Recent papers in Masses
Kapitola systematicky rekonstruuje Benjaminovu mediální filosofii jako klíčový prvek Benjaminova myšlení. Za tímto účelem nejprve synopticky analyzuje všechny texty, v nichž hraje zásadní roli pojem média. Ve druhé části se výklad věnuje... more
Here we point to his birth, his life and his contemporaries. Then we will have a glance at his works, including masses, motets, and secular vocal music, and will analyze one of his motets: "Ave Maria … Virgo serena" اشارهای به تولد،... more
W swoim artykule staram się pokazać, jak dwa kluczowe dla współczesności procesy, a więc digitalizacja oraz usieciowienie rzeczywistości, przeobrażają kategorię masy i umasowienia. Te ostatnie zjawiska, traktowane przez nauki społeczne... more
Recension de l'ouvrage de Nicolas Poirier, Canetti : les métamorphoses contre la puissance :
Focusing on selected “Western” conceptions of democracy, we expose and normatively evaluate their conflictual meanings. We unpack the white democracy of prominent ordoliberal Wilhelm Röpke, which comprises an elitist bias against the... more
La utilización de las masas como arietes geopolíticos
This seminar is an introduction to the subject of affective politics on everyday, national and global level. We tend to talk about politics in terms of power struggle, strategies and tactics, global capitalist system, etc. However,... more
Focusing on selected “Western” conceptions of democracy, we expose and normatively evaluate their conflictual meanings. We unpack the white democracy of prominent ordoliberal Wilhelm Röpke, which comprises an elitist bias against the... more
Populism is sort of a trend today but we should not let ourselves be misled by its 'sirens. ' While political science language is indebted to symbolism and rhetoric, a plain economic approach might be of great help. Therefore, I use... more
Decays of the 125 GeV Higgs boson into a Z boson and a ρ0(770) or ϕ(1020) meson are searched for using proton-proton collision data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC at $$ \sqrt{s} $$ s = 13 TeV. The analysed data set corresponds... more