Abstract: The Anthropometric Study of Index (2D) and Ring (4D) Digits of Ebira tribe of Nigeria was carried out to determine the values of the 2D and 4D digit ratios and correlate them with other anthropometric variables. Six hundred... more
Abstract: The Anthropometric Study of Index (2D) and Ring (4D) Digits of Ebira tribe of Nigeria was carried out to determine the values of the 2D and 4D digit ratios and correlate them with other anthropometric variables. Six hundred adults between ages of 18 years and above were recruited randomly excluding those with hand deformities. Three hundred were males and three hundred were females and of these numbers, one hundred males and one hundred females students were selected from each of the participating areas. The index (2D) and ring (4D) digit lengths were measured from the basal crease to the tips using a digital measuring tape and the height and weight were measured. The 2D:4D ratios were then determined for each subject while the height and weight were used to calculate the BMI and the data analyzed. The results show significant difference (p<0.01) in 2D:4D ratio between the males and the females. Males have longer fourth (4D) and shorter second (2D) digit lengths with lower digit ratio while females have shorter fourth (4D) and longer second (2D) digit lengths with higher digit ratio. The result confirms that digit ratios are sexually dimorphic and there was a positive correlation between height, weight, BMI and digit lengths in both males and females. The result of the 2D:4D ratios of the Ebira ethnic group show that the 2D:4D ratio of females was greater than the digit ratio of the males and also the digit ratio has no relationship with either height, weight or BMI of an individual and represents the original data for the people of the Ebira tribe of Nigeria. Key words: 2D:4D digit ratios, anthropometry, finger, ebira tribe, height, weight
2D:4D has been identified as a biomarker for performance in various elite sports. The aim of the study is to analyze the relationship between league status and 2D:4D ratios of national and amateur football players. 38 football players... more
2D:4D has been identified as a biomarker for performance in various elite sports. The aim of the study is to analyze the relationship between league status and 2D:4D ratios of national and amateur football players. 38 football players participated to this study who deserved participation FCBEscola Antalya and İstanbul camps according to the scouting results. 19 of players were national football players who have taken place at least one time in U14 and U15 Turkish national football teams and 19 of them were amateur players. The height, body weight, body mass index and 2D:4D finger measurements of the participants were taken. For the differences in the measurements results of the groups, the independent t-test was carried out and the results were evaluated in the p˂0.05 significance level. In both groups a statistically significant difference was found between the right and left hand 2D:4D average values (p<0.05), and the right hand 2D:4D ratios were found to be lower than the left hand 2D:4D ratios. When compared the 2D:4D ratios of national and amateur players, it was determined that there was a statistically significant difference were found between the right hand 2D:4D ratios (p<0.05). Both right and left hand 2D:4D averages in national football players were found to be lower than the amateur football players. As a result of this study, it can be said that 2D:4D may discriminate between national and amateur footballers, and lower 2D:4D ratios could be linked to performance for football players. But for the healthier evaluation of the relationship between sportive performance and 2D:4D ratios, other determinative talent identification parameters should be taken together.
Psychology and personality of individuals may have implications for choice of, and performance in sports disciplines. Individual- and group sports differ in psychological requirements, such as, competitiveness, sensation seeking and risk... more
Psychology and personality of individuals may have implications for choice of, and performance in sports disciplines. Individual- and group sports differ in psychological requirements, such as, competitiveness, sensation seeking and risk taking attitude, often required in sports. There is sex difference in human in these qualities, which also show association with prenatal testosterone exposures. Second-to-fourth digit lengths ratio (2D:4D) is an indicator of prenatal testosterone exposure. Lower 2D:4D indicates higher prenatal testosterone exposure and vice versa. Males generally have lower 2D:4D than females. This study cross-sectional study investigated the relationship of 2D:4D with team based- or individual sports. The participants were 421 Polish male students with a mean (+SD) age of 19.78 (+0.79) years. Among them, 139 were engaged in sports and 282 were not. Mean 2D:4D in each hand of individual sporting group was significantly lower than the team sports- and no sports groups. Participants not involved in any sports had the highest mean 2D:4D value. However, the team sportsmen’s 2D:4D did not differ from the non-sporting group. Prenatal testosterone exposure might have implication in sports choice and participation.
а н н о т а ц и я. исследованы взаимосвязи между показателями социального поведения (агрессия и взаимопомощь) и общей маскулинностью у масаев-традиционных скотоводов танзании. особое внимание уделено вопросу половых/гендерных различий по... more
а н н о т а ц и я. исследованы взаимосвязи между показателями социального поведения (агрессия и взаимопомощь) и общей маскулинностью у масаев-традиционных скотоводов танзании. особое внимание уделено вопросу половых/гендерных различий по агрессии, оказании помощи и поддержки другим членам масайского сообщества (родственникам, друзьям, соседям). показатели представлены само оценками респондентов (311 человек) с использованием опросников по агрессии басса-перри и по взаимопомощи, разработанного М. л. бутовской. В качестве индикатора маскулинности был использован пальцевый индекс (2d:4d). В рамках выборки не были получены достоверные различия по шкалам агрес-сии басса-перри между мужчинами и женщинами, в том числе по шкале «физическая агрессия». пальце-вый индекс (2d:4d) у мужчин масаев был достоверно ниже (более маскулинный), чем у женщин. обна-ружена достоверная отрицательная связь физической агрессии с пальцевым индексом у мужчин. Женщины с более высокими самооценками по всем шкалам агрессии достоверно чаще говорили о готов-ности оказывать помощь родственникам. Мужчины с более феминными пальцевыми индексами были достоверно чаще готовы поддерживать друга в конфликтах, не вникая в правовую сторону конфликта. самооценки масаев отражают как общие для этой культуры нормативные представления о правилах муж-ского и женского поведения в социуме, так и индивидуальные черты личности каждого респондента. к л ЮЧ е В ы е сл о Ва: взаимопомощь, агрессия, маскулинность, пальцевый индекс, пол, гендер, ма-саи, танзания удк 316.6(678)
There is sex-difference in humans as regards aerobic efficiency, physical strength and endurance and the sex difference is greatly dependent upon differential concentration of testosterone during different phases of growth and development... more
There is sex-difference in humans as regards aerobic efficiency, physical strength and endurance and the sex difference is greatly dependent upon differential concentration of testosterone during different phases of growth and development including the intrauterine phase or prenatal growth. Second-to-fourth digit lengths ratio (2D:4D) is an putative indicator of prenatal testosterone exposure. Lower 2D:4D indicates higher prenatal testosterone exposure and vice versa. Males generally have lower 2D:4D than females. This cross-sectional study investigated the relationship between the fitness measures and 2D:4D in young adult Polish males. The study included 118 Polish male students first course in General Kościuszko Military Academy of Land Forces in Wroclaw. Their mean (+SD) age was 20.4 (+1.60) years. Eurofit test set was employed to assess physical fitness. Apart from height, weight, second and fourth digit lengths, hand grip strength was also measured by a standard isometric dynamometer. The study showed a weak relationship between 2D:4D of right hand and results of physical fitness tests. The smaller was the 2D:4D, the better was the result of endurance and strength tests. This finding was in accord with reports by other studies, indicating that individuals with smaller 2D:4D tend to perform better in these aspects of physical ability. However, we also found an opposite relationship with the results to agility tests. Male students with higher 2D:4D scored better in 5x10 meters shuttle run. This finding did not match with results reported by other studies. This study indicated towards possibility that an association between low 2D:4D and sport and athletic achievement and also physical performances were due to, at least in part, the action of prenatal testosterone. Further studies are required to investigate the relationship of fitness parameters with digit ratio and ultimately with prenatal testosterone exposure. Key words: Eurofit test, 2D:4D, digit ratio, testosterone, male, Poland
The ratio of index finger length to ring finger length known as digit ratio (2D:4D) is an indicator of prenatal androgen exposure. The 2D:4D ratio is sexually dimorphic, with average male 2D:4D lesser than average female 2D:4D. It... more
The ratio of index finger length to ring finger length known as digit ratio (2D:4D) is an indicator of prenatal androgen exposure. The 2D:4D ratio is sexually dimorphic, with average male 2D:4D lesser than average female 2D:4D. It recently was suggested that 2D:4D is negatively correlated with prenatal testosterone and positively correlated with prenatal estrogen. It is argued that high prenatal testosterone and low estrogen (indicated by low 2D:4D) favours the male foetus and low prenatal testosterone and high estrogen (indicated by high 2D:4D) favours the female foetus. According to a broad array of studies, this ratio, determined by the level of prenatal testosterone, can predict a diversity of personality traits. In part icular, individuals whose index finger is almost as long-or even longer-than is their ring finger are more likely to display characteristics that are characteristic of females. Even their writing tends to be more feminine in style. But usually, not always, these observations apply to the right hand only. Even within each sex, 2D:4D has been found to be linked with a variety of physical and psychological characteristics. For example, men with lower 2D:4D are more aggressive, more athletic, less feminine, and more musically talented. Women with lower 2D:4D have higher waist-to-hip ratio, are more masculine, and are more athletic. Among both men and women, 2D:4D is correlated positively with verbal intelligence and agreeableness, and negatively with numerical intelligence and physical fitness. The present paper aims at establishing the relationship between various physical and psychological aspects of personality and digit ratio through a review of existing literature.