Gorlin-Goltz Syndrome
Ali Akhtar Khan1, Saima Perveen3, Naeem Raza2 and Syed Gulzar Ali Bukhari1
A 12 years old girl was presented with bilateral swellings on angle and body of mandible. On general physical examination,
there were polydactyly and papular lesions on arm. Histopathology of mandibular lesions revealed odontogenic
keratocysts. Marsupialization of the cysts followed by enucleation was done. The patient was reviewed every six months
and there was no recurrence at the end of two years.
Key Words: Odontogenic keratocyst. Marsupialization. Enucleation. Gorlin-Goltz syndrome. Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome.
Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome (NBCCS), also
known as Gorlin-Goltz syndrome, is an autosomal
dominant disorder characterized by a predisposition to
neoplasms and other developmental abnormalities.
Gorlin and Goltz described the classical triad of multiple
basal cell carcinomas, odontogenic keratocysts in the
jaws and bifid ribs that characterize the diagnosis of this
syndrome.1 In addition to this triad, calcification of the
falx cerebri, palmar and plantar epidermal pits, spine
and rib anomalies, facial milia, ocular malformation,
medulloblastomas, cleft lip or palate, and other
developmental anomalies have also been described as
features of the syndrome. The prevalence of NBCCS
has been estimated to be about 1 per 60,000. This
syndrome probably presents itself in all ethnic groups.2
The tumor suppressor gene called PATCHED (PTCH 1),
located in the 9q22. 3-3.1 chromosome has been
identified as cause of NBCCS. However, mutations in
others genes such as PTCH2, Smmothened (SMO) and
Sonic HedgeHog (SHH) have also been reported in
isolated cases of basal cell carcinoma and
medulloblastoma.3,4 The purpose of reporting of this
case is to highlight the importance of early detection,
treatment of morbidities and regular follow-up.
examination there were small papular skin coloured
lesions on right arm of the patient and there was
polydactyly. X-rays Orthopantomogram (OPG) of the
face revealed multiple cystic lesions in mandible
(Figure 1). X-rays of chest and spine revealed bifid ribs
(Figure 2) and spina bifida. Pelvic examination revealed
no such lesions. Histopathology of the cystic lesions
of mandible revealed an odontogenic keratocyst of
mandible. Based on these findings, the patient was
diagnosed as a case of “Gorlin-Goltz syndrome”.
Patient's father was counseled and explained about the
disease and its complications.
Figure 1: X-ray OPG: arrows showing multiple cystic lesions.
A 12 years old girl reported to dental OPD with complaint
of swelling on both side of angle and right body of
mandible for the last two months. On general physical
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial / Dermatology2,
30 Military Dental Centre, CMH, Peshawar Cantt.
Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Mohtarma Benazir
Bhutto Shaheed Medical College, Mirpur, AJK.
Correspondence: Dr. Ali Akhtar Khan, Department of Oral
and Maxillofacial Surgery, c/o 30 Military Dental Centre,
CMH, Peshawar Cantt.
Received: December 31, 2012; Accepted: March 06, 2014.
Figure 2: X-ray Chest (arrows) showing bifid ribs and upper dorsal spina bifida.
Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2014, Vol. 24 (Special Supplement 3): S171-S173
Ali Akhtar Khan, Saima Perveen, Naeem Raza and Syed Gulzar Ali Bukhari
Treatment plan was outlined as marsupialization of
cystic lesions and then enucleation to preserve the
permanent dentition. Bilateral vestibular incision was
given on both sides of angle of mandible, bone windows
made, cystic fluid drained out and normal surrounding
tissue tucked in the cavities and packed with Bismuth
Iodoform Paraffin Paste (BIPP).
The patient was advised for a regular follow-up on
weekly basis for the removal of old BIPP and flushing of
the cavities with saline. After two months, size of the
cavities was markedly reduced. Enucleation was done to
remove the complete cystic lesions and wound was
closed. Healing was excellent. The patient was reviewed
every six months for two years. There was no recurrence
at the end of this period.
Several studies have described Odontogenic Keratocysts (OKCs), basal cell naevi and skeletal anomalies as
the principal clinical features of NBCCS. However,
according to Manfredi et al.,5 the diagnostic criteria of
NBCCS requires the presence of two major, or one
major and two minor criteria. Major criteria include the
presence of more than two basal cell carcinomas or one
under the age of 20 years, histologically proven OKCs of
the jaw, cutaneous palmar or plantar pits, and bifid ribs.4
Minor criteria include orofacial congenital malformations,
skeletal and radiological abnormalities, ovarian fibroma
and medulloblastoma.5 The present case showed
multiple OKCs in the mandible, rib anomalies, spina
bifida, skin lesions and polydactyly. This confirmed the
diagnosis of NBCCS or Gorlin-Goltz syndrome.
According to Marotto et al., some of the most common
clinical findings of the syndrome were discovered
through radiography.6 A panoramic radiograph showed
radiolucent areas in the mandible, suggesting the
presence of OKCs. Chest radiograph indicated the
presence of rib anomalies, posterio-anterior view of the
skull and computed tomography scan of the head and
neck showed calcification of the cerebral falx and spina
bifida, which according to Amezaga et al. are
characteristic of the syndrome.2 OKCs are among the
most consistent and common features of NBCCS.
These are found in 65 - 100% of affected individuals.
The mandible is involved more frequently than the
maxilla and the posterior regions are the most commonly
affected sites.
There are two methods for the treatment of OKCs, a
conservative and an aggressive. In the conservative
method, simple enucleation with or without curettage
and marsupialization are suggested.6,8 Aggressive
methods include peripheral ostectomy, chemical
curettage with Carnoy's solution and resection.8
Radical interventions as enucleation with shaving of
surrounding bone or sometimes resection might
contribute to prevent recurrences and to improve the
prognosis. In children who have not yet developed
permanent dentition, conservative management should
be considered first because an aggressive operation can
have an adverse effect on teeth development, the
eruption process and the development of the involved
jaw.9 Thus, younger patients usually receive more
conservative than aggressive treatment. Although some
authors believe that simple enucleation might be the
most appropriate conservative method for the treatment
of OKCs, others have shown the successful treatment of
large or multiple OKCs using the marsupialization
followed by enucleation as in this case. Furthermore, it
has been reported that marsupialization followed by
enucleation results in the lowest recurrence rate among
those undergoing conservative treatment.5,10 Histopathological examination of the removed tumors should
be performed to provide definitive diagnosis. In this
case, the microscopic analysis confirmed the diagnosis
of OKCs indicating the need for monitoring of the
disease. Long follow-up is suggested for this disease. In
order to minimize the secondary morbidities after the
treatment, patients with OKCs should be observed
carefully by radiographic imaging particularly during the
first year.11 Moreover, early diagnosis is important for
counselling of patients to prevent harmful exposure to
ultraviolet and ionizing radiations that increase the risk of
developing basal cell carcinoma. The patient in this case
study is also under the care of dermatologist for regular
follow-up for early diagnosis and treatment of BCCs.
Gorlin-Goltz syndrome is of particular interest to the oral
and maxillofacial health experts. Proper evaluation and
characterization of the clinical features is of utmost
importance for the correct diagnosis and early treatment
of affected patients. In order to establish early diagnosis
of NBCCS, specialists should carry out clinical and
imaging examinations in early ages of life.6
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Gorlin-Goltz syndrome
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Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2014, Vol. 24 (Special Supplement 3): S171-S173