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The 9th issue of Fantasy Art and Studies gathers the proceedings of the symposium "Représentations animales dans les mondes imaginaires" (Université d'Artois, November 2019) organised by Marie-Lucie Bougon, Charlotte Duranton and Laura... more
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      Critical Animal StudiesFantasy LiteratureHarry PotterScience Fiction and Fantasy
In fantasy literature, the setting is as important to the story as are character and plot. This article demonstrates how topofocal (place-focused) perspectives yield valuable insights into various fantasy texts. The examples include... more
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      Literary GeographyJ. R. R. TolkienFantasy LiteratureEcocriticism
I broadcast audiobooks with pdf, whoever wants to take a look at my Twitch: twitch.tv/vinicosta99
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      Fantasy FictionEnglish Bookse-Book
Women of Ice and Fire: Gender, Game of Thrones, and Multiple Media Engagements explores women in the transmedia GOT universe, which consists of George R. R. Martin’s book series, the HBO television show, computer games, and online fan... more
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      Sexual ViolenceFeminismPostfeminismFantasy Fiction
The phenomenon of The Lord of the Rings began to be popular in 2002, mainly for its movie version, directed by Peter Jackson. Behind the success, however; is the master of writing, J.R.R Tolkien, who wrote this epic fantasy in 1954. He... more
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      ChristianityJ. R. R. TolkienFantasy LiteratureArchetypes
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      History of Science and TechnologyCultural HistoryFuture StudiesComparative Literature
Like Old Hamlet’s Ghost, William Shakespeare has survived his own death as well as the “death of the author” to emerge as a seemingly immortal figure in his own right. The spectral persistence of the Bard in modern Anglophone culture has... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreShakespeareFantasy LiteratureElizabethan Literature
The 8th issue of Fantasy Art and Studies is dedicated to Terry Pratchett. The authors and scholars of this issue, introduced by a poem by Freyja Stokes, recipient of the Sir Terry Pratchett Memorial, acknowledge the influence and the... more
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      Fantasy LiteratureScience Fiction and FantasyTerry PratchettFantasy Fiction
Książka "Allotopie. Topografia światów fikcjonalnych" powstała z bardzo przyziemnej potrzeby: stworzenia swego rodzaju kompendium zbierającego teorie fikcji i narracji przydatne w analizowaniu literatury fantastycznej i światotwórczej. W... more
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      Comparative LiteraturePhilosophyLiteratureNarrative
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    • Fantasy Fiction
I explain how Steven Erikson's fantasy novel The Malazan Book of the Fallen helped me understand mental attitudes from ancient and medieval times.
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      Fantasy FictionMythopoeic FantasyEuhemerismThe Malazan book of the Fallen
A practical demonstration of how critical world-building can be used in reading a world. As a test-case, we use the alternate history 'Biographical Notes to "A Discourse on the Nature of Causality, with Airplanes" by Benjamin Rosenbaum'... more
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      Science FictionFantasy LiteratureScience Fiction and FantasyFantasy (Literature)
The fantasy genre is easily recognisable, but not easily definable. Nonetheless, it is an essential part of our lives, able to 'show us things we have seen so many times that we never see them at all, for the very first time'. I propose... more
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      Creative WritingMythologyMulticulturalismHumanities
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      HistoryEgyptologyPhilosophyArt History
My PhD thesis, in which I explored and mapped the emergence and representation of primary LGBT characters in English-language fantasy novels within the period 1987-2000.
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      Queer StudiesGenre studiesQueer TheoryFantasy Literature
I broadcast audiobooks with pdf, whoever wants to take a look at my Twitch: twitch.tv/vinicosta99
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      Fantasy FictionEnglish Bookse-BookRobert Jordan
Stereotypes and archetypes are easily recognisable in fantasy fiction; ‘The Guąrdian Chronicles’ is an original, stereotypical opening to a fantasy fiction novel, and ‘Snake Charmer’ is a contemporary version of the same opening. A... more
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      Creative WritingMulticulturalismHumanitiesGenre studies
Samit Basu’s GameWorld trilogy describes itself both as “India’s first SFF trilogy” (The Simoqin Prophecies, back cover) and as a “cross-cultural extravaganza” (Simoqin Kindle ebook, front cover). This dissertation shall examine the... more
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      GlobalizationScience FictionFantasy FictionSpeculative Fiction
Depuis quelques décennies, la Fantasy s’est imposée comme l’un des genres majeurs de l’Imaginaire aux côtés de la Science-fiction et du Fantastique. Le Seigneur des Anneaux, Harry Potter, Narnia, Le Trône de Fer,... On ne compte plus le... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreComparative LiteratureMythologyJ. R. R. Tolkien
In the writing of fantasy and science fiction there are different types of story worlds that can be created. A writer needs to understand the type of story world they are using or they have created and write a story that is coherent... more
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      Fantasy (Film Studies)Fantasy LiteratureScience Fiction and FantasyCreative Writing Theory and Pedagogy
This article demonstrates how we can gain critical insights into a fantasy world by reading its accompanying map, using Ben McSweeney's map from Brandon Sanderson's The Rithmatist as an example. An analysis of the map's topography,... more
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      Literary GeographyFantasy LiteratureScience Fiction and FantasyFantasy (Literature)
This article examines notions of authenticity, which have traditionally centered on the individual, and explores instead a view of authenticity that is “reciprocal” (Zahavi 2001; Rokotnitz 2014) and “relational” (Gallagher, Morgan,... more
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      Moral PsychologyChildren's LiteratureChildren's and Young Adult LiteratureAuthenticity
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      Fantasy (Film Studies)J. R. R. TolkienFantasy LiteratureScience Fiction and Fantasy
Artykuły naukowe Tolkien w oczach mediewisty Thomas Honegger Tolkien i wikingowie. Czyli o związkach J. R. R. Tolkiena z wiktoriańską literaturą na temat Północy Michał Leśniewski Z Prus do Anglii. Saga rodziny J. R. R.... more
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      Critical TheoryBritish LiteratureHistoryCultural History
This essay examines the way we can consider and discuss music of the LOTR films agains specific themes found in J.R.R. Tolkien's essay "On Fairy Stories." In effect, I demonstrate how Howard Shore's music can both reinforce and... more
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyFilm Studies
The paper presents a brief survey of several Classical ideas on the role of music from the writings of Plato, Iamblichus, Cicero, Macrobius, and other ancient philosophers that might have infiltrated Tolkien’s subcreation. Starting with... more
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      J. R. R. TolkienFantasy LiteratureClassical Reception StudiesAncient Greek Philosophy
The article "Silmarillion"—J. R. R. Tolkien’s Allotopia From Ardological Perspective aims at outlining the methodology for studying Tolkien’s world-building project without the need of acknowledging the text-centered reading paradigm.... more
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      ReligionCultural HistoryCultural StudiesWorld Literatures
This article analyzes the nature of urban fantasy by aggregating the claims, suggestions, and observations made by several different accounts of what urban fantasy is. These accounts comprise six scholarly sources and four sources... more
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      Fantasy LiteratureScience Fiction and FantasyFantasy (Literature)Fantasy Fiction
This paper offers a wide overview of the various inspirations, sources and roots that have inspired the development of the new subgenre of urban fantasy. Reaching as far back as ancient mythologies coming forward to the great shift in... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreFantasy LiteratureFantasy FictionUrban fantasy
I broadcast audiobooks with pdf, whoever wants to take a look at my Twitch: twitch.tv/vinicosta99
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      Fantasy FictionE-booksEnglish BooksEpic Fantasy
Artykuły naukowe Autoreferencyjność w dwóch baśniach europejskich: w „Oślej Skórce” Charlesa Perraulta i w „O głupim, co ożeniuł się z królowną i został królem” (baśń polska) Anne-Marie Monluçon Baśniowe herstory. Postmodernistyczne... more
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      Cultural StudiesPhilosophyLiteratureFantasy (Film Studies)
Wprowadzenie do książki "Narracje fantastyczne", opisujące kulisy zwrotu światocentrycznego w badaniach teoretycznoliterackich nad fantastyką i jego konsekwencje dla szeroko pojętych studiów światotwórczych
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      Comparative LiteraturePhilosophyEnglish LiteratureDystopian Literature
Celem niniejszego tekstu jest przedstawienie spójnej propozycji metodologicznej dla interdyscyplinarnych badań nad światotwórczymi narracjami fantastycznymi w literaturze, filmie oraz grze wideo. Przedstawiona metodologia stanowi summę... more
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      World LiteraturesComparative LiteraturePhilosophyNew Media
Artykuł wprowadza polskiego czytelnika w problematykę światocentryczności i zwrotu światocentrycznego we współczesnej teorii narracji. Nakreśliwszy kulturowe, ekonomiczne i transmedialne aspekty rzeczonego zwrotu, autor porusza problem... more
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      Science FictionFantasy LiteratureScience Fiction and FantasyFantasy Fiction
Situates the life and fiction of Inkling Charles Williams in the network of modern occultism, with special focus on his initiatory experiences in A.E. Waite’s Fellowship of the Rosy Cross. Roukema evaluates fictional projections of magic,... more
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      ReligionInner AlchemyAlchemyMagic
Speculative fiction (sfict) is the youngest storytelling genre in literature, identifiable by its use of real as well as fictional elements of fantasy, horror, and science. Since sfict is global, breaks literary conventions and pushes... more
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      Genre studiesSpeculative LiteratureLiterary CriticismScience Fiction
""UEA Thesis (2011) In this thesis I draw upon recent formulations of fantasy theory, from Rosemary Jackson’s psychoanalytic analysis to the socio-historical approaches of José Monleon and Mark Bould, and the poetics of fantasy... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesAmerican StudiesWorld Literatures
Yaoi/BL Fandom Survey (only takes 10 mins to complete): https://leeds.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/blfandomsurvey This article addresses the research question: How do Chinese Yaoi fans read Yaoi stories? Yaoi is a female-oriented genre of... more
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      Japanese StudiesCensorshipSex and GenderWomen's Studies
Artykuły naukowe: Urban fantasy — literatura Niewidocznego Stefan Ekman (przekł. Magdalena Wąsowicz) Wokół definicji fantastyki miejskiej Sarai Mannolini-Winwood (przekł. Krzysztof M. Maj) Miasta kanibalistyczne. Poczwarne ciała... more
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      LiteraturePopular CultureUrban HistoryFantasy (Film Studies)
Виклики українського перекладу та теоретичні аспекти дослідження літератури фентезі. Збірник матеріалів наукових семінарів Центру з Дослідження Літератури Фентезі при Інституті літератури ім. Т. Г. Шевченка НАН України (26 листопада 2019,... more
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      Fantasy (Film Studies)Fantasy LiteratureTranslation and literatureFantasy Fiction
Książka "Narracje fantastyczne" pod wspólną redakcją Kseni Olkusz i Krzysztofa M. Ma­ja jest piątym tomem serii „Perspektywy Ponowoczesności”, zbierającym na blis­ko siedmiuset stronach trzydzieści tekstów nau­kowych rozpatrujących... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesComparative LiteraturePhilosophy
Yaoi/BL Fandom Survey (only takes 10 mins to complete): https://leeds.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/blfandomsurvey The aim of this study is to compare Sinophone and Anglophone fan fiction consisting of female-oriented male-male romance: danmei and... more
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      Japanese StudiesCensorshipSex and GenderWomen's Studies
This petition argues that erotic comics are an important cultural record of the way in which diverse sexualities are understood and portrayed, and sexual fantasies explored. An Erotic Comics Anglophone Archive (ErotiCAA) will preserve... more
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      Cultural HistoryGender StudiesQueer StudiesVisual Studies
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      English LiteratureRhetoricGothic LiteratureScience Fiction and Fantasy
ASCA Workshop 2019 ‘Realities and Fantasies’ Relations, Transformations, Discontinuities 10-12 April, organized by Divya Nadkarni, Alex Thinius, Nadia de Vries. Keynote lectures: • Jonathan Culler (Cornell University): Fantasizing... more
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      Critical TheoryOntologyAestheticsSex and Gender
The objective of the present text is to kindle a debate regarding the relations between image and text in children‘s literature in general, and in the The Wednesday Tales trilogy, by the Irish writer and illustrator Jon Berkeley, in... more
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      Irish StudiesIrish LiteratureLiteratureLiterary Criticism
With Urban Fantasy, the city becomes the new place of adventure and magic for modern knights and wizards. Although the development of the genre is relatively recent, Urban Fantasy is rooted in 19th century urban fiction and still uses... more
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      Fantasy LiteratureScience Fiction and FantasyFantasy FictionFantasy
The aim of fantasy fiction is rarely to talk about a fantastical world, rather, its function is to evoke everyday issues. The Harry Potter series evokes political issues from the Second World War to critique the politics of eugenics and... more
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      Harry PotterAuthorshipFantasy FictionThe Third Reich
Compendium Dlaczego pytamy „Co by było, gdyby…?”. Uwagi na temat funkcji historii alternatywnej (przekł. Magdalena Wąsowicz) Gavriel D. Rosenfeld Między historią a fantazją. Mediewalizm i głos kobiet w „Pieśni dla Arbonne” Guya Guvriela... more
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      HistoryFantasy LiteratureSteampunkScience Fiction and Fantasy