Cloud storage is an online data storage and it is located as centrally.Cloud data ownerprovidethe facility for users to online store their data and access from any location. Though it has reliable for the user to achieve a secure and... more
Cloud storage is an online data storage and it is located as centrally.Cloud data ownerprovidethe facility for users to online store their data and access from any location. Though it has reliable for the user to achieve a secure and dependent cloud storage service. Ina key aggregate crypto-systemkey is generated fordifferent attributes of data in different cipher text classes and its associated keys. It derived aggregate key on the basis of attribute and identitywhich, depending on the different classes according to cloud data owner. By using this technique aunique cryptographic key achieves. It is optimallysecure for cloud data and privacy preserving key generating process.The cloud data ownerdecidesthe access levelof the data, such as public, private and hierarchyaccess level in order toenhance the data access capability in a data sharing cloud mechanism.Blowfish is thebest data security algorithm. It is higher security and faster execution as compared toother cryptographic algor...