Evolution of Photosymbiosis
Recent papers in Evolution of Photosymbiosis
As part of the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program's Fennoscandian Arctic Russia–Drilling Early Earth Project (ICDP FAR-DEEP), Palaeoproterozoic diamictic and associated rocks were targeted and recovered in Hole 3A on... more
A detailed sedimentological and chronostratigraphic analysis of the Umberatana Group in the northern Adelaide Geosyncline has uncovered a depositional history involving the rapid progradation (at least 20 km) of a giant reef complex (up... more
Many shallow-water tropical and subtropical foraminifera engage in photosymbiosis with eukaryotic microalgae. Some of these foraminifera appear to harbor a diverse consortium of endosymbiotic algae within a single host. Such apparent... more
A new trilobite species, Schopfaspis? graciai, from the middle Cambrian of Spain is the first member of Alokistocaridae reported from west Gondwana. A cladistic analysis of this trilobite and other Gondwanan trilobites of possible... more
"The secular cooling of the Earth's mantle and the growth of the continental crust together imply changes in the isostatic balance between continents and oceans, in the oceanic bathymetry and in the area of emerged continental crust. The... more
Giant clams (genus Tridacna) are the largest living bivalves and, like reef-building corals, host symbiotic dinoflagellate algae (Symbiodinium) that significantly contribute to their energy budget. In turn, Symbiodinium rely on the host... more
The Acraman ejecta horizon is a thin (0-40 cm ) sand/breccia unit consisting almost entirely of angular volcanic fragments. The horizon occurs within Neoproterozoic (~590 Ma) deep water shales of the Adelaide Foldbelt (Bunyeroo Formation)... more
ABSTRACT The Venezuelan Guayana Shield comprises the Pre-cambrian terrane of the southern and eastern half of Venezuela and encompasses more than 415,000 km2. This report describes the geology and geophysics of the Venezuelan Guayana... more
The Neoproterozoic was characterized by an extreme glaciation, but until now there has been no consensus as to whether it was a complete glaciation (snowball Earth) or a less severe glaciation (slushball Earth). We performed sensitivity... more
This study presents subdaily resolved chemical records through fossil mollusk shell calcite. Trace element profiles resolve periodic variability across~40-μm-thin daily growth laminae in a Campanian Torreites sanchezi rudist bivalve.... more