Nephrol Dial Transplant (2003) 18: 2074–2081
DOI: 10.1093/ndt/gfg325
Original Article
Atrophy of non-locomotor muscle in patients with end-stage
renal failure
Centre for Biophysical and Clinical Research into Human Movement and 2Exercise Physiology Group, Manchester
Metropolitan University, Alsager, Stoke-on-Trent, UK, 3Institute for Fundamental and Clinical Human Movement
Sciences, Vrije University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and 4Directorate of Renal Medicine, North Staffordshire Hospital
Trust, Stoke-on-Trent, UK
Background. All previous histological studies of skeletal muscles of patients with renal failure have used
locomotor muscle biopsies. It is thus unclear to what
degree the observed abnormalities are due to the
uraemic state and how much is due to disuse. The
present study was undertaken to attempt to investigate
this question by examining a non-locomotor muscle
(rectus abdominis) in patients with end-stage renal
Methods. Biopsies from rectus abdominis were
obtained from 22 renal failure patients (RFPs) undergoing surgical Tenchkoff catheter implantation for
peritoneal dialysis and 20 control subjects undergoing
elective abdominal surgery. Histochemical staining of
frozen sections and morphometric analysis was used to
estimate the proportion of each fibre type, muscle fibre
area and capillary density. Myosin heavy chain composition was examined by SDS–PAGE.
Results. There were no differences in fibre type
distribution between RFPs and controls. All RFPs
showed fibre atrophy [mean cross-sectional area (CSA)
3300 ± 1100 mm2, compared to 4100 ± 1100 mm2 in
controls (P < 0.05)]. All fibre types were smaller in
mean CSA in RFPs than in controls (15, 26 and 28%
for types I, IIa and IIx, respectively). These differences
could not be accounted for by differences in age, gender
or cardiovascular or diabetic comorbidity. Muscle
fibre capillarization, expressed as capillaries per fibre
Correspondence and offprint requests to: P. F. Naish, MB
FRCP, Renal Medicine, North Staffordshire Hospital Trust,
Princes Road, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 7LN, UK. Email: patrick.
*Present address: University of California, San Francisco, San
Francisco General Hospital, Department of Medicine, San
Francisco, CA, USA.
yPresent address: Department of Biomedical Sciences, University
Medical School, Forsterhill, Aberdeen, UK.
or capillary contacts per fibre, was significantly less in
Conclusions. Since a non-locomotor muscle was examined, the effects of disuse as a cause of atrophy have
been minimized. It is likely, therefore, that the
decreased muscle fibre CSA and capillary density of
RFPs compared to controls were due predominantly to
uraemia itself.
Keywords: atrophy; non-locomotor muscle; renal
Muscle wasting and weakness are common in chronic
and end-stage renal failure and are associated with
physiological impairments and limitations in activities
of daily living [1]. An interrelated set of causal factors in
these circumstances includes decreased protein/calorie
intake, disuse atrophy and disordered muscle protein
balance that favours catabolism [2]. In addition,
anaemia and neuropathy (uraemic or diabetic) may
contribute to functional impairment [3].
All previous studies of skeletal muscle morphology in
renal failure have examined upper or lower limb (i.e.
locomotor) muscle biopsies [4–10]. It is possible that the
abnormalities observed may have been due both to the
effects of uraemia and to disuse atrophy. The purpose
of the present study, therefore, was to characterize
the degree of abnormality found in a non-locomotor
muscle of patients with renal failure, thereby largely
eliminating the potential influence of disuse atrophy.
It was hypothesized that the histochemical and morphometric profile of the renal failure muscle would be
abnormal in comparison with age-matched controls
free of renal failure.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 18(10) ß ERA–EDTA 2003; all rights reserved
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Giorgos K. Sakkas1,*, Derek Ball1,y, Thomas H. Mercer2, Anthony J. Sargeant1,3,
Keith Tolfrey2 and Patrick F. Naish4
Non-locomotor muscle atrophy in renal failure
Subjects and methods
made using haematoxylin and eosin, Harris’s haematoxylin.
To determine the percentage of types I, IIa and IIx fibres,
acid-labile myofibrillar ATPase was used [14], with preincubation at pH 4.40 and 4.75. For identifying the muscle
fibre capillaries, an -amylase–PAS stain was employed [15].
The morphometric analysis was performed with a camera
(E.A.S.Y. 429 K) connected to a light-microscope (Zeiss
axioskop) and digitizer (Mitsubishi, Video Copy Processor,
Herolab: molecular technique software) connected to a PC.
The cross-sectional area (CSA) of the muscle fibres from each
sample was determined, the fibre type distribution was determined from sections stained for myofibrillar ATPase and the
number of fibres per square millimetre was calculated from
the sections stained by the haematoxylin method. A minimum
number of 100 fibres was studied from each sample. Morphometric analysis was performed without prior knowledge of the
group origin of the biopsy. Atrophic fibres were classified
as all those fibres with a CSA of <50% of the control mean
CSA, which was specific for each fibre type: 1729 mm2 for
type I, 2545 mm2 for type IIa and 1749 mm2 for type IIx.
Capillary profile
Capillaries were quantified manually from photographs taken
from the previously described image analysis system. An area
containing at least 150 fibres in each section was selected for
capillary counting. Analysis of capillary profiles included
the capillary-to-fibre ratio (C:F), i.e. the ratio of the number
of capillaries occurring with 100 fibres; capillary density per
square millimetre of muscle tissue (CD/mm2); and capillary
contact per fibre (CC/F), i.e. the number of capillaries that
were adjacent to a single fibre and thus used as a measure
of aerobic potential of skeletal muscle. All the capillary
measurements were determined from at least 100 fibres,
except CD/mm2, which included all the fibres within a
specified area (mm2). All transversely cut capillaries were
counted; if a capillary was sectioned longitudinally, it was
counted as one each time it crossed a junction between three
or more muscle fibres.
Muscle biopsy
A biopsy (200–500 mg wet tissue) of rectus abdominis muscle
was obtained from each RFP undergoing Tenchkoff catheter
insertion for peritoneal dialysis [13] and from each control
subject undergoing abdominal surgery. The biopsy specimen
was kept moist on a piece of gauze that was moistened with
normal saline. The specimen was cut into two parts at right
angles in relation to the direction of muscle fibres; one part
was used for histological and histochemical analysis and the
remainder for determination of myosin heavy chain (MyHC)
composition by gel electrophoresis.
Histological and histochemical analysis
The biopsy materials were rapidly frozen in isopentane
(155 C) for 10 s and stored in liquid nitrogen (196 C).
Serial sections of the samples were obtained by cutting
transverse sections of the biopsy (10 mm thickness in a cryostat
Leica CM1800, Germany) at 25 C and collected on glass
slides treated with poly-L-lysine. All sections were stained on
the same day of cutting, with a time delay of 2 h.
A minimum of three serial sections per patient were used for
histological examination; the morphological examination was
MyHC analysis: one-dimensional gel electrophoresis
The proportion of MyHC isoforms present in the whole
muscle sample was determined as follows. Muscle specimens
(30–50 mg) were homogenized (1 mg of muscle tissue per 10 ml
of buffer solution) in a buffer solution composed of 10%
glycerol (w/v), 5% 2-mercaptoethanol (w/v), 2.3% SDS (w/v),
62.5 mM Tris and 0.001% bromophenol blue (w/v), pH 6.8
(corrected by HCl), and incubated at 80 C for 10 min.
Samples were then centrifuged at 12 000 g at 4 C for 5 min.
The supernatant fractions were collected and stored
separately (80 C) and later analysed by SDS–PAGE.
Vertical PAGE (0.75 mm thickness) in the presence of SDS
was performed according to the method of Talmadge and Roy
[16]. MyHCs were analysed in high-glycerol-containing gels
(30%). MyHC isoforms from the rectus abdominis muscle
were resolved into three separate bands, MyHC I and IIa and
IIx, in 8 and 4% polyacrylamide for separating and stacking
gels, respectively. The ratio of acrylamide and bisacrylamide
in stock was 50:1. The gels were run for 22 h at a constant
current of 20 mA and at temperature of 4 C. The relative
content of MyHC isoforms was determined by densitometry
using gels stained with Coomassie blue (R250). The protein
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The renal failure patient (RFP) group consisted of 22 predialysis patients (12 women and 10 men), aged 54.7 ± 14.3
(mean ± SD) years. Patients who agreed to take part were
recruited sequentially. They had reached end-stage renal
failure (serum creatinine 6.4 ± 2.1 mg/dl, blood urea nitrogen
14.3 ± 4.5 mg/dl) and were studied at the time of catheter
insertion for peritoneal dialysis, just prior to the institution of
dialysis. The primary causes of renal failure were renovascular
disease in five cases, reflux nephropathy in four, diabetic
nephropathy in three, small kidneys of unknown cause in
three, glomerulonephritis in three, and amyloid in one.
Twelve patients had no comorbidity, eight had cardiovascular
comorbidity (ischaemic heart disease, peripheral vascular
disease, left ventricuslar dysfunction) and five were diabetic.
The nutritional status of the patients was assessed by the
subjective global assessment (SGA) method, using a sevenpoint scale [11]. The SGA involved a careful history and
clinical examination. The accuracy, reproducibility and
validity of this method have previously been shown in dialysis
patients [12]. Blood samples were taken for measurement of
creatinine, albumin concentration, haemoglobin and parathyroid hormone.
The control (CON) group consisted of 20 subjects (10
women and 10 men), aged 58.5 ± 16.9 (mean ± SD) years,
undergoing elective abdominal surgery for various conditions
such as hernia repair and elective cholecystectomy, and none
had infective, malignant or inflammatory conditions. Blood
samples taken as a routine hospital procedure were analysed
for creatinine, albumin and haemoglobin.
All subjects were given both an oral and written
explanation of the purpose and procedures of the study
prior to participation and gave written informed consent.
All procedures were approved by the Local Research Ethics
G. K. Sakkas et al.
bands were identified according to their apparent molecular
masses compared to the migration of high-molecular-weight
protein markers (C 3312, Sigma, Poole, UK). The densitometric system used Herolab software as described above, and
the coefficient of variation of the gels analysis was 4.87%.
Statistical analysis
Haematological and biochemical evaluation
The RFP group showed significantly higher serum
creatinine concentration (t40 ¼ 11.8, P < 0.01) and
lower albumin (t40 ¼ 2.8, P < 0.01) and haemoglobin
concentration (t40 ¼ 9.4, P < 0.01) than the CON
group (Table 1).
Muscle fibre type composition: histochemical analysis
In the rectus abdominis muscle of the CON group,
the dominant fibre types were types I and IIa, which
together accounted for 88% of all fibres present, and
12% of the fibres were identified as type IIx (Table 2).
A similar pattern was found in the RFP group, in
which types I, IIa and IIx fibres accounted for 49, 43
and 8%, respectively. 2 analyses indicated that no
significant differences existed between the groups when
comparing the fibre type distribution (P > 0.05) or
MyHC isoform composition: SDS–PAGE
Similar to the histochemical analysis of fibre type composition, the dominant MyHC isoforms were types I
and IIa, which accounted for 90% of the total MyHC in
both groups. 2 analysis revealed no statistically significant differences between the groups concerning the three
different types of MyHC isoforms (P > 0.05) (Table 2).
Muscle fibre CSA
Type I fibres were revealed to be significantly smaller in
CSA than type IIa fibres (F2,39 ¼ 19.654, P < 0.05). This
corresponded to a 32 and 22% smaller CSA for the
CON and RFP groups, respectively (Figure 1). Type IIx
fibres, which accounted for 5–7% of all fibres, also had a
smaller mean CSA compared to type IIa in both groups
(F2,39 ¼ 19.654, P < 0.05) (Figure 1). All RFPs showed
a general muscle fibre atrophy, and the mean CSA was
21% smaller (3300 ± 1100 mm2) than in the CON group
(4100 ± 1100 mm2, F1,43 ¼ 7.5, P < 0.05); hence, the
number of fibres per square millimetre of muscle was
higher (288 ± 54 vs 254 ± 78, F1,43 ¼ 2.069, P ¼ 0.05)
in the RFP group than in the CON group. The fibre
population most affected in the RFP group was the type
IIa fibres, which were 26% smaller than in the CON
group (3800 ± 1600 vs 5100 ± 1500 mm2), and the
type IIx fibre CSA was 28% smaller than in the CON
group (2500 ± 1700 vs 3500 ± 1200 mm2, F1,40 ¼ 7.5,
P < 0.05) (Figure 1). Additional analysis of the renal
failure data demonstrated that those patients with some
form of comorbidity had smaller type I fibres than those
with renal failure alone (2518 ± 786 vs 2892 ± 1120
mm2, P ¼ 0.029). There were, however, no differences in
the size of the other types of muscle fibres between RFPs
with and without some form of comorbidity or diabetes
(Table 5).
Nutritional status
The SGA showed that seven of the 22 RFPs were
malnourished (B or Bþ). No significant differences in
Table 2. Fibre type distribution (%) and relative myosin heavy
chain (MyHC) content (%) in the renal failure patient (RFP,
n ¼ 22) and control (CON, n ¼ 20) groups based on histochemical
and SDS–PAGE analyses
Table 1. Haematological and biochemical variables in the renal
failure patient (RFP) and control (CON) groups
Creatinine (60–120 mmol/l)
Albumin (35–50 g/dl)
Haemoglobin (13–18 g/dl)
Mean venous TCO2 (24–32 mmol/l)
Parathyroid hormone (6–20 pmol/l)
567 ± 187
37 ± 2a
10 ± 1a
22 ± 3
19 ± 13
Significant differences between groups (P < 0.01).
TCO2, total bicarbonate.
92 ± 25
42 ± 6
14 ± 1
Fibre type
Type I
Type IIa
Type IIx
MyHC content
49 ± 9
43 ± 11
50 ± 14
38 ± 14
12 ± 12
48.6 ± 11.9
40.6 ± 14.1
10.8 ± 13.2
47.3 ± 14.9
42.6 ± 14.5
10.1 ± 10.9
Values are presented as means ± SD.
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All analyses were carried out by using the statistical package
SPSS 9.0 for Windows (SPSS, Chicago, IL). Standard
descriptive statistics, consisting of means ± SDs, were used
to characterize the subject population. 2 analyses were used
to assess percentage fibre type and MyHC distribution
between the two groups. Two-way [group (CON and RFP) by
fibre type (I, IIa and IIx)] mixed-model repeated measures
ANOVAs were used to examine differences in CSA. Tukey
HSD post hoc analysis was performed to indicate differences
within analyses. 2 analysis was used to compare the
percentage of atrophied types I, IIa and IIx fibres between
the RFP and CON groups. Independent t-tests were used to
examine differences in mean fibre CSA, CD/mm2, CC/F and
C:F between the two groups. An independent Student’s t-test
was performed to analyse the differences between malnourished and well-nourished patients as well as the clinical
assessment data. An
level of P 0.05 was selected to
indicate statistical significance.
percentage distribution of MyHC isoforms (P > 0.05)
(Table 2).
Non-locomotor muscle atrophy in renal failure
Table 3. The percentage of atrophic fibres in the renal failure
patient (RFP, n ¼ 22) and control (CON, n ¼ 20) groups
Type I
Type IIa
Type IIx
Type II
The total percentage value represents the number of atrophic fibres
in RFP and CON groups independent of fibre type. The different
fibre type percentage values represent the number of atrophic fibres
within each specific fibre type population.
Significant differences (P < 0.05).
Fig. 2. Photomicrograph of renal failure patient muscle biopsy,
showing muscle fibre atrophy and random distribution in fibre size
and shape.
muscle fibre CSA were observed between malnourished
and well-nourished patients (P > 0.05).
Compared with the CON group, the muscle biopsies
of the rectus abdominis muscle from the RFP group
showed three times as many atrophied muscle fibres
with random distribution in fibre size and shape within
the muscle (Figure 2). In the CON group, only 10%
of all fibres were classified as atrophic; in comparison,
in the RFP group, 27% of all fibres have been
calculated as being atrophic (x2 ¼ 42.55, P < 0.05)
(Table 3). In the type II fibre populations of the RFP
group, 36% of the fibres were atrophic. In the same
fibre population of the CON group, the atrophy was
nearer to 12% (x2 ¼ 41.33, P < 0.05). Atrophied fibres
were found both in isolation and in small groups of
2–5 fibres together; these were surrounded by relatively normal-sized fibres and occasionally adjacent
to unusually large hypertrophied fibres (Figure 3).
Muscle fibre capillarization
The CON group had 20% greater capillary density
than the RFP group when expressed as capillaries per
fibre (t41 ¼ 5.7, P < 0.05) but not when expressed as
CD/mm2 of muscle (P > 0.05); as described above, this
difference is due to the higher number of fibres per
square millimetre of muscle. The CON group also had a
greater CC/F than the RFP group (t41 ¼ 3.8, P < 0.05)
(Table 4).
The nuclei of muscle fibres are usually arranged around
the periphery of the fibres; nucleii that are located
within the fibre are usually indicative of a myopathy
or dystrophic process. The proportion of fibres with
central located nuclei was 5 ± 4% of the total fibre
number in both groups.
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Fig. 1. Fibre type cross-sectional area (CSA, mean ± SD) for renal failure patients (open bars; n ¼ 22) and controls (closed bars; n ¼ 20).
Statistical significant differences in fibre size between groups were found for type IIa (**P < 0.01) and IIx fibres and mean CSA (*P < 0.05).
G. K. Sakkas et al.
Other histological abnormalities
The biopsies of RFPs sometimes showed clumping of
fibre types and a loss of normal mosaic pattern of fibre
type distribution (Figure 4).
Other abnormal features, such as large fibres with
different shapes and clusters of fibres undergoing
phagocytosis, were observed.
Table 4. Capillarization of muscle and the number of capillary
contacts per muscle fibre and capillaries per muscle fibre in the
renal failure patient (RFP) and control (CON) groups
Capillary factors
320 ± 60
3.0 ± 0.4
1.12 ± 0.14
340 ± 90
4.0 ± 0.5a
1.35 ± 0.15a
CD/mm2, capillary density per square millimetre of muscle tissue;
CC/F, capillary contacts per muscle fibre; C:F, capillary-to-fibre
Significant differences (P < 0.01).
Table 5. Muscle fibre morphometry of the five renal failure patients whose comorbidity was diabetes
Type I
Type IIa
Type IIx
Type I
Type IIa
Type IIx
CD/mm2, capillary density per square millimetre of muscle tissue; CC/F, capillary contacts per muscle fibre; C:F, capillary-to-fibre ratio.
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Fig. 3. Photomicrograph of renal failure patient muscle biopsy,
showing groups of atrophied fibres surrounded by relatively normalsized fibres.
This is the first study of the morphology and
morphometry of rectus abdominis muscle biopsies in
pre-dialysis patients in end-stage renal failure. The only
other study of rectus abdominis in RFPs, by Conjard
et al. [17], did not include histological data. Muscle fibre
type distribution and MyHC content in RFP biopsies were not different from control subjects and are
similar to those previously reported by Haggmark
and Thorstensson [18] for abdominal wall muscles of
normal control subjects. Patient samples showed significant generalized muscle fibre atrophy, most marked
in types IIa and IIx fibres (25–30% smaller than
controls), such that the number of fibres per square
millimetre of muscle was greater in RFPs. Muscle fibre
capillarization, expressed as capillaries per muscle
fibre, was significantly reduced compared to controls.
Additional abnormal histological features of note were
a wide range of fibre sizes, fibre type clumping and
some necrotic fibres with associated inflammatory cell
In the only published study of pre-dialysis patients,
Clyne et al. [1] found, as in the present study, generalized muscle fibre atrophy with a greater degree of
atrophy in type II than in type I fibres. In contrast,
though, they observed a greater proportion of type I
fibres in the patients’ muscle. Since they studied biopsies of vastus lateralis, this discrepancy in fibre type
distribution may be due to the confounding affect
associated with disuse atrophy, resulting from reduced
locomotory activity in the patients they studied. Most
other studies of skeletal muscle morphology in renal
failure have exclusively examined the locomotor muscle
group, the quadriceps, in haemodialysis patients [2,4–
10]. Common findings in these studies, as in the present
study, were of fibre atrophy, mostly of type IIa fibres,
variation in fibre size and fibre type grouping. Only two
other studies have investigated a semi-non-locomotor
muscle, the deltoid. Both were conducted in haemodialysis patients, one in adults [9], one in children [10].
The deltoid may be considered to be intermediate
between rectus abdominis and quadriceps muscles in
terms of involvement in locomotion and therefore
subject to the effects of disuse atrophy. Nevertheless,
the findings in these two studies were broadly similar to
the present study, demonstrating type II fibre atrophy,
fibre size variation and fibre type grouping. These
Non-locomotor muscle atrophy in renal failure
similarities are, perhaps, all the more remarkable, since
the patients of Bautista et al. [9] were reported as
showing ‘proximal paresis’.
The likely systemic factors that may be associated
with fibre atrophy in the RFPs in the present study
include metabolic acidosis, peripheral neuropathy,
malnutrition, anaemia or diabetic or cardiovascular
comorbidity. Since the controls and RFPs were
matched for age and gender, these potential influences
on muscle fibre CSA cannot have accounted for the
differences between the groups. Acidosis has been
shown to be associated with increased muscle protein
catabolism in patients with chronic renal failure [19].
There are no published muscle biopsy studies of the
effects of acidosis correction in renal failure. Although
this intervention has been shown to decrease aminoacid catabolism in chronic renal failure [20], neither of
the two clinical studies of acidosis correction in dialysis
patients was able to document an increase in muscle
mass or nutrition [21,22]. Our patients were mildly
acidotic, and therefore we cannot rule out a catabolic
effect from having a mild metabolic acidosis.
Peripheral neuropathy is associated with fibre
atrophy and the changes in fibre type grouping [23]
similar in pattern to that of other investigators and our
observations in RFP muscle. None of our patients
exhibited overt signs or symptoms of neuropathy. Our
findings may indicate, however, that sub-clinical
neuropathy is more widespread than is currently
appreciated. Fibre atrophy following denervation is,
like that associated with acidosis, mediated by the
ubiquitin/proteasome system, but no experimental
studies investigating the combined influence of a
combination of renal failure and denervation have
been published.
Malnutrition and starvation have been shown to be
associated with muscle fibre wasting in a number of
clinical and experimental settings [7]. A decrease in
protein/calorie intake is known to occur early in the
progression of chronic renal failure, and malnutrition is
common in the pre-dialysis population. Fahal et al. [7]
found a significant difference in fibre CSA in quadriceps biopsy samples between adequately nourished and
malnourished haemodialysis patients. In contrast, we
did not find any differences in mean muscle CSA
between subjects categorized as adequately nourished
or malnourished, as defined by the seven-point SGA
scale. They used a combination of plasma concentrations of visceral proteins and the three-point SGA
grading as the means of measuring nutritional status.
Thus, their categorization of malnutrition was not the
same as ours. This, and any possible additional factors
contributed by the process of haemodialysis, may
explain the differences between the two sets of findings.
Since skeletal muscle represents the major store of body
protein, the degree of fibre wasting in the present study
is potentially very important. It shows that up to about
one-fifth loss of skeletal muscle contractile protein
may exist in pre-dialysis patients. Thus, the sevenpoint SGA scale, a commonly used clinical nutrition
measurement tool, may underestimate the degree of
malnutrition in this patient population. It is possible
that the lower serum albumin level in the RFPs
compared with the controls was in part a reflection of
It is possible that anaemia may have had a role in
determining fibre atrophy. This proposal is based
on the findings of Davenport et al. [8], who found that
treatment of anaemia with erythropoeitin was associated with an increase in muscle type I fibre CSA in a
group of haemodialysis patients. Since the main abnormality in the RFP biopsies related to type II fibres,
it seems unlikely that anaemia was an influence. The
mechanism of their observations is not clear, although
increased oxygen delivery or increased physical activity
may be involved. In line with these observations, it has
been reported there is an increase in muscle strength
following erythropoeitin treatment [24].
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Fig. 4. Photomicrographs of renal failure patient muscle biopsy, showing clusters of fibres undergoing phagocytosis.
muscle bulk may need to be considered as a means
of improving not only physical function, but also
nutrition, in the renal failure population.
Acknowledgements. We express our gratitude to the surgeons
Mr Monro, Mr Morgan, Mrs Telfort, Mrs Walsh, Mr Hopkinson
and Mr Forrest at Staffordshire Hospital for providing us the muscle
biopsies. GKS was supported by the Greek State Scholarship
Foundation (IKY) (No 11296).
Conflict of interest statement. None declared.
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Bed-rest and limb immobilization are associated with
marked muscle fibre wasting in periods as short as 4
weeks, with type II fibres being particularly affected,
together with a decrease in oxidative enzyme content
[25]. The appearances associated with bed-rest and
those seen in locomotor muscle biopsies in RFPs are,
therefore, quite similar. The fact that Kouidi et al. [2]
showed that fibre atrophy was decreased following a
period of exercise training supports a proposal that
disuse contributes to this abnormality in locomotor
muscles in RFPs. Rectus abdominis is not directly a
locomotor muscle, although it has a role as a trunk
stabilizer during movement. It is unlikely, therefore,
that disuse atrophy is a significant determinant of the
fibre atrophy observed in our patient samples.
The finding that mean muscle fibre CSA was not
different between those RFPs with and those without
cardiovascular or other comorbidity, and that no
differences in type II fibre size was found, indicate that
these comorbidities are unlikely to have accounted for
the fibre size reduction and atrophy in RFPs.
Our observation of decreased C:F ratio in RFPs is
novel. Disuse atrophy induced by bed-rest or limb
immobilization is associated with a decrease in capillary
density [26]. Moore et al. [6] observed a low C:F ratio in
quadriceps biopsy samples of haemodialysis patients,
which was not significantly improved by the exercise
intervention they used. Bradley et al. [4] and Kouidi et
al. [2] reported muscle capillary abnormalities, seen on
electron microscopy, in haemodialysis patients. Kouidi
et al. [2] also reported an improvement in capillary
density following their exercise intervention trial, but
they did not provide any numerical data of capillary
density. It is likely, however, that physical activity
status explains some of the changes seen in lower limb
muscle biopsies in RFPs. As discussed above, this
influence is likely to be much less relevant in the
abdominal muscle investigated in the present study.
It may be of significance that a similar defect in fibre
capillarization has been observed in myocardial tissue
of dialysis patients [27]. It is possible that these findings and those of Bradley et al. [4], Moore et al. [6]
and Kouidi et al. [2], taken with ours, indicate that a
systemic defect of angiogenesis may exist in renal
The results of studies by previous workers suggest
that it is likely that disuse atrophy contributes to the
findings of degenerative changes in locomotor muscles
in RFPs. There are, however, many features common to
those we report in rectus abdominis, a muscle little
involved in locomotion. In addition, these features are
present in dialysis and in pre-dialysis patients.
We conclude that the state of renal failure itself
(‘uraemia’) plays an important role in the reduction of
the capillary density as well as the muscle size in predialysis patients. These abnormalities in skeletal muscle
of patients with end-stage renal disease have at least
two important implications: (i) an even greater degree
of malnutrition may exist in pre-dialysis patients than
is defined by a commonly used clinical measure; and
(ii) exercise training interventions aimed at increasing
G. K. Sakkas et al.
Non-locomotor muscle atrophy in renal failure
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Received for publication: 18.4.02
Accepted in revised form: 2.5.03