Biography of things
Recent papers in Biography of things
This paper discusses the issue of a biography of a coffin from the perspective of biographical events common to many modern artefacts from the Polish territory. The aim was to identify past and present functions by determining the life... more
This paper discusses the concept of difficult/dark heritage from a theoretical perspective known as the biography of things. First, I analyse Polish archaeological research on difficult/dark heritage. Second, I describe in greater detail... more
Artykuł analizuje reakcje zagraniczne (głównie pochodzące z rosyjskich ośrodków „białej emigracji”) na plan zburzenia, a następnie na przebieg rozbiórki cerkwi katedralnej Aleksandra Newskiego na placu Saskim w Warszawie (1920-1926). W... more
This piece is a reflection on my encounter with an abandoned printer and the theoretical sentiments evoked by this seemingly unremarkable encounter. Based on a photograph I took, I try to grasp the ephemerality of this encounter by... more
With "life history of things" approach, developed by archeologists and anthropologists, as museolo-gists and heritologists we can identify meaning transformations of the same thing, from its creating till today. This "biography" approach... more