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Revista Lasallista de Investigación, 2006
Nova et Vetera, 2024
In this paper I weigh in on the ongoing Thomistic debate between corruptionists, survivalists, and incompletionists about whether the soul's separate, post-mortem existence suffices for my post-mortem existence.
Desarrollo de una cultura de calidad, 2011
Agriculture and Human Values, 2024
Approaches to environmental verification, broadly defined, including varieties of certification and testing, is always intended to change production processes, and cause structural changes. However, sometimes these approaches can differ substantially-based on values and objectives-and thus structure farming processes in varied ways. They can also affect naturesociety relations, by determining what differences matter, emphasizing ways of assessing standards that are deemed important, and deciding whether those standards have been met. Here, I compare two types of environmental verification systems for organic and "safe" or "clean" rice, one in northeastern Thailand and the other in southern Laos. The approach used in northeastern Thailand is designed predominantly to gain access to Europe and the United States markets, and is dependent on regular and detailed farm documentation, inspections, and interviews. The other is more of a residue testing and marketing system, one that also has important environmental implications and is being applied for rice from southern Laos. I call the first process-based verification, and the second product-based verification. It is contended here that we need to consider how environmental verification in different forms variously structures production systems, although there are also other important factors, such as China-Laos relations. Crucially, these practices variously affect cultivation and production practices, and thus have important environmental implications, whether fully intended or not.
The publication of a new translation of Epictetus' Encheiridion (Manual or Handbook) with a scholarly introduction represents by itself a real event for people interested in Stoic philosophy. Compiled by the Roman Stoic's student, Arrian, this little book has played an outsized role in the history of Stoicism, up to the present day. It was beloved already in late antiquity, amongst Neoplatonists and the Church fathers (54 [1]). Subsequent Christian authors paid it the highest tribute of all: not simply that of flattery, with the Encheiridion becoming a genre adapted by authors from Augustine to Erasmus, but through some monastics actually reproducing the pagan text, replacing the name of "Socrates" with that of "Saint Paul", and packaging it as a guide to the holy life (55). Epictetus's text's rediscovery in the renaissance saw Latin translations by Niccolo Perotti (1450), Angelo Poliziano (1479), and several later humanists. Epictetus' recommendations of practical philosophical
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AJOB: Empirical Bioethics, 2024
Background: Advance healthcare decision-making presumes that a prior treatment preference expressed with sufficient mental capacity ("T1 preference") should trump a contrary preference expressed after significant cognitive decline ("T2 preference"). This assumption is much debated in normative bioethics, but little is known about lay judgments in this domain. This study investigated participants' judgments about which preference should be followed, and whether these judgments differed depending on a first-person (deciding for one's future self) versus third-person (deciding for a friend or stranger) perspective.
Abstract--- The growth of wireless technology and Mobile devices in this era is creating a great impact on our lives. Some early efforts have been made to combine and utilize both of these technologies in advancement of hospitality industry. This paper presents an easy and more subtle way of communicating to realize a wireless food ordering system. This system, implements wireless data access to the servers and food ordering functions through both desktops and mobile devices such as tablets over a wirelessly integrated local area network. In this paper we discuss about the design & implementation of automated food ordering system for restaurants. This system, implements wireless data access to servers. The android application on user’s mobile will have all the menu details. The order details from customer’s mobile are wirelessly updated in central database and subsequently sent to kitchen and cashier respectively. The restaurant owner can manage the menu modifications easily. The wireless application on mobile devices provides a means of convenience, improving efficiency and accuracy for restaurants by saving time and real-time customer feedback.
El origen incierto de la música tiene un desarrollo natural importante tanto desde la estética del arte como desde la filosofía y la religión. La música occidental debe a la Iglesia su desarrollo actual tanto en sistemas de escritura como en formas y estilos: desde los cantos sinagogales hebreos hasta la música contemporánea, uno de los motores de desarrollo, conservación y difusión más importantes ha sido la Iglesia. Este desarrollo es el que intentamos evidenciar de manera resumida.
Efestia (Lemno) da “interfaccia tra Egeo e Anatolia” a cleruchia ateniese, a cura di Emanuele Greco, Atti della Giornata di Studi (Napoli, 13 gennaio 2020), Pelargòs Suppl. 1, pp. 179-193. , 2023
Historia y Memoria, 2024
Separations, 2021
Tropical Animal Health and Production, 2009
European Management Review, 2006
Bird Study, 2014
Sensors, 2018
Zagazig university medical journal, 2019
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2018