Caiman crocodilus
Recent papers in Caiman crocodilus
Studies on the biology of Caiman crocodilus have drawn attention to its biology with emphasis on systematic, taxonomy and ecology. However, anatomical aspects, such as skull characteristics, have not been studied in detail throughout its... more
Se analizaron los cambios en el tiempo, la frecuencia por tipo de publicación, la ubicación espacial, los temas y especies estudiadas para los Crocodilia de Venezuela. Se localizaron 568 referencias, una cifra 8,8 veces mayor que la... more
Socioeconomic implausibility of breeding Caiman croc-odilus in Caño Negro, Costa Rica. In the last decade the importance of social participation in the development of conservation projects in Latin America has become obvious. In Costa... more
Entre finales de marzo y finales de abril de 1982, se visitaron 16 hatos en los estados Apure, Barinas y Portuguesa, Venezuela, los cuales cubren una superficie total de 233.769 ha, con el objeto de establecer la situación de las... more
Crocodilians are significant components of many tropical wetland habitats. The international traffic in crocodilian hides has reduced populations of most species to the point of ecological extinction. This situation results in... more
Introduction: The common or spectacled caiman is a species complex whose taxonomy is in a confused state. Primarily for management and conservation considerations, rather than for nomenclatorial justification, we follow in this chapter... more
Testosterone is a steroid hormone involved in the expression of many morphological, physiological, and behavioral traits that arguably affect reproductive success. The evidence for that link is, however, incomplete or absent in the... more
El programa de aprovechamiento de las poblaciones de babas en Venezuela estuvo, hasta el año 1987 estrictamente dirigido al aprovechamiento de las poblaciones naturales de esta especie. A partir de 1987 se empiezan a establecer en algunos... more
Numerous localities along the northern coast of Venezuela were visited between january and august, 1984. Counts of Caiman crocodilus greater than one year old were related to the distance travelled during the censusings. The maximum... more
O jacaretinga (Caiman crocodilus; Alligatoridae) ocorre na América Central e América do Sul. Na Amazônia brasileira a subespécie encontrada é a Caiman crocodilus crocodilus. Apesar de se alimentar basicamente de peixes e invertebrados,... more
Testosterone is a steroid hormone involved in the expression of many morphological, physiological, and behavioral traits that arguably affect reproductive success. The evidence for that link is, however, incomplete or absent in the... more
Ecological aspects of nesting in Caiman crocodilus chiapasius (Bocourt 1876) in the Encrucijada Biosphere Reserve, Mexico.— Studies on caiman, Caiman crocodilus chiapasius, in Mexico are scarce. The present study was conducted to evaluate... more