Scientific studies of many researchers show that Prizren during the developed feudal period was among the most economically developed territory in the Balkans. Kjo vije edhe si rezultat edhe i infrastruktures rrugore, sidomos Rruga e...
moreScientific studies of many researchers show that Prizren during the developed feudal period was among the most economically developed territory in the Balkans. Kjo vije edhe si rezultat edhe i infrastruktures rrugore, sidomos Rruga e Zetes, “Via de Zenta”. Nga aktdhurata e Nemanjideve, e vitit 1348, leshuar per manastirin e Shen Arkangjelit Mihail dhe Gabriel, mesohet se ne Prizren dhe rrethin ushtroheshin disa veprimtari ekonomike si: Zejtari, bujqesia, blegtoria etj.This also comes as a result of the road infrastructure, especially road of Zeta, "Via de Zenta". From the gift act of Nemanjideve of 1348, issued for the monastery of St. Arkangjel Mikhail and Gabriel, it is known that in Prizren and adjacent area some economic activities such as handicraft, agriculture, livestock, etc were exercised. Nder veprimtarit ekonomike dalloheshin lekurepunues, kepucetar, endes te tekstilit, prodhimi i kallajte, prodhimi i dyllit dhe kultivimi i bletarise, etj.The economic activities...