Active Imagination
Recent papers in Active Imagination
This paper outlines the fundamental precepts and practices of East-West spiritual counseling, which combines therapeutic approaches and theoretical frameworks found in Jungian depth psychology and Tibetan Buddhist Tantra. Emphasis is... more
Our journey through life is encoded in our bodies just as the rings of a tree encode the life-story of that tree. If we grow up in an emotionally supportive environment our posture will be secure, our movements fluid, and our speech... more
This book presents serial killers as having disorders of imagination, imagopathy, seen through deficiencies such as failure of empathy, rigid fantasies, and unresolved projections. This disorder is a form of failed alchemy. This study... more
Building on C. G. Jung's early understanding of dance as a form of active imagination, Dreamdancing (Stromsted 1984) brings together the inner world of body sensation, feelings, dreams and images; moving through dreams can help us... more
[AMAZON LINK BELOW TO BOOK ITSELF -- TOC and book intro in downloadable .pdf] "It is a common experience that a problem difficult at night is resolved in the morning after the committee of sleep has worked on it." --John Steinbeck... more
How to use Yves Durand At-9 Test and the Pantheon Work Guardians Questionnaire to promote the use of the active imagination and foster co-creation in teams.
V práci chci formulovat novou metodu výkladu mýtu, která vychází z terapeutických metod, které Jung popsal a využíval. Sepsáním následující práce se také pokusím o závan čerstvého vzduchu mezi tradiční interpretační východiska, vnesení... more
A purpose for this study is to explore creative interventions that can help women on their individuation path, based on personal exploration. This exploration utilizes the Jungian concepts of myth and archetypes, in connection to Jean... more
The article deals with the Jungian training of future analysts in Hong Kong and the diffusion of the analytical thought in East Asia. It outlines some of the topics that have been a specific object of the Hong Kong Institute of Analytical... more
The researcher aims to examine her own creative identity as a photographer by producing a series of photographic self-portraits that seeks to develop her visions of the future. Through reflecting on her vocation as an artist and immersing... more
Over the years my work has taken me into a deeper investigation of how to re-inhabit ourselves and live a life guided by embodied wisdom, responding to the question: "Once we have experienced wounding, trauma, or loss that has resulted in... more
The following essay sketches varieties of imagination operative in the best architectural work. It was published in Warehouse Journal, a student-edited journal produced annually by the Faculty of Architecture, University of Manitoba.... more
This volume situates contemporary guided imagery practices within the tradition of Jungian depth psychology; It offers practitioners of guided imagery with 1) an imaginal ontology supporting phenomenological exploration of the inner world... more
The prehistoric artists of Chauvet Cave likely never imagined their drawings would be discovered 35,000 years later, inspiring scholars from a wide range of academic disciplines. Scholarship thus far has focused primarily on artistic... more
Based in the tenets of Jungian depth-psychology and theory of the collective unconscious, this discussion explains how and why active imagination can be used as a tool for engaging the transpersonal domain for the purpose of psychological... more
This volume presents the bricolage of Philemon, depicted as a superannuated white beard, a prophet, and a sage who links and mediates the relationship between the living (i.e., Jung's ego image) and the dead (i.e., non-ego images).... more
This volume presents Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) research comparing research participants' Inner Guide experiences with Jung's encounters with Philemon, his inner guide. To compare participant experiences with Jung's... more
The researcher aims to examine her own creative identity as a photographer by producing a series of photographic self-portraits that seeks to develop her visions of the future. Through reflecting on her vocation as an artist and immersing... more
Countervailing the Industrial Revolution’s spiritual alienation and loss of symbolic perspective, a romantic current arose in German Idealism that elevated human imagination to a superordinate, world-making power. In this context, Jung’s... more
The article brings to light many points of agreement between Jungian psychology and the Neoplatonic worldview of Late Antiquity. Also the worldview of Emanuel Swedenborg is compared with Jungian ideas. Swedenborg ought to be regarded as... more
As our growing community reflects on the history, lineages, and psychological, spiritual, and artistic streams that nourish the practice of Authentic Movement, this article illuminates elements from my work with Joan Chodorow, Janet... more
Jung's Red Book is remarkable: visually stunning, imposing (both the original and the facsimile), mysterious, illuminating the development both of C. G. Jung as an individual and of Jungian psychology as a movement. From another... more
This essay considers the historical antecedents to Jung’s engagement with the imagination, pulling together some of the threads that influenced him in shaping his theories. More specifically, it discusses how his experiments with active... more
Lucid dreaming (LD) is a fun and interesting activity, but most participants have difficulties in attaining lucidity, retaining it during the dream, concentrating on the needed task and remembering the results. This motivates to search... more
Spiritual techniques building on the psychological principle of unconscious 'integration', such as active imagination, are criticized. A one-sided flow into conscious light of unconscious content leads to stagnation and alienation from... more
ABSTRACT In this paper I want to pivot the topic of C.G. Jung and “reading” into a bold argument about the evolution of academic disciplines (and later about evolution itself). Relatively recent forms of academic study, such as... more
The article investigates the Neoplatonic Self notion. In the historical record the ideal of personality and the psychological notion of Self have taken many forms. Also the modern ideals of Self are discussed and criticized, such as the... more
What does it mean to live a vital, embodied life in our modern world? How can we rediscover the sacredness of our bodies and the Eros in everyday life, given the continuing destruction of our planet, which is the physical embodiment of... more
In his 1925 seminar, Carl Jung accounts for a crucifixion fantasy where he takes the appearance of a pagan deity. The article argues that Jung misinterprets this and certain other motifs. Jung's unitarian model of the human Self harbours... more
In this project, the researcher aims to examine her own creative identity as photographer by producing a series of photographic self-portraits that seeks to develop her visions of the future. Through reflecting on her vocation as an... more
The instant we enter the world in a doctor's or midwife's hands gasping for breath and crying for comfort the ground of human existence is established: we experience and are experienced. In infancy, sensation -- tactile, kinesthetic,... more
How does psyche manifest in the body? The discoveries of contemporary neuroscience document the important role of non-verbal cues, rhythmic resonance, and affective attunement for healthy attachment and development (Schore 2003; Siegel... more
Tibetan Buddhist Tantra and Jungian depth psychology represent two of the world’s most dynamic psycho-spiritual traditions. This study explores their respective insights, cosmologies, and sometimes striking similarities, with particular... more
This presentation (International Society for Neoplatonic Studies, 2019) explores the question of whether Neoplatonic and Gnostic theurgy is a practice accessible to any suitably trained person, or whether it is a rare accomplishment of... more
Co-Authors Joan Chodorow, Antonella Adorisio, Tina Stromsted, Margarita Mendez, Sakuri Sakiyama, Takane Hirai The workshop explored dance/movement as a form of active imagination, with special attention to the living body in analytic... more
The first four chapters of Genesis symbolizes the Genesis Creation Account, which illustrates how the dawn of Christianity was brought into existence. For those that read the bible via any translation of the Hebrew texts will never be... more
Authentic Movement, also known as “active imagination in movement,” is a simple yet powerful meditative and therapeutic approach that bridges body, psyche, spirit, and relationship through expressive movement and reflective witnessing.... more
During his many decades of research into the mystery and complexities of the human psyche, Carl Jung engaged in a concerted focus on comparative religion, ethnology, and esoteric contemplative practices. His explorations of Eastern... more
Jung’s term “individuation” refers to the process of becoming psychologically "individuus," that is, undivided or indivisible; it could almost serve as a translation of henôsis. Moreover, practices in analytical psychology, such has... more