Coupled Map Lattice
Recent papers in Coupled Map Lattice
We present a probabilistic approach for the study of systems with exclusions, in the regime traditionally studied via cluster-expansion methods. In this paper we focus on its application for the gases of Peierls contours found in the... more
Currently used public-key cryptosystems are based on difficulties in solving certain numeric theoretic problems, in which the way to predict the private key from the knowledge of the public key is computationally infeasible. Here we... more
Using elementary cellular automata (CA) as an example, we show how to coarse-grain CA in all classes of Wolfram's classification. We find that computationally irreducible (CIR) physical processes can be predictable and even... more
Studies of the phase diagram of the coupled sine circle map lattice have identified the presence of two distinct universality classes of spatiotemporal intermittency viz. spatiotemporal intermittency of the directed percolation class with... more
By choosing a dynamical system with d different couplings, one can rearrange a system based on the graph with a given vertex dependent on the dynamical system elements. The relation between the dynamical elements (coupling) is replaced by... more
This paper investigates a globally nonlocal coupled map lattice. A rigorous proof to the existence of chaos in the scene of Li–Yorke in that system is presented in terms of the Marotto theorem. Analytical sufficient conditions under which... more
We consider weakly coupled analytic expanding circle maps on the lattice Z d (for d ≥ 1), with small coupling strength and coupling between two sites decaying exponentially with the distance. We study the spectrum of the associated... more
We consider biological neural networks of pyramidal cells in a quasistatic approximation. We argue that they can be treated as a coupled map lattice of inhibitory and excitatory site maps, where both maps are derived from perturbation... more
We present work in progress on the dynamical analysis of a multi-agent model that allows for temporally distributed asymmetric interactions between agents. The model essentially defines a coupled map lattice in which interactions between... more
Genetic programming is used to evolve coupled map lattices for density classi cation. The most successful evolved rules depending only on nearest neighbors r = 1 show better performance than existing r = 3 cellular automaton rules on this... more
Numerical simulations of coupled map lattices (CMLs) and other complex model systems show an enormous phenomenological variety that is difficult to classify and understand. It is therefore desirable to establish analytical tools for... more
Coupled map lattices of non-hyperbolic local maps arise naturally in many physical situations described by discretised reaction diffusion equations or discretised scalar field theories. As a prototype for these types of lattice dynamical... more
In certain physical situations, extensive interactions arise naturally in systems. We consider one such situation, namely, small-world couplings. We show that, for a fixed fraction of nonlocal couplings, synchronous chaos is always a... more
We study spatio-temporal intermittency (STI) in a system of coupled sine circle maps. The phase diagram of the system shows parameter regimes with STI of both the directed percolation (DP) and non-DP class. STI with synchronized laminar... more
The scaling hypothesis for the coupled chaotic map lattices (CML) is formulated. Scaling properties of the CML in the regime of extensive chaos observed numerically before is justified analytically. The asymptotic Liapunov exponents... more
We discuss the spatiotemporal intermittency (STI) seen in coupled map lattices (CML-s). We identify the types of intermittency seen in such systems in the context of several specific CML-s. The Chaté-Manneville CML is introduced and the... more
This paper studies the stability of the slab reactor with respect to the enrichment. For this purpose, the coupled map lattice theory is applied to the multi-group diffusion equations. Applying mean Lyapunov exponent theory introduced by... more
This paper studies the stability of the slab reactor with respect to the enrichment. For this purpose, the coupled map lattice theory is applied to the multi-group diffusion equations. Applying mean Lyapunov exponent theory introduced by... more
We demonstrate that the direction of coupling of two interacting self-sustained electronic oscillators can be determined from the realizations of their signals. In our experiments, two electronic generators, operating in a periodic or a... more
Hyperchaos occurs in a dynamical system with more than one positive Lyapunov exponent. When the equations governing the time evolution of the dynamical system are known, the transition from chaos to hyperchaos can be readily obtained when... more
The dynamics of two coupled piece-wise linear one-dimensional monostable maps is investigated. The single map is associated with Poincaré section of the FitzHugh-Nagumo neuron model. It is found that a diffusive coupling leads to the... more
We investigate a system of coupled phase oscillators with nearest neighbors coupling in a chain with fixed ends. We find that the system synchronizes to a common value of the time-averaged frequency, which depends on the initial phases of... more
Chaos synchronization in coupled systems is often characterized by a map between the states of the components. In noninvertible systems, or in systems without inherent symmetries, the synchronization set-by which we mean graph͑͒-can be... more
We generalize the exact solution to the Bernoulli shift map. Under certain conditions, the generalized functions can produce unpredictable dynamics. We use the properties of the generalized functions to show that certain dynamical systems... more
We study the synchronization properties of a lattice of chaotic piecewise linear maps. The coupling strength decreases with the lattice distance in a power-law fashion. We obtain the Lyapunov spectrum of the coupled map lattice and... more
We find that the global symbolic dynamics of a diffusively coupled map lattice (CML) is wellapproximated by a very small local model for weak to moderate coupling strengths. A local symbolic model is a truncation of the full symbolic... more
In this work we address the statistical periodicity phenomenon on a coupled map lattice. The study was done based on the asymptotic binary patterns. The pattern multiplicity gives us the lattice information capacity, while the entropy... more
We investigate quasiperiodic travelling waves (QTWs) in lattices of diffusively coupled logistic maps. Starting from the assumption that any spatial structure can be broken down into simpler elementary structures, a classification scheme... more
We consider networks of coupled maps where the connections between units involve time delays. We show that, similar to the undelayed case, the synchronization of the network depends on the connection topology, characterized by the... more
We describe methods of estimating the entire Lyapunov spectrum of a spatially extended system from multivariate time-series observations. Provided that the coupling in the system is short range, the Jacobian has a banded structure and can... more
A coupled map lattice of generalized Lotka–Volterra equations in the presence of colored multiplicative noise is used to analyze the spatiotemporal evolution of three interacting species: one predator and two preys symmetrically competing... more
Coexistence of various ordered chaotic states in a Hamiltonian system is studied with the use of a symplectic coupled map lattice. Besides the clustered states for the attractive interaction, a novel chaotic ordered state is found for a... more
Coupled map lattices are a paradigm of higher-dimensional dynamical systems exhibiting spatiotemporal chaos. A special case of non-hyperbolic maps are one-dimensional map lattices of coupled Chebyshev maps with periodic boundary... more
We study 1-dimensional coupled map lattices consisting of diffusively coupled Chebyshev maps of N -th order. For small coupling constants a we determine the invariant 1-point and 2-point densities of these nonhyperbolic systems in a... more
The visibility algorithm has been recently introduced as a mapping between time series and complex networks. This procedure allows to apply methods of complex network theory for characterizing time series. In this work we present the... more
In this paper, we consider the spatiotemporal dynamics in a ring of N mutually coupled self-sustained oscillators in the regular state. When there are no parameter mismatches, the good coupling parameters leading to full, partial, and no... more
1. Models that represent space as a lattice have a critical function in theoretical and applied ecology. Despite their significance, there is a dearth of appropriate theoretical developments for the description of dispersal across such... more
The visibility algorithm has been recently introduced as a mapping between time series and complex networks. This procedure allows to apply methods of complex network theory for characterizing time series. In this work we present the... more
By considering a symmetric N-dimensional map which possesses invariant measure in its diagonal and anti-diagonal invariant sub-manifolds, we have been able to propose an N-coupled map which possesses invariant measure in synchronized or... more
Hyperchaos occurs in a dynamical system with more than one positive Lyapunov exponent. When the equations governing the time evolution of the dynamical system are known, the transition from chaos to hyperchaos can be readily obtained when... more
This paper describes interactive digital painting technique where brush stroke is controlled via coupled map lattice model. Coupled map lattice model is an extension of cellular automata model where discrete (integer) state values of CA... more
Conventional approaches to modeling any system try to incorporate increasingly realistic features into the model, thereby making it more and more complex. An opposite approach seeks to build simpler and simpler conceptual models capable... more
Chaos synchronization in coupled systems is often characterized by a map ϕ between the states of the components. In noninvertible systems, or in systems without inherent symmetries, the synchronization setby which we mean graph(ϕ)can be... more