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    • Bulletin de la société géologique de France
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    • Bulletin de la société géologique de France
En somme la république Démocratique du Congo ; reste jusqu’à la preuve du contraire un des pays d’Afrique qui a à son sein une grande potentialité minière et qui ces dernières lui vaut l’appellation de « scandale géologique », ces... more
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      Télédétection, GéologieRFID tags, géolocalisation, mobilité physiqueGéologieMémoires de Géologie (Lausanne)No. 32, 1999 Tectonic and Metamorphic Evolution of the Central Himalayan Domain inSoutheast Zanskar (Kashmir, India
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    • Bulletin de la société géologique de France
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      PaleobotanyPaleoenvironmentVertebrate PaleontologyFrance
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      Fluvial GeomorphologyBulletin de la société géologique de France
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      GeologyBulletin de la société géologique de France
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      Early CretaceousBulletin de la société géologique de France
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    • Bulletin de la société géologique de France
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      Early CretaceousBulletin de la société géologique de France
The age of the cementation of the Fontainebleau sandstones, located in the upper part of the Rupelian Fontainebleau Sand Formation and largely outcropping in the south of the center of the Paris Basin, remains a matter of debate: did the... more
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    • Bulletin de la société géologique de France
The stratigraphic revision of the southern coastal Ecuadorian series makes possible the reconstruction of the pre-collision history of the Caribbean plateau accreted to the Ecuadorian margin. The Coniacian age of the oceanic basement... more
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      GeologyBulletin de la société géologique de France
Introduction. – In the Anti-Atlas, south of Morocco (fig. 1), the Precambrian terrains are usually divided into several “series” (fig. 2) : the Paleoproterozoic (PI) is an old crystalline basement, at least Eburnean ; the Neoproterozoic... more
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      GeologyBulletin de la société géologique de France
A new Cenomanian amber-and plant-bearing deposit has been discovered at Neau, in the Mayenne department (France). The Cenomanian fossiliferous lignites are located in karst filling in a substratum of Cambrian limestones. The amber... more
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      GeologyAmberCenomanianBulletin de la société géologique de France
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    • Bulletin de la société géologique de France
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    • Bulletin de la société géologique de France
The Rhodope Metamorphic Complex (RMC) is a high-grade crystalline massif located at the northern margin of the Aegean region. Numerous scenarios have been proposed for the evolution of the RMC during Alpine times. A debated issue is... more
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    • Bulletin de la société géologique de France
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      History of GeologyPlate TectonicsGeology of MediterraneanBulletin de la société géologique de France
With an output of 1700 metric tons between 1916 and 1959, the Leucamp ore deposit supplied about half the tungsten produced from the (( la Châtaigneraie district D (Cantal, France). Recent exploration by the French BRGM indicates a... more
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    • Bulletin de la société géologique de France
The sedimentary architecture of basins and passive margins is determined by a complex interaction of parameters, including subsidence, eustasy, and sediment supply. A quantification of the post-rift (20 Ma-0 Ma) vertical movements of the... more
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    • Bulletin de la société géologique de France
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    • Bulletin de la société géologique de France
Intracratonic basins tend to subside much longer than the timescale predicted by thermal relaxation of the lithosphere. Many hypotheses have been suggested to explain their longevity, yet few have been tested using quantitative... more
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      GeologyBulletin de la société géologique de France
Organic matter studies find an echo within different topics such as biogeochemical cycles, processes occurring in continental surfaces, anthropogenic activities, climate science, earth and planetary sciences, etc. Today’s challenges... more
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    • Bulletin de la société géologique de France
La synthèse de 240 analyses isotopiques du plomb, mesurées sur les gisements miniers marocains d’âges édiacarien à néogène appartenant à tous les domaines géotectoniques du Maroc autorise une réflexion globale sur la métallogénie du... more
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    • Bulletin de la société géologique de France
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      GeologyBulletin de la société géologique de France
The P–T evolution of a mafic eclogite sample from the Haut-Allier was studied in order to constrain the dynamic of the Variscan subduction in the eastern French Massif Central. Three successive metamorphic stages M1, M2 and M3, are... more
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      GeologyBulletin de la société géologique de France
The Institute for Nuclear Safety and Protection (IPSN) launched the « Tournemire » program, in 1988. One of its aims is to understand and characterize the fluid transfer processes in argillaceous rocks. They are interesting rocks for the... more
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      GeologyBulletin de la société géologique de France
The identification of mineral supply sources and trade routes are at the heart of the archaeological issues. The tracing of sources of metal production via lead isotopy has been used since the 1980s to identify the deposits from which the... more
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    • Bulletin de la société géologique de France
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      GeologyBulletin de la société géologique de France
A new Cenomanian amber-and plant-bearing deposit has been discovered at Neau, in the Mayenne department (France). The Cenomanian fossiliferous lignites are located in karst filling in a substratum of Cambrian limestones. The amber... more
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      AmberCenomanianBulletin de la société géologique de FranceMassif armoricain
Located in the Internal domain of the Rif belt, the Beni Bousera massif is characterized by a stack of peridotites and crustal metamorphic units. The massif is intruded by granitic dykes and affected by several normal ductile shear zones.... more
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    • Bulletin de la société géologique de France
This article describes anomalous changes in the diurnal behavior of the temperature measured in the near-surface soil at the Tlamacas monitoring site, Popocatépetl. Results of the statistical analysis show two essential changes for the... more
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    • Bulletin de la société géologique de France
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    • Bulletin de la société géologique de France
Le sous-sol des villes est structuré par plusieurs millénaires d’interactions société-environnement, qui ont créé les strates et sols urbains dont la puissance sédimentaire peut aujourd’hui dépasser une dizaine de mètres. Depuis une... more
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      HumanitiesGeoarchaeologyArchaeological Soil MicromorphologyMedieval Archaeology
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      GeologyBulletin de la société géologique de France
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      GeologyBulletin de la société géologique de France
This paper summarizes a six-year study of the Nsimi Small Experimental Watershed (SEW), considered as a model for the South Cameroon humid tropical ecosystem. When this small watershed was set up, no similar survey of input/output... more
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    • Bulletin de la société géologique de France
At the northern end of the Cap Corse peninsula, several klippes of ultramafic rocks (peridotite and serpentinite), among which the Monte Maggiore klippe is the least serpentinized one, rest upon continental-crust derived rocks (Centuri... more
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      GeologyBulletin de la société géologique de France
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      GeologyBulletin de la société géologique de France
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    • Bulletin de la société géologique de France
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      GeologyBulletin de la société géologique de France
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      GeologyBulletin de la société géologique de France
The recent development of unconventional resources has triggered a regain of interest for source-rocks. The presence of hydrocarbons in these unconventional systems is generally associated with organic-rich sediments. This study aims at... more
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      GeologyBulletin de la société géologique de France
Since the early 70’s the majority of tectonic reconstructions of the western Mediterranean employ the Alboran domain notion as a migrating microcontinent or landmass mainly composed of Paleozoic-Triassic rocks affected by ‘Alpine’ HP-LT... more
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      History of GeologyPlate TectonicsGeology of MediterraneanBulletin de la société géologique de France
In this paper, we provide the first structural map of Les Saintes archipelago (Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles). The finite strain pattern displays four families of fault systems characterized by their statistical structural orientations:... more
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    • Bulletin de la société géologique de France
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      Sedimentary BasinsBulletin de la société géologique de France
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    • Bulletin de la société géologique de France
Thylacocephalans (Euarthropoda, Thylacocephala) are characterized by their “bivalved” carapace and three anterior prehensile appendages. It is still not clear how they used to live, or what their evolutionary history is. This study... more
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    • Bulletin de la société géologique de France
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    • Bulletin de la société géologique de France
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    • Bulletin de la société géologique de France