouri Eleni, 11 Keramidas Dimitrios, 22 Keum Jooseop, 11, 17 Kochetkov Georgy 28 Koltsiou Anna, 14 Kondothra M. George 25 Konstantinou Miltiadis 13, 14 Kosmidis Nikos, 16, 17 31 Koukoura Dimitra, 18 Kouremenos Nikos, 16, 17 Krstic Darko, 14 Kwame Labi, 17 Lamante Camilla, 19 Lontos Spyridon, 12, 14 Louth Andrew, 17 Makrantonakis Nikolaos 13 Martzelos Georgios, 18 Metr. of Alexandroupolis Anthimos 13 Metr. of Cameroun Grigorios, 16 Metr. of Dimitrias Ignatios, 13, 24 Metr. of Edessa Joel, 12 Metr. of Grevena David, 13 Metr. of Gr. Britain Angelos, 17 Metr. Job Viktor 20 + Metr. of Kefalinia Spyridon, 12 Metr. of Kenya Makarios, 18 Metr. of Krini Kyrillos, 13 Metr. of Kyiv & All Ukraine Epiphanios, 23 Metr. of Neapolis Barnabas, 18 Metr. of N. Ionia Gabriel, 18 +Metr. of Pergamon John, 23 +Metr. of Pisidia Sotirios, 12 Metr. of Pisidia Job, 19 Metr. of Targoviste Nifon, 23 Metr. of Thessaloniki Anthimos,13 + Metr. of Tyroloi Panteleimon Metr. of Veroia Panteleimon 26 Metr. of Zimbabue Serafim, 15, 18 Miguez Nestor, 17 Mihoc Basil, 14 Mihoc Daniel, 14 Miller Larry, 17 Mitropoulou Vassiliki 19 Mrad Abou Nicolas, 18 Mygdalis Kostas, 18 Na Daniel, 12 Nektarios, 21 Nikiforos Dimitrios, 13, 25 32 Ogliari Rafaelle, 16 Panagiotopoulos Petros, 19, 29 Papademitriou Kyriakoula, 14 Papaderos Alexandros, 31 Papadopoulos Dimitrios, 13 Papageorgiou Niki, 18, Papanikolaou Aristotelis, 15 Papathanasiou Athanasios, 17 Papathanasiou Konstantinos, 14 Patriarch Ecum. Bartholomew, 13, 23 Patriarch of Alexandria Theodoros, 16 Pesce Mauro, 11 Pekridou Katerina, 17 Pedroso Mateus Odair, 19 Pope Francis, 22 Shaban Ihor, 22 Schmemann Juliana, 12, 27 Shumylo Serhii, 31 Skaltsis Panagiotis, 15 Skiadaresis Ioannis, 14 Smith Stephanie, 12, 27 Stathis Georgios, 15 Tachiaos Antonios-Emil, 12, 13 Tarnanidis Ioannis, 13 Tirikanidou Anna, 14 Tsalambouni Aikaterina, 12, 14 Tsironis Christos, 15 Tsompanidis Stelios, 13, 18 Valva d'Ayala Luigi, 16 Vasilevich Natallia, 30 Vassiliadou Anastasia, 11 Vletsis Athanasios, 18 Voulgaraki Evi, 18 Winner Stavros, 12 You Bin, 21 Zacharopoulos Nikolaos, 18, 21, 26 Zarras Konstantinos, 12 33 Ε-book 8 scholastic theology used to believe. And the pioneer in establishing liturgical theology as the main theological discipline was Father Alexander Schmemann." The conference was attended by the Dean of the Theological Faculty of the SFI, a member of the Inter-Council Presence of the Russian Orthodox Church, David Gzgzyan (Moscow), a senior lecturer at the SFI, a member of the Society of Eastern Liturgy Zoya Dashevskaya (Moscow), a leading researcher at the House of Russian Diaspora Alexander Solzhenitsyn Natalia Likvintseva (Moscow), Scientific Secretary of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Associate Professor of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen, Julia Balakshina (St. Petersburg), Rev. Dr. of the Greek Orthodox Metropolitanate of Germany, Archpriest Georgios Basioudis (Germany, Mannheim), the First Vice-Rector of the Siberian Federal District, Dmitriy Gasak (Moscow), Victoria de Hahn (Great Britain, Oxford) and other researchers and clergy from Russia, Germany, USA, Greece and Great Britain. The conference ended on December 14 with a panel discussion on "The legacy of Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann in modern liturgical and pastoral practice." ALBUM OF MEMORIES. COLLECTIVE AND PERSONAL, 1998-2023 Source: Fb & https://sfi.ru/en/sfi-today/news/liturgicheskoe-obnovlenie-bez-peremenyekkleziologii-nevozmozhno.html. & youtube.com/watch?v=2pQ_M4ob9xc 34 CEMES E-BOOKS