Javor negundovac (Acer negundo L.) je listopadno drvo iz Sjeverne Amerike, a u Hrvatsku je uvezen početkom 20. stoljeća. Cijenjen je u pčelarstvu, šumarstvu, krajobraznom uređenju te je vrlo invazivna vrsta. Najrasprostranjeniji je u...
moreJavor negundovac (Acer negundo L.) je listopadno drvo iz Sjeverne Amerike, a u Hrvatsku je uvezen početkom 20. stoljeća. Cijenjen je u pčelarstvu, šumarstvu, krajobraznom uređenju te je vrlo invazivna vrsta. Najrasprostranjeniji je u kontinentalnom i submediteranskom dijelu Hrvatske. Javor negundovac (Acer negundo L.) slabo je zastupljena dendrološka vrsta na javnim gradskim krajobraznim površinama Knina, kao soliter, u drvoredu ili u skupinama. Metodom promatranja je uočeno da je u pogledu održavanja i njege stabala negundovca (A. negundo) na krajobraznim površinama nužno posvetiti više pažnje. Nisu uočena njegova stabla izvan gradskih krajobraznih površina. Temeljem anketnog istraživanja ispitanici su dodijelili vrlo dobre ocjene ukrasnim karakteristikama i ugodnosti javora negundovca (A. negundo) na krajobraznim površinama Knina. Ponešto su lošije ocijenili njegovu ulogu u pčelarstvu, šumskim melioracijama i urbanom šumarstvu. Veći broj ispitanika ne zna da je javor negundovac (A. negundo) vrlo invazivna vrsta.
Ash-leaf maple or boxelder (Acer negundo L.) is a deciduous tree that originates from North America. It was imported into Croatia at the beginning of the 20th century. It is highly valued in bee-keeping, forestry and landscape architecture and is a highly invasive species. Amongst the ornamental characteristics it is important to highlight its tree trunk, tree bark, habitus, branches, leaves, flowers and fruits. Due to its high adaptability it tolerates very poor soils and positions exposed to the sunlight, drought, cold and shade. It is most widespread in the continental and sub-Mediterranean parts of Croatia. In time A. negundo became considerably widespread and hence it was considered an invasive alien species in Croatia. According to the references provided in professional literature, the previously mentioned tree species does not currently do any serious damage to the autochthonous vegetation. Ash-leaf maple (Acer negundo L.) is a sparsely distributed woody species in urban landscape of Knin, as a solitary tree, in tree lines or in groups of trees. Moreover, using the observation method, it was noted that concerning maintenance and care of A. negundo in landscape more attention needs to be paid to the formation of the tree top. The tree have not been found outside the urban landscape. The survey was conducted in the second half of 2017 on a sample comprising 50 respondents originating from the city of Knin and its outskirts. Based on the findings of the survey the respondents gave very good grades to ornamental characteristics and the comfort of the presence of A. negundo in the landscape surfaces of Knin. The role of the tree species received slightly lower grades in bee-keeping, forest meliorations and urban forestry. A considerable number of those surveyed was unaware of the fact that A. negundo is a highly invasive tree species.