What is e-literacy, subcomptences included in digital competences, examples of activities for working the digital competence learning Spanish, teacher languages profile. Cited as DUQUE DE LA TORRE, A.; GIL BÜRMAN, M.; JUAN LÁZARO, O.;... more
What is e-literacy, subcomptences included in digital competences, examples of activities for working the digital competence learning Spanish, teacher languages profile.
Cited as DUQUE DE LA TORRE, A.; GIL BÜRMAN, M.; JUAN LÁZARO, O.; SANZ DE LA MORENA, C. (2011): “La competencia digital docente: ¿qué sabemos y qué podemos hacer?”, Congreso mundial de profesores de español, Instituto Cervantes. Unidad Tecnologías Aplicadas a ELE, Dirección académica. Disponible en https://cdnapi.codev8.net/vdmplayer/ef6e74a5-c0e5-4321-add8-9b27d6807750
En este artículo se describe el marco para la integración de las tecnologías digitales en el aula, TRIC, TAC y TEP, describiendo las fases que necesitan los docentes para llegar a la innovación tecnológica, así como las etapas del proceso... more
This paper describes findings from the Penceil Project which aims to explore the experiences of non and minimal users of ICTs, how non-use affects their inclusion or exclusion from society and how they can learn to use ICTs to meet their... more
This paper describes findings from the Penceil Project which aims to explore the experiences of non and minimal users of ICTs, how non-use affects their inclusion or exclusion from society and how they can learn to use ICTs to meet their personal goals. The paper considers the applicability of the Technology Adoption Model (TAM) to understanding the experiences of this group of people. By looking at theories of social exclusion and the project research findings to date the paper argues that TAM: is limited in the range of social conditions it anticipates; and, thus, presumes a facility in formulating aspirations for use that people excluded from the use of ICTs do not have. We consider the implications of these conclusions for designing a revised Basic ICT curriculum and describe a new curriculum based on the research findings. We argue that, as ICTs in general – and internet use in particular – are experienced technologies, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use will have to be re-formulated to recognise limitations on people’s ability to construct plans for future action since an actor’s world is disclosed through action not given in advance.