Recent papers in Arcosanti
S p a c e / NThis paper reviews the prospect of a radical redefinition of the relationship between society, technology, and Nature as posited within Paolo Soleri’s Arcology theory, and anticipates a transformative social order and... more
A Juan Antonio Ramírez, in memoriam "Entre las especulaciones arquitectónicas de los sesenta debemos concentrar una cierta preeminencia a las de Paolo Soleri. Imagina que la única salvación humana consiste en concentrar el hábitat,... more
Created in 2011 as part of DesignPhiladelphia’s and the University of the Arts annual design festival, the "Before and After Utopia" exhibit featured photographs of four utopian-dystopian sites: Arcosanti (Arizona), Ordos (China), Masdar... more
Paolo Soleri's utopian roots have long been debated. He did not entirely enjoy the label. My thesis shows to what degree a utopian dream and his personal vision were tied to those who imagined a better world. Appendix includes utopian... more
David Grierson worked on La Loggia and Energy Apron with Paolo Soleri at Arcosanti in 1987. La Loggia is designed as a residential space for both short and long term occupancy providing immediate access to the Energy Apron with food and... more
An Arcology (architecture + ecology) takes the place of the natural landscape by constituting a new kind of topography. It :- •is a complex, miniaturized, multi-level configuration. •recognises the need for the radical re-organisation of... more
Paolo Soleri (Torino 1919, Paradise Valley 2013) was an architect, philosopher, experimenter. In 1947 until 1948 he worked at Taliesin Fellowship in Taliesin West, AZ. From 1955 he have experimented in the Arizonian Desert his idea of... more
This ethnographic study attempts to understand how former members of experimental communities may act as agents of cultural change after returning to mainstream life in the United States. Members of experimental communities intentionally... more
Terceiro capítulo no diário de viagem pela América Deserta.
The conference presentation discussed the theoretical and physical evolution of Arcosanti, Paolo Soleri's urban laboratory in Arizona, USA, from the first sketches in the 1950s until today. It argued that some of the fundamental concepts... more
The New York Pulse Bridge is a project within the Pulse Bridge Series undertaken by David Grierson while working with Paolo Soleri at Arcosanti in 1987. The NAU Art Museum and the Cosanti Foundation presented an exhibition of... more
The New York Pulse Bridge is a project within the Pulse Bridge Series undertaken by David Grierson while working with Paolo Soleri at Arcosanti in 1987.
This chapter discusses Paolo Soleri’s laboratory for the sustainable city. It is part of a collection which gives an overview of contemporary utopian thinking and practices.
The presentation critically reviewed the Arcology theory and the Arcosanti urban laboratory within the context of the discourse on sustainability. Since the energy crisis of the 1970s efforts at Arcosanti have been directed towards the... more
This ethnographic study attempts to understand how former members of experimental communities may act as agents of cultural change after returning to mainstream life in the United States. Members of experimental communities intentionally... more