Alternative Sanctions
Recent papers in Alternative Sanctions
Ovaj rad problematizira primjenu alternativnih sankcija i alternativnih mjera prema maloljetnim učiniocima krivičnih djela. Predmet rada su alternativne sankcije i mjere i njihova primjena. Cilj rada je opisati alternativne sankcije i... more
Interrogé sur la «juste peine» à attribuer à quatre figures de délinquant (un chauffard, un cambrioleur, un violeur et un banquier malhonnête), une large part (48,4 %) d'un échan-tillon représentatif de la population suisse préconise,... more
Nikolaos K. Koulouris, William Aloskofis,
Sophie Vidali, Dimitris Koros, Sophie Spyrea
With financial support from the Criminal Justice Programme of the European Union
Nikolaos K. Koulouris, William Aloskofis,
Sophie Vidali, Dimitris Koros, Sophie Spyrea
With financial support from the Criminal Justice Programme of the European Union
ÖZ: Bu çalışmada, kısa süreli hapis cezası ile seçenek yaptırımların mükerrer suçluluğun önlenmesi üzerindeki etkisi ampirik bulgular eşliğinde değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmada metot olarak arama, Campbell İşbirliği'nin sistematik... more
Autorka predstavlja različite vrste programa i restorativnih mehanizama koji se primenjuju u radu sa počiniteljima seksualnih dela, naglašavajući da u javnosti još uvek nije dovoljno razvijena svest o prirodi i značaju alternativnih... more
The current survey is attempting to map the services that Probation Services deliver nationwide, as well as to explore issues regarding the internal operation and the working methodologies employed by different local probation services.... more
Non-custodial measures are recognized in international instruments as useful tool for promotion of social reintegration and solution for reduction of prison overcrowding. Author provided overview of policy instruments that Serbia adopted... more
Tatsächlich hat sich in der Praxis die Diversion von der Ausnahme zum Regelfall entwickelt: die Diversionsrate im JGG lag 1985 erstmals bei 50%, 1990 schon bei über 60%; auch im allgemeinen Strafrecht ist die „informelle... more
Ability-to-pay determinations are essential when governments use money-based alternative sanctions, like fines, to enforce laws. One longstanding difficulty in the U.S. has been the extreme lack of guidance on how courts are to determine... more