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The Skills Development of Pencak Silat Training Model based on Traditional Games Movement Dwi Suci Lestari1, Panggung Sutapa1 1Faculty of Sport Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Colombo Street No.1, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Keywords: Skills, Training Model, Pencak Silat, Traditional Games. Abstract: The model of training that is appropriate to the characteristics of children is expected to be able to help the process of forming pencak silat movement skills in a coordinated manner to better understand the movement control and coordination from a developmental perspective. This study aims to describe the needs of trainers related to the training model used to develop the skills of early childhood pencak silat through needs assessment. The method used is a survey with a mixed approach method: quantitative and qualitative. The sample consisted of 30 trainers between 21-58 years old. The data collection was done using questionnaires with open-ended questions. The data analysis was done using Excel. The result of this research through the need for assessment of pencak silat trainers at School showed that pencak silat training model that is in accordance with the characteristics of the children and the martial arts sport event developed is expected to facilitate the trainer in delivering material that is appropriate to the children’s needs. It can be concluded that to be able to make a more efficient technique movement, a model of exercise is made. It is a process to develop athletes from early age with innovative models and can be used to attract children's interest and enthusiasm. 1 INTRODUCTION Early age is the right time or indicator to provide basic motor skills due to the growth and development of children is rapidly occurred during this period. The importance of the acceptance of the movement skills during this period is a solid foundation for the development and a core of a good education in the classroom, the gym, or a children's playground that used to receive various types of motor skills, so children who are already accustomed to receive various motor skills will accept the same movement skills easier in the future. The process of learning technical motion needs to be considered carefully in its implementation. The trainer has an important role in providing the correct technical movements for the children being drilled. In order to get effective and efficient results, it is necessary to be accompanied by guidance and evaluation of the mistakes made and told how to do the right movements. Thus the children are always in a controlled state and in the mind of the children who are trained has a picture of the movement of the technique. Good mastery of techniques will affect the level of efficiency in the use of energy for the athetes, so that they are able to do activities repeatedly in a long time without experiencing physical and psychological fatigue. In addition, for the fighter who mastery of good technique will minimize the possibility of a good injury during training or competition. Good mastery will also facilitate fighter in developing emergency techniques to support the appearance at a higher level, that the correct technique has a very high level of efficiency (good techniques = high efficiency). Coaching from an early age through a structured and continuous nursery program, with the right concept becomes a help in sports performance. The development achievement from the beginning needs to be managed properly and correctly in accordance with the principles of long-term development, systematic and goal-oriented goals to be obtained. Sports nurseries are an important stage in the fostering of sporting achievements which are the foundation of building an achievement sports coaching system. Without well-nursed nurseries, the achievement stage will not be reached. The nursery system is the best way to form a strong foundation, towards the next stage, namely specialization on an ongoing basis to the high achievement stage. The experience of motion received by the child give him 217 Lestari, D. and Sutapa, P. The Skills Development of Pencak Silat Training Model based on Traditional Games Movement. DOI: 10.5220/0009308702170223 In Proceedings of the 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (YISHPESS and CoIS 2019), pages 217-223 ISBN: 978-989-758-457-2 Copyright c 2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS 2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019) stimulus to the movement skills in particular. It can also be recorded in the memory of his brain. Pencak silat is a movement made up of the attitude of the early pairs, techniques perform, and complete. Formation of attitude is the basis of the establishment of the motion that includes the creation of physical and spiritual attitudes. Understanding the process of development for individual sapling provide important guidelines for the teaching and practice of effective models. The process of training carried out by individuals will produce changes, which will change it for the better than before. Therefore, the hope of the changes that formed the pencak silat movement was not initially approved by the individuals. The childhood period of 8-12 years is the ideal time for movement interactions. At this time, motion skills must be directed that it will be difficult to do complex movements in the future specifically for martial arts. Play is an effort to meet three needs at once namely physical, emotional, and stimulation / educational needs. A child who is used to interacting with his peers has a good level of motivation and readiness to receive a more complicated education. Various opinions about the definition of play put forward by experts. Play is a term used freely so that its main meaning may be lost. Activities carried out for the pleasure it causes without considering the final results. Play is done voluntarily and there is no coercion or pressure from outside/ obligations. Efforts early breeding programs are structured and continuous, with the right concept become a demand on sports coaching achievements. Coaching achievements since the beginning needs to be managed properly in accordance with the principle of fostering long-term, systematic and goal-oriented targets to be obtained. Pencak Silat is a very competitive sport achievement. Peak performance can be achieved by an athlete is not generated by relying on the luck factor. All of that is achieved by requiring the systematic development planning process and designed in a long time and process. This means that the management process guidance that continuously and gradually to teach motor skills. Since the beginning of early age, the development of multilateral, until golden era of age in all sports, especially martial arts training model of the movement skills is one of the key factors in the achievement of an athlete. Field observations show that it is rare for pencak silat trainers to do technical moves based on the science and technology (Science and Technology) examination during the training process. Most trainers only provide material through demonstrations or just give examples based on the 218 capabilities of the trainer. As a result, many trainees have imperfect technical movements even though they have been trained from an early age. In addition, the obsession of coaches who force young children to practice to participate in the competition even though their mastery of technical movements is not perfect yet is a problem that needs attention in the process of training to practice pencak silat starting from an early age. Then, by making practice model importance level adjusted to the characteristics will be very great so as not to inhibit the growth of the children. Physical activity in various models of physical education can encourage and motivate children to be directly involved in obtaining a health-based experience. Sports competitions required continuous assessment related to the physiology, psychology, and biomotorik to evaluate improved performance, efficiency and effectiveness of exercise and mental strength ranging from children to adults, and all sports competitions required continuous assessment of which were related to the physiology, psychology, and biomotorik to evaluate improved performance, efficiency and effectiveness of exercise and mental powers in accordance with the children until they become adults. Model exercises with physical condition is an image associated with health and skills. The physical condition is influenced by muscle type, age, gender and practice. Exercise is important to improve their health, but it is also likely to cause injury because of an intensive training program with high frequency. Appropriate model exercises and appropriate characteristics of the children is expected to assist in the formation of martial arts movement skills in a coordinated way to better understand the control and coordination of movement from a developmental perspective. Beside being able to provide a new space in the training process, developing traditional games can also incorporate aspects of the objectives of physical education including affective, cognitive and psychomotor. The goal is for children to do physical activity in accordance with their characteristics, in addition to the requirement in sport martial arts can also be received by the children. 2 2.1 LITERATURE RIVIEW Martial Arts Pencak silat is a sport in which its development can be done from early age. That is because martial arts began to be contested from an early age, adolescents, to adults. The categories of Pencak silat competition The Skills Development of Pencak Silat Training Model based on Traditional Games Movement consist of match, single, double, and team categories. Match martial arts performed by a sense of brotherhood and soul knight by using elements of martial arts and martial arts sport and uphold the vow of fighters Indonesia. The match is played in accordance with the categories set out in regulation match and led by a legitimate technical implementation. Formation of attitude is the basis of the establishment of the motion that includes physical and spiritual attitudes. Physical attitude is physical readiness to perform the movements with good engineering skills. The mental attitude is the mental readiness and mind to do with the purpose vigilant, alert, practical and efficient. Category Matches in sports Pencak Silat include: (1) sparring category. (2) a single category. (3) doubles. (4) categories of teams. Pencak Silat is a combination of several elements of the movement of mutual support. Elements of movement in martial arts consist of the value of the arts, as well as highlight the beauty of motion. There are some elements of movement are described in details, including: (1) horses. (2) the attitude of pairs. (3) the pattern of steps. (4) protection. (5) attack, and (6) catches. 2.2 Training Methods The method is a way to establish a training process so that the goals can be achieved. Thus the training method is a systematic way which are applied in the training process to achieve goals such as motor skills of a person. In addition, the training methods can be defined as a process to divide the difficult skill into a simple form in order to facilitate the training process. During the training process, coaches accuracy in applying the method to determine the success in achieving the desired goals. In competitive sports, psychological and biomotor assistance are needed to improve the efficiency, efficiency and effectiveness of training, and mental strength from children to adults. Exercise is a systematic process to improve athlete performance in the form of fitness, skills, and energy capacity by paying attention to educational aspects through scientific approaches. Training is a work process that must be carried out systematically, repeatedly, continuously, and the longer the amount of burden given is increasing. During the training process, the trainer's accuracy in the method is very much agreed upon in the desired goal. Related to that, the application of the method must be adapted to the maturity of older children, an environment that can influence the exercise process. Thus, it can be concluded that exercise is a process that improves physical quality and exercise which is carried out repeatedly with progressive loading. For this reason, the training process requires the right method so that what is the main goal is needed. In accordance with the explanations from several experts the resolution of the training model thus the training model requested in this study is a training model that is adapted to the needs of children in the martial arts sport which is conducted in the form of play. The game used is a game that is tailored to the needs of children and branches of martial arts so that there are those who accept these two variables. Understanding introduces learning theory is a form of foundation in the development of the martial arts exercise skills training model. This is related to material about children who receive training materials and what training materials can be delivered in accordance with the characteristics of children aged 812 years. Learning theory is the foundation that compiles designs, develops designs by utilizing media and carrying out the process. The law of association, that the experience or memory of an object tends to create a memory of something similar to that object. Furthermore, it is explained that Aristotle considered the impression of the senses as the basis of all knowledge. In line with this theoretical thinking that the skills of martial arts requires a variety of senses involved therein. Children will be more motivated in carrying out activities if the environment is conducive to learning. A supportive play atmosphere such as friends, types of activities, places of activity felt by children will really give positive encouragement. The application of methods must be adapted to the conditions in which well aged children maturity level, an environment that may affect the training process. It can be concluded that the practice is a systematic process to improve the physical quality and appearance of exercise performed repeatedly with progressive loading. It required exercise the right method so what are the main objectives achieved optimally. Traditional sports are cultural heritage of the ancestors of Indonesia. Traditional sports have to meet two requirements, namely in the form of "sport" and at the "traditional" either in a tradition that has evolved over several generations, as well as in the sense of something that is related to the cultural tradition of a nation more broadly. Cultural values embodied in the form of traditional sport is the award at great effort to achieve superior performance, award at the accomplishments of others. 219 YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS 2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019) 3 METHOD This research is a descriptive research with mix methods. Mixed method was the procedure to collect, analyze and mix quantitative and qualitative data in a study or series of multiphase research. The data were collected using two (2) techniques, namely the review of the literature and field surveys. Mixed methods research was done by accumulating data or information that was valid and reliable. Subjects who were chosen in this research were martial arts coaches from several colleges silat 30 people with an age range of 21 to 58 years, from 9 universities martial arts in West Kalimantan. The data were collected by using open-ended questions consisting of 15 questions that were made using a google form, Data collection techniques was performed by using an open-ended question consisting of 15 items of questions. The questionnaire contained 10 questions of choice and 5 a description of where the question description exempt coach to answer questions according to his thinking. The data were analyzed using statistical methods mix. Results obtained are presented below. 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Result The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire with open-ended questions. Researchers distributing questionnaires via google forms are already available. The questionnaire contains several questions relating to: (1) Model practice martial arts for early childhood. (2) Using a tedious exercise models without adjusting the characteristics of the child. (3) The method of training given to early childhood trainers (4) Modify the traditional game into practice models. (5) The traditional games can increase motor skills. Table 1: The Result of Close Questionnaire. No 1 2 3 4 5 220 indicators Yes (%) Traditional games can improve motor 96.7 skills of children Traditional games can educate a child 86.7 without pressure. Model exercises with games make 100 children happy. Analyzing corresponding affective, 86.7 and psychomotor kognif It needs a model of exercise in accordance with the characteristics of 96.7 children No. (%) 4.3 13.3 0 13.3 4.3 Table 1 shows that 96.7% trainers have the same thought that traditional games can improve motor skills of martial arts. 4.3% of a coach with a different mindset. Traditional games can educate children without depressed 86.7% and 13.3%-minded coach with the thought that is different. 100% trainers provide views of children be happy if the coach gives this type of training to traditional games. Model exercises adapted to study theories of child development, ages 8-12) to analyze the charge of cognitive, affective, psychomotor adapted to study theories of child development, ages 8-12 86.7%. Needs a model exercise in accordance with the characteristics of children 8-12 years old. Open-ended questionnaire conducted on 30 subjects martial arts coaches from nine universities in West Kalimantan. Results show that the majority of subjects stated that this type of training for early childhood is not adjusted to the characteristics of children and the exercise membosankan. Therefore, models make children feel pressured by models of a given workout. Lack of knowledge of the coach to exercise that is given to early childhood coach can not distinguish between the provision of exercise on early childhood and teen age children or adults. The training model is a star for students conducted on students, arranged based on the theory provided for the complaint of the material to children. The learning process begins with how to arrange the material to be delivered, the suitability of the material, then proceed with how to deliver structured material to students. The existence of a good learning model and in accordance with the characteristics of students makes it easy for teachers to deliver the material. In addition to the existence of a good learning model, there are important things that must be possessed by the instructor, namely the mastery of learning material. Teacher mastery of the material delivered to students is a determinant of whether the learning model can be done well or not. Teaching models can actually be interpreted as learning models. When educators help students obtain information, ideas, skills, values, ways of thinking and the purpose of expressing themselves, educators are actually teaching students to learn. In essence the most important long-term instructional results are how students are able to improve their capabilities to be able to learn more easily and more effectively in the future, both because of the knowledge and skills acquired and because of the students' mastery of a better learning process. To be able to do a more efficient technique of motion made models of practice which is the process for the development of athletes at the start of the age of the children. Therefore, it is necessary to have a model of The Skills Development of Pencak Silat Training Model based on Traditional Games Movement a special form of exercise that is given to early childhood. 4.2 Discussion There is lack of knowledge about the model trainer training. Lack of knowledge of the coach one of them causing more than 50% do not have a coach coaching certificate. Training certificate is obtained after training. Naturally, if the average coach has less knowledge, it provides models of practice based solely on experience. In addition, lack of exercise model of early childhood martial arts coach has no reference in providing proper exercise models for early childhood. Exercise is the process whereby a person discovers new things derived from observation, and the experience of someone. Limitations of the coach in mastering the material, and the provision of appropriate models of practice that is not given by the coaches in college is something that often happens. The process of exercise performed by an individual can result in changes, which aims to change it to be better than ever. Therefore, the expectations of changes in the form of martial arts movement skills initially had never possessed by the individual. Children aged 8-12 years period is an ideal time to study the motion. At this time when mastering motor skills difficulties do likely not perform a complex movement in the future, especially in martial arts. There are several stages according to Johansyah Lubis movement skills in martial arts coaches upgrading the national level, namely: (a) the cognitive stage, the process of thinking is very active, individual attention to various cues that affect the situation and trying to choose which one to use. In this cognitive stage, that note is the understanding of the run movements being studied. (b) secondary stage (Associative), the learning phase, in which the individual has to understand what to do, and the main problem is the need to practice what they have learned as well as the conditions that support the practice. The direction of the practice of the movement is to achieve efficiency and efektiitas motion. (c) the stage of automation, agile stage individuals are no longer too concerned about the movement to achieve the best performance. Movement becomes autonomous, meaning that the movement can be performed without influence by other activities that should be done at the same time. Improving the ability of harmony and precision of movement would be better if it continues to be practiced. The skills learned well can develop into a habit. (B) secondary stage (Associative), the learning phase, in which the individual has to understand what to do, and the main problem is the need to practice what they have learned as well as the conditions that support the practice. The direction of the practice of the movement is to achieve efficiency and motion effectiveness, (c) the stage of automation, agile stage individuals are no longer too concerned about the movement to achieve the best performance. Movement becomes autonomous, meaning that the movement can be performed without influence by other activities that should be done at the same time. Improving the ability of harmony and precision of movement would be better if it continues to be practiced. The skills learned can develop into a habit. (B) secondary stage (Associative), the learning phase, in which the individual has to understand what to do, and the main problem is the need to practice what they have learned as well as the conditions that support the practice. The direction of the practice of the movement is to achieve efficiency and motion evectivity, (c) the stage of automation, agile stage individuals are no longer too concerned about the movement to achieve the best performance. Movements become autonomous, meaning that they can be performed without influence by other activities that should be done at the same time. Improving the ability of harmony and precision of movement would be better if it continues to be practiced. The skills learned would develop into a habit. in which people have to understand what to do, and the main problem is the need to practice what they have learned as well as the conditions that support the practice. The direction of the practice of the movement is to achieve efficiency and efektiitas motion, (c) the stage of automation, agile stage individuals are no longer too concerned about the movement to achieve the best performance. Movements become autonomous, meaning that the movements can be performed without the influence by other activities that should be done at the same time. Improving the ability of harmony and precision of movement would be better if it continues to be practiced. The skills learned would develop into a habit. In which people have to understand what to do, and the main problem is the need to practice what they have learned as well as the conditions that support the practice. The direction of the practice of the movement is to achieve efficiency and the motion effectiveness, (c) the stage of automation, agile stage individuals are no longer too concerned about the movement to achieve the best performance. Movements become autonomous, meaning that the movements can be performed without the influence by other activities that should be done at the same time. Improving the ability of 221 YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS 2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019) harmony and precision of movement would be better if it continues to be practiced. The skills learned would develop into a habit. The direction of the practice of the movement is to achieve efficiency and efektiitas motion, (c) the stage of automation, agile stage individuals are no longer too concerned about the movements to achieve the best performance. Movements become autonomous, meaning that the movements can be performed without the influence by other activities that should be done at the same time. Improving the ability of harmony and precision of movements would be better if it continues to be practiced. The skills learned would develop into a habit. The direction of the practice of the movement is to achieve efficiency and the motion effectiveness, (c) the stage of automation, agile stage individuals are no longer too concerned about the movements to achieve the best performance. The movements become autonomous, meaning that the movement can be performed without influence by other activities that should be done at the same time. Improving the ability of harmony and precision of movement would be better if it continues to be practiced. The skills learned would develop into a habit. It means that the movements can be performed without the influence of other activities that should be done at the same time. Improving the ability of harmony and precision of movements would be better if it continues to be practiced. The skills learned would develop into a habit. It means that the movement can be performed without the influence by other activities that should be done at the same time. Improving the ability of harmony and precision of movements would be better if it continues to be practiced. The skills learned would develop into a habit. Based on the results of the initial survey and analysis of the issue, the researchers realized that the order for the process of motion exercises martial arts skills can run optimally and in accordance with the requirements based on the characteristics of children aged 8-12 years old, it needs a model of practice in which the model exercise it in accordance with the needs of children ages 8-12 years. 5 CONCLUSIONS The development of motor skills exercise models based martial arts traditional games for children ages 8-12 years of motion skills models adapted to the characteristics of children aged 8-12 years are necessary to improve physical fitness and can perform activities move more independently without having to 222 rely on help from others. This research can help in providing advice to shows that the model of martial arts practice in sesuikan with the characteristics of children and martial arts sport that was developed is expected to facilitate the trainer in presenting the material in accordance with the needs of the child. Based on the analysis of existing problems. Pencak silat motion skills needs can be introduced and instilled through a model of exercise that has been done several assessments so that the training process needs of children can be met through this model. The role of the trainer in the development of this model largely determines the results obtained in the training process so that in the training process the trainer must play an active role to get the expected results. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author would like to thank all the trainers from several martial arts colleges in West Kalimantan who were involved and contributed to the preliminary study of my thesis. 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