Cosmogenic Nuclides
Recent papers in Cosmogenic Nuclides
For the last two decades, in situ produced cosmogenic nuclides are increasingly applied in Earth sciences to quantify surface processes. In parallel, significant reduction of the analytical uncertainties linked to advances in accelerator... more
Orta Toroslar’da bulunan ve yaklaşık 800 km2 alan kaplayan Aladağlar Masifi’nin (37o45’ K, 35o15’ D), Geç Kuvaterner buzullaşmalarına ait izleri taşıdığı önceki çalışmalardan bilinmektedir. Temelde Mesozoyik yaşlı kireç taşlarından oluşan... more
The Himalayas represent the archetype of mountain building due to active continental collision and are considered in many studies as the locus of intense interactions between climate, denudation and tectonics. Estimates of modern... more
Geomorphic models such as the glacial buzz saw and denudational unloading and understanding the significance of active tectonics on geomorphic systems can be elucidated by quantitatively defining rates of erosion and sediment transfer in... more
The cosmogenic nuclide beryllium-10 (10Be), recovered from ice cores, is often used to study solar activity on long time- scales. However, the 10Be signal is also influenced by factors other than the Sun. To identify and quantify various... more
ABSTRACT [1] In many regions, tectonic uplift is the main driver of erosion over million-year (Myr) timescales, but climate changes can markedly affect the link between tectonics and erosion, causing transient variations in erosion rates.... more
While climatic models of valley downcutting discuss the origin of terrace staircases in valleys of middle Europe within the frame of alternating cold and temperate periods of the Quaternary, other models, starting from a base level fall... more
The hypothesis of an influence of the astronomical precession on the geodynamo energy budget was recently reappraised by theoreticians. Paleomagnetic indications of such an influence remain controversial because reconstructions of... more
Namibia, with its passive margin setting, long-term tectonic stability, and long-lasting arid climate is a typical granitic landscape characterized by numerous dominating inselbergs. The Namib has been the focus of quantitative studies on... more
To tackle the history of active thrusts, it is necessary to open the observation window on time scales on the order of e4–e5 years by studying the surface morphologies resulting from their activities. Because fluvial systems are... more
In the Western Pannonian Basin the widespread occurrence of ventifacts and large-scale deflation features indicate strong wind activity during the Quaternary. Pleistocene glaciations are probably the most important periods of wind erosion.... more
Long-term variations of the geomagnetic dipole moment (GDM) during periods of stable polarity and in transitional states (reversals and excursions) provide key information for understanding the geodynamo regime. Following several studies... more