Foot and Ankle
Recent papers in Foot and Ankle
Background: The purpose of our study was to compare ankle range of motion and stiffness in individuals with and without diabetes mellitus using a reliable and valid technique and to document the effect of knee flexion and severity of... more
Los huesecillos accesorios del pie son variaciones anatómicas normales de infrecuente importancia clínica. Se sitúan en los sitios de los centros de osificación secundarios del tarso y metatarso. Desde su primera descripción en la... more
Background: Tendon transfers are commonly used for correction of pathology or deformity of the foot and ankle. Bioabsorbable implants have been developed as an alternative to metal interference screws. The purpose of this study was to... more
teknik pemeriksaan radiografi untuk mendiagnosa kelainan pada regio ankle joint
Ankle impingement syndromes are painful conditions that may complicate ankle trauma and are characterized by chronic, progressive pain, swelling, and limitation of movement. These disorders are subclassified according to anatomical... more
Background and Purpose: Spastic cerebral palsy is accompanied with an increase in calf muscles’ spasticity and a decrease in the ankle range of motion. The purpose of the study was to compare muscle inhibitory with functional corrective... more
—Severe injuries of lower extremities often lead to chronic pain and reduced walking abilities. We postulated that measuring free-living gait can provide further information about walking ability in complement to clinical evaluations. We... more
Background: The effect of footwear on the gait of children is poorly understood. This systematic review synthesises the evidence of the biomechanical effects of shoes on children during walking and running. Methods: Study inclusion... more
T he Lisfranc joint, aka the tarsal-metatarsal (TMT) joint, marks the transition between the more rigid midfoot and the relatively flexible forefoot. It provides critical stability in maintenance of both the transverse and longitudinal... more
Fractures of the lateral and the posterior processes of the talus are uncommon and frequently missed because of a low level of suspicion and difficulty in interpretation on plain radiographs. Missed fractures can lead to persistent pain... more
The following 4 points were delineated and clarified in my response to Dr Craig's challanges: (1) Retention of talar supinatus is the embryological cause of a structurally elevated first metatarsal (2) The elevated first metatarsal is a... more
OBJECTIVE: Ankle rigidity is a common musculoskeletal disorder affecting the talocrural joint, which can impair weight-bearing ankle dorsiflexion (WBADF) and daily-life in people with or without history of ankle injuries. Our objective... more
profesora asociada en dicho departamento, certifican:
Background: The aim of this study was to determine whether excessive medial deviation of the first metatarsal (excessive intermetatarsal angle) is present in the initial phase of hallux valgus. Methods: The intermetatarsal angle between... more
Background: The peripheral complications of diabetes mellitus remain a significant risk to lower-limb morbidity. In New Zealand, risk of diabetes, comorbidity and lower-limb amputation are highly-differential between demographic groups,... more
Background: Foot health is an important aspect of general health, and it can be maintained and promoted through foot self-care. However, little is known about older people's experiences of caring for their feet. The aim of this study was... more
Silastic implants for the first metatarsophalangeal joint (MTPJ) have been in use for over 50 years. Initial reports were associated with high failure rates leading to development of new designs that are currently in use. The aim of... more
Avulsion fractures of the anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament from its tibial attachment, Tillaux fractures, are usually seen in adolescents during the interval of the distal tibial epiphyseal closure. However, this pattern of... more
BACKGROUND : Ankle fractures are one of the commonest injuries treated by orthopaedic surgeons today. The incidence of malleolar fractures is estimated to be 125/100,000/year.[5] They are common in younger men and older women. The goals... more
The term " ankle impingement " encompasses a broad range of conditions that are typically post-traumatic and often chronic. Various forms of mechanical impingement can result from synovial proliferation, bone spur formation, or... more
Intra-articular fractures of calcaneum are known to be difficult to manage and lead to multiple complications including subtalar arthritis and malunion. However, non-union of calcaneum is rarely encountered. Only a total of six studies... more
Submit Manuscript | MOJ Orthop Rheumatol 2016, 4(1): 00126 of side-effects, namely recurrence of deformity, loss of flexion strength of first MTPJ causing first ray insufficiency, first MTPJ loss of movement, and... more
Background: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, populations were advised to remain at home to control viral spread. Government-mandated restrictions on free movement affected individuals’ engagement with physical activity, with reported... more
The aim of this paper was to create an updated Australian guideline on footwear for people with diabetes. We reviewed new footwear publications, (inter)national guidelines, and consensus expert opinion alongside the 2013 Australian... more
Chronic mid-foot pain have several etiological factors and related treatment protocols. Most of the times, the treatment is limited to supportive and symptomatic therapy. Physical therapy measures are ancillary modalities along with... more
The treatment of severe rigid neurogenic clubfoot deformities still remains a challenging problem in modern paediatric orthopaedics. In those cases, in spite of being a palliative procedure, talectomy has been advocated for the correction... more
A set of associated left pedal elements of a sauropod dinosaur from the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation in Weston County, Wyoming, is described here. Several camarasaurids, a nearly complete small brachiosaur, and a small diplodocid... more
Background: Chronic ankle instability (CAI) may result from repeated, frequent ankle sprains during sports activities. Manual examination for CAI is conducted; however, quantitative methods for the evaluation of CAI have not been... more
Background: Diabetic foot ulcers are frequently related to elevated pressure under a bony prominence. Conservative treatment includes offloading with orthopaedic shoes and custom made orthotics or plaster casts. While casting in plaster... more
AbstractBackground: Outcomes of management of high energy distal third tibial fractures are not satisfactory and associated with complications. So use of external fixator is increased in recent years for distal third tibia... more
Purpose: To compare the effect of static holds and continuous passive motion on stiffness and force relaxation of the soft tissue structures resisting ankle joint dorsiflexion. Methods: This study used a randomized repeated measures trial... more
The link between joint pain and poor posture is not a new concept. However, this author links the development of poor posture to a specific embryological foot structure, which is biomechanically dysfunctional [hyperpronates]. An... more
Morton (1935) describes a foot in which the 1 st metatarsal is shorter than the 2 nd , visually identified as a deep 1 st web space (See Figure 1). Rothbart describes a foot in which the 1 st metatarsal is elevated and inverted, the... more
Aim : The aim of the study is to compare immediate weight bearing with below-knee cast or immobilization with plaster splint in 6 weeks in patients after operative treatment for ankle bimalleolar fractures. Methods : Fifty-three patients... more
Introduction: Spasticity is one of the main characteristics that define children with spastic cerebral palsy which is specified by hyper-tonia and hyper-reflexia of the muscle. Spastic cerebral palsy children, which clearly accompanied by... more
Functional ankle instability (FAI) is commonly reported by children and adolescents with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT), however,, the specific variables associated with FAI remain unknown. An improved understanding of these variables... more
Educational tool and point-of-care tests to assist antibiotic prescribing decisions for diabetic foot ulcer infections (INDUCE study
In this paper, the most common injuries in university beach volleyball players are studied through a 33 participant sample at the University Spanish Championship. Injuries were assessed by means of personal interviews and a validated... more