Evvironment Ans Development
Recent papers in Evvironment Ans Development
Undertaking physical recreational activity is an indispensable element of physical culture, serving the regeneration of psychophysical strength and fulfilling a great deal of human cognitive and functional needs. Realized in the leisure... more
Undertaking physical recreational activity is an indispensable element of physical culture, serving the regeneration of psychophysical strength and fulfilling a great deal of human cognitive and functional needs. Realized in the leisure time, in the first place it is to support the active rest. Also tourism is an intended, intentionally chosen for an individual’s needs physical activity. As an activity undertaken in one’s leisure time, influencing a human being not only through the recognition of reality, shaping inter-human relations, but also through improvement of motor skills, it also has a significant meaning for our health. Physical activity performed by a tourist , with keeping proper proportions of physical effort, rest, and the longest possible contact with natural environment, has a beneficial impact on their psychophysical shape and contributes to health improvement. That is why the natural environment should be used as an important factor in rationalization of methods of human strength restoration.
The areas of high sightseeing tourist and natural attractiveness, allowing undertaking diversified forms of rest, connected also with physical recreational activity, are frequently rural areas. In the period of multifunctional countryside development, where tourism is one of the forms of realization, has emerged a research area so far unrecognized, which requires defining and separation of the utility of countryside areas of high sightseeing tourist and natural attractiveness for undertaking physical recreational activity. The form of tourism realized in rural areas is agrotourism – the activity of providing tourism services by an agricultural family on their own farm with the use of their spare housing stock. The offer of an agrotourism farm usually contains the stay on the farm (accommodation) connected with board (i.e. meals). Its greatest advantage offered to tourists is a direct contact with rural environment through staying on a farm, participating in the farmer’s and his family’s life and making use of the existing sightseeing tourist and natural conditions of a particular village and region. The stay on the farm guarantees its guests the closeness to nature, freedom to move and is conducive to undertaking different forms of outdoor physical activity, especially in the situation when the places for its realization are located and organized in the proper and well-considered way. In this connection, the owners of agrotourism farms should become specialists in the field of physical culture and play a greater and greater role in shaping the level of awareness and knowledge about pro-healthy significance of active rest in their guests. That is why it was assumed that from both scientific and utilitarian points of view, it is important to carry out the research concerning the issue of offering broadly understood movement and creating the conditions encouraging the guests to undertaking physical activity in their leisure time by agrotourism farms’owners. From the point of view of the undertaken research, also the participation of the owners in shaping positive habits of spending leisure time, ways of strength restoration and active rest among their farms’guests, especially with the use of sightseeing tourist and natural values of the region, is quite important. The issues of the study are supplemented by the research into the attitudes and views of agrotourism farms’guests in this scope.
The subject matter of the research presented in the thesis was the analysis of the influence of sightseeing tourist and natural conditions on the intensity of the occurrence of agrotourism activity, preparation of a recreation base and offered forms of physical recreation, and on undertaking physical recreational activity by agrotourism farms’guests. The subject of the study, due to its multiple plots and complexity, was divided into two areas, and two stages of research resulting from them.
The subject matter of the first area of research based on secondary data were natural values of Wielkopolskie (Greater Poland) voivodship in a cross-section of poviats . Within this research stage the analysis of the conditions for rural tourism development, including agrotourism at the level of poviats of Wielkopolskie voivodship was conducted, preceded by the selection of sightseeing tourist and natural factors chosen on the basis of subject literature. To carry out the valorization of rural recreational space due to the diversity of sightseeing tourist and natural values and the evaluation of their impact on the existence and development of rural tourism and agrotourism, the following measurable factors co-defining these values were taken into consideration:
the area of special natural values legally protected (in % of total area),
forestation rate (in % of total area),
amount of lakes (in % of total area),
participation of meadows and pastures in the total amount of arable lands (%),
number of nature monuments for 1 km2.
In the second stage of the research , study with the use of diagnostic poll method was conducted in order to establish the impact of sightseeing tourist and natural values on:
making the decisions concerning running the agrotourism business by the owners of agrotourism farms;
preparation of the physical recreation offer in agrotourism farms and their neighbourhood;
guests’ decisions concerning the choice of an agrotourism farm as a place allowing undertaking physical recreation.
The study included agrotourism farms in the area of Międzychód poviat because (as the first stage of the research indicated) it comes first in Wielkopolskie voivodship in terms of the occurrence of sightseeing tourist and natural values. Personal interview with survey questionnaire comprised 54 agrotourism farms’owners who agreed on including their farms in the study, which makes 83% of all agrotourism farms community in Międzychód poviat. To know the opinions of the guests of agrotourism farms examined, from May to September 2009 by means of mail questionnaire technique and through the medium of the analyzed farms’owners, 248 guests of agrotourism farms were examined.
The conducted research allowed the verification of established research hypotheses and formulation of final conclusions:
Wielkopolska is a region significantly diversified with respect to the concentration of sightseeing tourist and natural features , where particular features examined are characterized by a great degree of changeability in the cross-section of poviats. The area which can be considered as possessing the best conditions for the development of rural tourism and agrotourism and for preparing recreation base and undertaking physical activity by the guests of agrotourism farms in Wielkopolska is Międzychód poviat. In this poviat all the features examined are characterized by high values in relation to the mean for the entire voivodship.
The most significant impact on the number of agricultural farms running tourist activity is demonstrated by the amount of lakes and forestation rate. Both features perform very important functions for tourism and recreation. They have a crucial impact on sightseeing and natural attractiveness of a given area and determine the emergence of farms dealing with rural tourism and agrotourism.
There is a strong correlation between sightseeing tourist and natural conditionings on a specific agrotourism farm, and the conditions for physical recreation.
The greatest influence on undertaking physical recreational activity by agrotourism farms’guests has the occurrence of surface waters.
People choosing holidays on an agrotourism farm pay attention to forms allowing undertaking physical recreational activity offered in its area and make use of the physical recreation offer prepared by its owner. They also think that the occurrence of sightseeing tourist and natural conditions influences tourist and recreational attractiveness of a farm and the choice of a farm as a place of guests’rest, and it also increases the attractiveness of the stay and creates favourable conditions for undertaking recreational activity.
Sightseeing tourist and natural conditions influence the amount of physical recreation forms offered by the hosts, which as a result influences the guests’decision concerning the choice of a particular agrotourist farm as a place to rest.
Sightseeing tourist and natural conditions and an attractive physical recreation offer considering its versatile forms have a highly positive influence on the intensity of effort undertaken by the guests during physical recreation.
The research showed that the development of agrotourist business depends on the intensity of sightseeing and natural conditions occurring in rural areas, while the usefulness of rural areas for undertaking physical recreational activity with the use of the natural environment is very large. Rural recreational space constitutes the environment in which the features making rest possible occur and in which the processes of regeneration of psychophysical strengths of a human can take place. So, rural areas possessing suitable sightseeing and natural conditions which are in favour of the development of rural tourism and agrotourism make the space for realization of broadly understood physical culture.
The areas of high sightseeing tourist and natural attractiveness, allowing undertaking diversified forms of rest, connected also with physical recreational activity, are frequently rural areas. In the period of multifunctional countryside development, where tourism is one of the forms of realization, has emerged a research area so far unrecognized, which requires defining and separation of the utility of countryside areas of high sightseeing tourist and natural attractiveness for undertaking physical recreational activity. The form of tourism realized in rural areas is agrotourism – the activity of providing tourism services by an agricultural family on their own farm with the use of their spare housing stock. The offer of an agrotourism farm usually contains the stay on the farm (accommodation) connected with board (i.e. meals). Its greatest advantage offered to tourists is a direct contact with rural environment through staying on a farm, participating in the farmer’s and his family’s life and making use of the existing sightseeing tourist and natural conditions of a particular village and region. The stay on the farm guarantees its guests the closeness to nature, freedom to move and is conducive to undertaking different forms of outdoor physical activity, especially in the situation when the places for its realization are located and organized in the proper and well-considered way. In this connection, the owners of agrotourism farms should become specialists in the field of physical culture and play a greater and greater role in shaping the level of awareness and knowledge about pro-healthy significance of active rest in their guests. That is why it was assumed that from both scientific and utilitarian points of view, it is important to carry out the research concerning the issue of offering broadly understood movement and creating the conditions encouraging the guests to undertaking physical activity in their leisure time by agrotourism farms’owners. From the point of view of the undertaken research, also the participation of the owners in shaping positive habits of spending leisure time, ways of strength restoration and active rest among their farms’guests, especially with the use of sightseeing tourist and natural values of the region, is quite important. The issues of the study are supplemented by the research into the attitudes and views of agrotourism farms’guests in this scope.
The subject matter of the research presented in the thesis was the analysis of the influence of sightseeing tourist and natural conditions on the intensity of the occurrence of agrotourism activity, preparation of a recreation base and offered forms of physical recreation, and on undertaking physical recreational activity by agrotourism farms’guests. The subject of the study, due to its multiple plots and complexity, was divided into two areas, and two stages of research resulting from them.
The subject matter of the first area of research based on secondary data were natural values of Wielkopolskie (Greater Poland) voivodship in a cross-section of poviats . Within this research stage the analysis of the conditions for rural tourism development, including agrotourism at the level of poviats of Wielkopolskie voivodship was conducted, preceded by the selection of sightseeing tourist and natural factors chosen on the basis of subject literature. To carry out the valorization of rural recreational space due to the diversity of sightseeing tourist and natural values and the evaluation of their impact on the existence and development of rural tourism and agrotourism, the following measurable factors co-defining these values were taken into consideration:
the area of special natural values legally protected (in % of total area),
forestation rate (in % of total area),
amount of lakes (in % of total area),
participation of meadows and pastures in the total amount of arable lands (%),
number of nature monuments for 1 km2.
In the second stage of the research , study with the use of diagnostic poll method was conducted in order to establish the impact of sightseeing tourist and natural values on:
making the decisions concerning running the agrotourism business by the owners of agrotourism farms;
preparation of the physical recreation offer in agrotourism farms and their neighbourhood;
guests’ decisions concerning the choice of an agrotourism farm as a place allowing undertaking physical recreation.
The study included agrotourism farms in the area of Międzychód poviat because (as the first stage of the research indicated) it comes first in Wielkopolskie voivodship in terms of the occurrence of sightseeing tourist and natural values. Personal interview with survey questionnaire comprised 54 agrotourism farms’owners who agreed on including their farms in the study, which makes 83% of all agrotourism farms community in Międzychód poviat. To know the opinions of the guests of agrotourism farms examined, from May to September 2009 by means of mail questionnaire technique and through the medium of the analyzed farms’owners, 248 guests of agrotourism farms were examined.
The conducted research allowed the verification of established research hypotheses and formulation of final conclusions:
Wielkopolska is a region significantly diversified with respect to the concentration of sightseeing tourist and natural features , where particular features examined are characterized by a great degree of changeability in the cross-section of poviats. The area which can be considered as possessing the best conditions for the development of rural tourism and agrotourism and for preparing recreation base and undertaking physical activity by the guests of agrotourism farms in Wielkopolska is Międzychód poviat. In this poviat all the features examined are characterized by high values in relation to the mean for the entire voivodship.
The most significant impact on the number of agricultural farms running tourist activity is demonstrated by the amount of lakes and forestation rate. Both features perform very important functions for tourism and recreation. They have a crucial impact on sightseeing and natural attractiveness of a given area and determine the emergence of farms dealing with rural tourism and agrotourism.
There is a strong correlation between sightseeing tourist and natural conditionings on a specific agrotourism farm, and the conditions for physical recreation.
The greatest influence on undertaking physical recreational activity by agrotourism farms’guests has the occurrence of surface waters.
People choosing holidays on an agrotourism farm pay attention to forms allowing undertaking physical recreational activity offered in its area and make use of the physical recreation offer prepared by its owner. They also think that the occurrence of sightseeing tourist and natural conditions influences tourist and recreational attractiveness of a farm and the choice of a farm as a place of guests’rest, and it also increases the attractiveness of the stay and creates favourable conditions for undertaking recreational activity.
Sightseeing tourist and natural conditions influence the amount of physical recreation forms offered by the hosts, which as a result influences the guests’decision concerning the choice of a particular agrotourist farm as a place to rest.
Sightseeing tourist and natural conditions and an attractive physical recreation offer considering its versatile forms have a highly positive influence on the intensity of effort undertaken by the guests during physical recreation.
The research showed that the development of agrotourist business depends on the intensity of sightseeing and natural conditions occurring in rural areas, while the usefulness of rural areas for undertaking physical recreational activity with the use of the natural environment is very large. Rural recreational space constitutes the environment in which the features making rest possible occur and in which the processes of regeneration of psychophysical strengths of a human can take place. So, rural areas possessing suitable sightseeing and natural conditions which are in favour of the development of rural tourism and agrotourism make the space for realization of broadly understood physical culture.
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