Recent papers in Judeo-Christianity
An insight to the views of religious beliefs versus a utilitarian notions on the impact of environmental issues
Borrowed from a psychological theory, the principle of ‘separation-individuation’ refers to a developmental phase in which a subject develops sense of differentiation from her past or present origins and sense of autonomous selfhood and... more
Le Christ juif de Daniel Boyarin (Cerf, 2013) est la traduction française d’un ouvrage paru en 2012 sous le titre The Jewish Gospels. The Story of the Jewish Christ.
This paper is an interpretive history and analysis of why the idea of the first Superman was popular in the United States in the first few decades of the turn of the twentieth century. It was well known at the time the idea of Superman... more
Pierwszy wiek po Chrystusie jest bardzo ważnym okresem dla kształtowania się judaizmu rabinicznego i chrześcijaństwa. Bowiem w tym czasie doszło do rozejścia się dróg Kościoła i Synagogi. Proces ten był długotrwały i naznaczony licznymi... more
Exegetical notes on the letter traditionally attributed to Jude, brother of Jesus. Compiling analysis on historical & literary context concluding with a draft summary serving as an introduction to Jude for youth groups.
Le mystère d’Israël n’a pas été […] pour Jacques Maritain un objet de réflexion parmi d’autres, un chapitre de morale humanitaire, de philosophie politique ou de théologie de l’Église. Israël, le Judaïsme, le peuple juif, se situent au... more
Summary: The present study of the second creation story, Gen 2,4b- 3,24, focuses on the divine prohibition in 2,16f and the declarations to the snake, to the wife and to Adam in 3,14-19 and attempts to interpret these verses in the... more
‘Unresolved dissonances between the characters and dispositions of the parents continue to reverberate in the nature of the child and make up the history of its inner sufferings.’ Friedrich Nietzsche discerned in the 19th century that... more
To say that the topic of whether the teachings of the Buddha constitute what the World considers to be religion, is a hotly debated one, but it shouldn’t be. This paper seeks to reveal that the actual teachings of the Buddha are the very... more
Las raíces del cristianismo se hunden en el judaísmo en el que nació y del que nunca supo ni quiso renunciar. Esta circunstancia resulta particularmente incómoda a los teólogos cristianos que intentan hacer compatible al violento Yahveh... more
Fritz Poppenberg a German filmaker made a DVD from this article ( https://www.dreilindenfilm.de/produkt/der-name-gottes/) which is available for free on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjpGXSyIqTc The understanding of God's... more
La 'Historia de la Salvación' es una fuente judeocristiana muy antigua que fue interpolada en las Recognitiones, una novela cristiana atribuida a Clemente de Roma. Consiste en una síntesis revisionista de la Historia bíblica desde la... more
Originally a Masters of Divinity Thesis for which the author was awarded Honors in Church History, this book traces the development of Jewish Christianity from its beginnings in the earliest Christian communities through its apparent... more
What are the sources of the practice of holidays in Judaism, Christianity and in the Messianic Jewish movement? This article outlines their origins in Biblical times and in Second Temple Judaism, and shows why and how there was a parting... more
A look into the Judeo-Dravidian origins of the native Malankara Nasrani Christians, otherwise known as St. Thomas Christians of Malabar. Probably Malankara Nazranies(St.Thomas Christians for the western world ) have long been wrongly... more
Why were the Biblical Holidays received differently in post Second Temple Judaism and in Christianity? How did they further develop their different liturgical calendars in relation to the Biblical calendar? And how does the recent... more
Le shabbat et le premier jour de la semaine dans le christianisme primitif.
While the traditional vowels of YHWH are dummy vowels (as per almost universal consensus among Hebrew scholars), "Yehowah" has regained popularity in recent years as the alleged true pronunciation. The paper gives evidence against the... more
Abstract for The Mythological Dimensions of Neil Gaiman Kitsune Books April 20, 2012 Author Lynn Gelfand Title of essay “The End of the World as We Know It: Neil Gaiman and the Future of Mythology” A story about a struggle... more
Until the second half of the seventeenth century, Jewish-Christianity at the margins of the Sephardic congregations of Amsterdam’s Golden Age did not articulate itself as a conscious forging of bridges between two clearly distinct... more
The Letter to the Philippians is the sole surviving work of the early Christian bishop and martyr, Polycarp of Smyrna. Ever since the 17 th century, scholars have contested the authenticity and unity of the letter without reaching a... more
Mucho se ha hablado y publicado acerca del cainismo español, pero muy poco es lo que se ha profundizado en las raíces de tal evocación. Esta idea es, básicamente, el motor de este ensayo: rastrear la sombra del fratricida bíblico,... more
Eusèbe de Césarée cite dans son Histoire ecclésiastique (III, 20) un extrait des Mémoires (Ὑπομνήματα) d’Hégésippe relatant la comparution devant l’empereur Domitien de deux hommes présentés comme les petits-fils de Jude, le frère du... more
Вторая заповедь определила отношение к образам в aвраамиче-ской традиции. Во всех религиях признавалось невозможным изображение Бога-Яхве, Бога-Отца, Аллаха, невидимого и не-постижимого. Но при этом существовала потребность в... more
L’approfondissement de la connaissance mutuelle entre chrétiens et Juifs se poursuit de manière régulière — on peut même dire spectaculaire —, surtout dans le monde anglo-saxon. En témoigne la littérature technique — spécialement... more
Un programme de recherche sur le christianisme, avec quelques points clés à creuser... et un peu de poésie.
Tracing an early rabbinic approach to the human, this article analyzes how the Tannaim of the Mishnah and Tosefta set the human side by side with other species, and embedded their account within broader considerations of reproduction ,... more
Social-scientific analyses of religion have shown the underlying wide-scale structures of religious phenomena and the indebtedness of religion to culture and vice-versa. During the past few decades the results of this particular... more
Jacques Lacan and the Judeo-Christian Discourse. Tel-Aviv University - Lester and Sally Entin Faculty of Humanities School of Philosophy. The dissertation is submitted to the Senate of Tel-Aviv University in fulfillment of the requirement... more