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GEORGY KANTOR PUBLICATIONS LIST (NOVEMBER 2020) Books  G. Kantor, T. Lambert and H. Skoda (eds.), Legalism: Property and Ownership (Oxford 2017) Articles and chapters  ‘Citizenships and jurisdictions: The Greek city perspective’, in C. Ando and M. Lavan (eds.), Imperial and Local Citizenships in the Long Second Century (New York and Oxford 2021), ch. 8, forthcoming.  ‘Inventories and official responsibility: Response to Michele Faraguna’, in K. HarterUibopuu and W. Rieß (eds.), Symposion 2019: Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte (Vienna 2021), forthcoming.  ‘Die römische Provinzialgerichtsbarkeit’, in N. Grotkamp and A. Seelentag (eds.), Konfliktlösung in der Antike (Berlin 2021), ch. 26, forthcoming.  ‘Roman citizenship among multiple citizenships in Lycia’, in G. Frija (ed.), Être citoyen romain dans le monde grec au IIe siècle p.C. (Bordeaux 2020), 95-115.  ‘Navigating Roman law and local privileges in Pontus-Bithynia’, in K. Czajkowski, B. Eckhardt and M. Strothmann (eds.), Law in the Roman Provinces (Oxford 2020), 185-209.  ᅵ၏ၴၿၲႍႀ၇ၷၺၺၯၿᄬᇷᄙ ᄙᇳᇻᇵᇷᅬᇳᇷᄙ ᄙᇴᇲᇳᇻᄭᄴ ƣƽƨǀƾƫƶƶƞƽᄬᇷᄙ ᄙᇳᇻᇵᇷᅬᇳᇷᄙ  ᄙᇴᇲᇳᇻᄭᄵᅷᄕ Vestnik drevnej istorii 80/2 (2020), 549–52 [in Russian].  ᅵျᄙ၆ᄙ၌ၻႊႇၺႎၴၱၹၯၹႎၴၲၽၾၽၻၼႍᄴᄙᄙƸDŽƾƩƶƫƞƣǁƞƾ ƽƣƸƣƸƟƣƽƩƫƸᄵᅷᄕIstoricheskij vestnik 28 (2019), 260–61 [in Russian].  ‘Property in land in Roman provinces’, in G. Kantor, T. Lambert and H. Skoda (eds.), Legalism: Property and Ownership (Oxford 2017), 55–74.  (with T. Lambert and H. Skoda) ‘Property and ownership: an overview’, in G. Kantor, T. Lambert and H. Skoda (eds.), Legalism: Property and Ownership (Oxford 2017), 1–27.  ‘The date and circumstances of Quintus Iulius Vestalis’, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 203 (2017), 85–91. 1  ᅵ၅ᇺᇲᅟၺၴႁၷႍ၉ႀၱၷၼၯ၇ၴၿၿၴႎᄴƹƾǂDŽƹǀƽƽƞDŽᅷƾᇺᇲth birthday]’, Vestnik drevnej istorii 77/2 (2017), 474–5 (in Russian).  ‘Qui in consilio estis: The governor and his advisers in the Early Empire’, Istoricheskij Vestnik 19 (2017), 50–87.  ‘Towards the dating of the inscriptions of foreign judges from Mylasa’, Epigraphica Anatolica 49 (2016), 131–5.  ‘Local Law in Asia Minor after the Constitutio Antoniniana’, in C. Ando (ed.), Citizenship and Empire in Europe 200-1900: The Antonine Constitution after 1800 years (Stuttgart 2016), 45–62.  ‘Greek law under the Romans’, in E. Harris and M. Canevaro (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Law (Oxford, forthcoming 2018), pre-print at http://www.oxfordhandbooks.com/view/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199599257.001.0001/oxford hb-9780199599257-e-25 (published online in Aug. 2015)  ‘Adnotationes Tyche 38. MAMA XI 178: Roman Career Inscription from Synnada. 39. A graffito by a Sinopean at Anchialos. 40. A Roman citizen on Chios and the proconsul L. Ulpius Marcellus’, Tyche: Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte, Papyrologie und Epigraphik 29 (2014), 269–71.  ‘Roman legal administration in the province of Asia: Hellenistic heritage vs. innovation’, in J. Dubouloz, S. Pittia and G. Sabatini (eds.), L’Imperium Romanum en perspective: Les savoirs d’empire dans la République romaine et leur héritage dans l’Europe médiévale et moderne (Besançon 2014), 243–68.  ‘Roman treaty with Lycia (SEG LV 1452) and the date of Caesar’s third dictatorship’, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 190 (2014), 135–6.  ‘Law in Roman Phrygia: Rules and jurisdictions’, in P. Thonemann (ed.), Roman Phrygia: Culture and Society (Cambridge 2013), 143–67.  ‘SEG LV 1452, ll. 32–34, and the crime of plagium in the Late Republic’, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 184 (2013), 219–24.  ᅵ၃ႀႁၽၿၷႆၴႀၹၯႎၾၯၿၯၼၯႂၹၯᄴ ƫƾƿƺƽƫơƞƶƻƾƣǀƢƺƾơƫƣƹơƣᄵᅷᄕAntropologicheskii Forum = Forum for Anthropology and Culture 18 (2013), 72–9 (in Russian). 2  ‘Local courts of Chersonesus Taurica in the Roman age’, in P. Martzavou and N. Papazarkadas (eds.), Epigraphical Approaches to the Post-Classical Polis: Fourth Century BC to the Second Century AD (Oxford 2012), Oxford Studies in Ancient Documents, 69–86.  ᅵᆇ။ၯၶၰၷၿၯႁႋ ႀၱၽၷ ႁႎၵၰႊᆈᄘ ႀႂၳႊ ၷႂၳၴၸႀၹၷႄ ၽၰႈၷၼ ၱ ၾၿၽၱၷၼႅၷၷ ျၶၷႎ ᄴᅵƣơƫƢƣ ƿƩƣƫƽ controversies with one another’: Jewish courts in the province of Asia]’, Vestnik drevnej istorii 282 (2012:3), 29–50 [in Russian, summary in English].  ‘Ideas of law in Hellenistic and Roman legal practice’, in P. Dresch and H. Skoda (eds.), Legalism: Anthropology and History (Oxford 2012), 55–83.  ‘Procuratorial jurisdiction in the lex portorii Asiae’, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 179 (2011), 155–8.  ‘Siculus cum Siculo non eiusdem ciuitatis: Litigation between citizens of different communities in the Verrines’, Cahiers du Centre Gustave-Glotz 26 (2010), 187–204.  ᅵ၉ႀႁၿၽၱၯၘၲၴၸႀၹၽၲၽၻၽၿႎၷၾၿၽၱၷၼႅၷႎျၶၷႎᄴƣƨƣƞƹƫƾƶƞƹƢƾƞƹƢƿƩƣƽƺǁƫƹơƣƺƤƾƫƞᄵᅷᄕ Vestnik drevnej istorii 269 (2009:2), 138–49 [in Russian, summary in English].  ‘Knowledge of law in Roman Asia Minor’, in R. Haensch (ed.), Selbstdarstellung und Kommunikation: Die Veröffentlichung staatlicher Urkunden auf Stein und Bronze in der römischen Welt (Munich 2009), Vestigia 61, 249–65.  ᅵ၊ၿၽၱၷၼႅၷႎ ၆ၷၹၷႎᄘ ၉ႁၴႆၴႀၹၷၴ ၶၯၹၽၼႊ ၾၽၳ ၿၷၻႀၹၽၸ ၱၺၯႀႁႋႍ ᄴƹơƣƾƿƽƞƶ ƶƞǂƾ ǀƹƢƣƽ Roman rule: The case of Lycia]’, Vestnik drevnej istorii 259 (2006:4), 50–77 [in Russian, summary in English]. Reviews  ‘J. Osgood, Rome and the Making of a World State, 150 BCE – 20 CE (Cambridge 2018)’, Journal of Roman Studies 109 (2019), 360–61.  ‘R. Färber, Römische Gerichtsorte: Räumliche Dynamiken von Jurisdiktion im Imperium Romanum (München 2014)’, Tyche: Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte, Papyrologie und Epigraphik 32 (2017), 299–301.  ‘F. Lerouxel, A.-V. Pont (eds.), Propriétaires et citoyens dans l’Orient romain (Bordeaux 2016)’, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2017.02.52 http://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/2017/2017-02-52.html. 3  ‘V. Cojocaru, C. Schuler (eds.), Die Aussenbeziehungen pontischer und kleinasiatischer Städte in hellenistischer und römischer Zeit’, Journal of Hellenic Studies 135 (2015), 236–7.  ‘A.Z. Bryen, Violence in Roman Egypt: A Study in Legal Interpretation’, Phoenix 69.1-2 (2015), 198–200.  ‘V. Cojocaru, Bibliographia classica orae septentrionalis Ponti Euxini, vol. 1: Epigraphica, numismatica, onomastica et prosopographica’, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2015.04.41 http://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/2015/2015-04-41.html.  ‘M.C. Hoff, R.F. Townsend (eds.), Rough Cilicia: New Historical and Archaeological Approaches (Oxford and Oakville, CT, 2013)’, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2014.05.10 http://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/2014/2014-05-10.html.  ‘J.B. Campbell, Rivers and the power of ancient Rome (Chapel Hill 2012)’, Journal of Roman Studies 103 (2013), 288–9.  ‘F. Camia, Roma e le poleis. L'intervento di Roma nelle controversie territoriali tra le comunità greche di Grecia e d'Asia Minore nel secondo secolo a.C. Le testimonianze epigrafiche (Atene 2009)’, Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Romanistische Abteilung 130 (2013), 575–7.  ‘É. Guerber, Les cités grecques dans l'Empire romain: les privilèges et les titres des cités de l'Orient hellénophone d'Octave Auguste à Dioclétien (Rennes 2009)’, Journal of Roman Studies 102 (2012), 325–6.  ‘B. Kelly, Petitions, Litigation, and Social Control in Roman Egypt (Oxford 2011)’, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2012.02.47 http://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/2012/2012-02-47.html.  ‘C. Müller, D’Olbia à Tanaïs. Territoires et réseaux d’échanges dans la mer Noire septentrionale aux époques classique et hellénistique (Bordeaux 2010)’, Classical Review 62/1 (2012), 219–21.  ‘Chr. Marek, Geschichte Kleinasiens in der Antike (München 2010)’, Tyche: Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte, Papyrologie und Epigraphik 26 (2011), 361–3.  ‘J. Fournier, Entre tutelle romaine et autonomie civique: l'administration judiciaire dans les provinces hellénophones de l'empire romain, 129 av. J.-C. – 235 ap. J.-C. (Athènes 2010)’, Journal of Roman Studies 101 (2011), 248–9. 4  ‘G.C.R. Schmalz, Augustan and Julio-Claudian Athens: A New Epigraphy and Prosopography (Leiden 2009)’, Classical Review 60/2 (2010), 500–502.  ᄬƽƣǁƫƣǂᅟƞƽƿƫơƶƣᄭ ᅵ၃ၼႁၴၿၼၴႁᅟၿၴႀႂၿႀႊ ၾၽ ၯၼႁၷႆၼၽၸ ႌၾၷၲၿၯႃၷၹၴ ᄴ ƹƿƣƽƹƣƿ ƽƣƾƺǀƽơƣƾ Ƥƺƽ Greek and Latin epigraphy]’, in A.G. Avdeev (ed.), Voprosy epigrafiki II (Moscow 2008), 232– 49 [in Russian, summary in English].  ‘S. Dmitriev, City Government in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor (New York and Oxford, 2005)’, Vestnik drevnej istorii 265 (2008:2), 186–90 [in Russian].  (with I.A. Makarov) ‘A. Çoskun (ed.), Roms auswärtige Freunde in der späten Republik und im frühen Prinzipat (Trier, 2005)’, Vestnik drevnej istorii 262 (2007:3), 217–26 [in Russian].  ‘B.H. McLean, An Introduction to Greek Epigraphy of the Hellenistic and Roman Periods (Ann Arbor, 2003)’, Vestnik drevnej istorii 255 (2006:1), 209–18 [in Russian]. Encyclopaedia articles  ‘Bündnisse’, in L. Burkhardt and M. Speidel (eds.), Militärgeschichte der griechischrömischen Antike: Lexikon (Berlin 2021), Der Neue Pauly Supplemente 12, forthcoming.  ‘Lex (Rubria) de Gallia Cisalpina’, Oxford Classical Dictionary, 5th ed. (published online 24 Oct. 2018). https://oxfordre.com/view/10.1093/acrefore/9780199381135.001.0001/acrefore9780199381135-e-8269  ‘Lex Iulia municipalis’, Oxford Classical Dictionary, 5th ed. (published online 20 Dec. 2018). https://oxfordre.com/classics/view/10.1093/acrefore/9780199381135.001.0001/acrefore9780199381135-e-8268  ᅵဿၷၽၼ ၐၿၷႀၽႀႁၽၻ ᄴƫƺ ƩƽDŽƾƺƾƿƺƸᄵᅷᄕ Rossijskaja istoricheskaja entsiklopedija, vol. 6 (Moscow 2017), 55.  ‘Album’, Wiley-Blackwell’s Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Malden and Oxford 2012), 279– 80.  ‘Manlius Vulso, Gnaeus’, Wiley-Blackwell’s Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Malden and Oxford 2012), 4263–4.  ‘Mithradatic Wars’, Wiley-Blackwell’s Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Malden and Oxford 2012), 4544–8. 5  ‘Mithradates, I–VI of Pontos’, Wiley-Blackwell’s Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Malden and Oxford 2012), 4548–51.  ‘Treaties, Roman Republic and Roman Empire’, Wiley-Blackwell’s Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Malden and Oxford 2012), 6842–6. Associate Editor and Contributor  Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum LXVI (Leiden, forthcoming 2021).  Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum LXV (Leiden 2019).  Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum LXIV (Leiden 2018).  Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum LXIII (Leiden 2017).  Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum LXII (Leiden 2016).  Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum LXI (Leiden 2015).  Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum LX (Leiden 2014).  Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum LIX (Leiden 2013).  Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum LVIII (Leiden 2012).  Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum LVII (Leiden 2011).  Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum LVI (Leiden 2010). Miscellaneous and outreach  ᅵ၅ၽၲၳၯ ၵၴ ၰႊၺ ၾၽႀၺၴၳၼၷၸ ၳၴၼႋ ၊ၽၻၾၴၷ ᄴƩƣƹ ǂƞƾ ƿƩƣ ƶƞƾƿ ƢƞDŽ ƺƤ ƺƸƻƣƫƫᄵᅷᄕ Troitskij variant - Naukaᇰᇴᇺᇸᄬᇳᇹᄭᄬǀƨǀƾƿᇴᇲᇳᇻᄭᄕᇳᇴᄴƫƹǀƾƾƫƞƹᄵᄙ  ‘What can we learn from the archive of a Pompeian banker family’, St John’s College Inspire Digital Magazine 2 (2019). https://sjcinspire.com/2019/07/31/archive-of-a-pompeianbanker-family/  ‘Tacitus’s relevance’ [letter to the editor], Times Literary Supplement 5868 (18 September 2015), 6.  ᅵ၂ၯၹၽၼႊၳၽၺၵၼႊႀၽၰၺႍၳၯႁႋႀႎᄴ ǃƣƽơƣƹƢƞƾƶƣƨƣƾƣƾƾƣᄵᅷᄕTroitskij variant - Naukaᇰᇳᇹᇻ (10) (May 2015), 5 [in Russian].  ᅵ၎ၰၷၸႀႁၱၽျၲၿၷၾၾႊ၊ၽႀႁႂၻၯᄘ၌ၺႂႄၷၷၷႀႁၽၿၷႎၯၱႁၽၿၷႁၯၿၼႊႄၿၴၵၷၻၽၱᄴƩƣƸǀƽƢƣƽƺƤ Agrippa Postumus: Rumours and history of authoritarian regimes]’, 6 http://polit.ru/article/2015/04/11/ps_agrippa_postumus/ (published online 11 Apr. 2015) [in Russian].  ‘Philanthropy in antiquity’, St John’s College Benefactors’ Report 5 (2012), 12–14.  ᅵ၈ၴၱႀ႖၌ၹ႖ၸၴၼႂၻၯႀၺၴၼၷႅၯᄴƺƿƣǁƣƽDŽƿƩƫƹƨƫƾƤƫƹƣǂƫƿƩơƩʸDŽƣƹᄵᅷᄕNauka v fokuse (March 2012), 72 (in Russian).  ᅵျၺၴၹႀၯၼၳၿ၇ၯၹၴၳၽၼႀၹၷၸᄴƶƣǃƞƹƢƣƽƺƤƞơƣƢƺƹᄵᅷᄕLuchshie kompjuternye igry 91 (June 2009), 146–50 (in Russian).  ᅵွၯၿᄕၱၴၿၼၷၺၴၲၷၽၼႊᄛᄴƞƽǀƾᄕƨƫǁƣƸƣƟƞơƴƸDŽƶƣƨƫƺƹƾᄛᄵᅷᄕVokrug Sveta 2825 (June 2009), 114–24 (in Russian).  ᅵ၅ၿႂႇၴၼၷၴᄕ ၹၽႁၽၿၽၲၽ ၼၴ ၰႊၺၽᄞ ᄴƩƣ ƞƶƶ ƺƤ ƿƩƣ ƺƸƞƹ Ƹƻƫƽƣᄵᅷᄕ Vokrug Sveta 2819 (December 2008), 112–26 (in Russian).  ᅵှၴၿၽၳၽႁᄘ၊ၿၴၱၿၯႈၴၼၷၴၻၷႃၯၱၼၯႂၹႂᄴ ƣƽƺƢƺƿǀƾᄘ ƽƺƸDŽƿƩƿƺơƫƣƹơƣᄵᅷᄕVokrug Sveta 2796 (January 2007), 124–35 (in Russian). 7