Mesolithic (Iberian Prehistory)
Recent papers in Mesolithic (Iberian Prehistory)
The discovery of prehistoric cave paintings in the nineteenth century led to the shocking realisation that humans have been creating art for over 30,000 years. Episode two reveals how the very first pictures were created, and how images... more
The data from recent excavations in the Oman peninsula, especially in the Ja’alan and the Jebel Qara (Sultanate of Oman) enable us better to refine certain cultural entities and to define new ones, to help determine the chronology of a... more
Knowledge about lihic industry production strategies in the Late Glacial and early Holocene is scarce in the upper and middle Ebro valley. However, work done in recent years has allowed the identification of similar industrial dynamics to... more
LAGARDA MATA, Ferran (2004). Las Pinturas Rupestres de Albarracín y las Claves del Arte Rupestre Levantino. Zaragoza: 2004.
95 Páginas con 69 Ilustraciones en color. Idioma: Castellano. PVP: 18,00 €
ISBN: 8493357553
95 Páginas con 69 Ilustraciones en color. Idioma: Castellano. PVP: 18,00 €
ISBN: 8493357553
En el presente trabajo se busca una aproximación hacia los comportamientos funerarios que caracterizarán a las sociedades mesolíticas y neolíticas de la península ibérica. Para ello se destacan algunas de las características más... more
Se presenta el modo de producción de los geométricos del yacimiento mesolítico de El Espertín. Dicho grupo tipológico está compuesto por triángulos, puntas triangulares y trapecios, constatándose tambiénn mircroburiles. La fabricación de... more
El yacimiento de Cueva Blanca (Hellín, Albacete), descubierto en 2006, contiene un nivel de ocupación humana atribuido al Mesolítico geométrico. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados más significativos de la investigación... more
Con su libro Karuo el secreto ibero, Enrique Cabrejas o Enric Cabrejas nos relata de modo llano su experiencia personal con lo extraordinario de un descubrimiento. El 21 de Abril de 2012 consiguió lo que parecía imposible: Descifrar la... more
For the last decade new research has been carried out on several Mesolithic sites in Western Algarve, Portugal. The discovery and excavations of new sites (Barranco das Quebradas 1, 3, 4 and 5 and Rocha das Gaivotas) provided new data on... more
Amoreiras, un amas coquillier de la vallée du Sado (sud du Portugal), fut considéré pendant des années un des sites les plus récents du complexe mésolithique du Sado ainsi qu’un lieu d’interactions entre les derniers chasseurs-cueilleurs... more
Résumé Les sites de Baixa do Xarez sont installés sur la rive droite du Guadiana (Reguengos de Monsaraz, Evora, Portugal). Ils ont été explorés dans le cadre des interventions archéologiques préalables à la construction du Barrage... more
The production of geometric microliths from bladelets has been identified as one of the main strategies of lithic production during the Late Mesolithic in southwestern Portugal. The Sado shell middens generally possess an abundance of... more
The Neolithisation process in Cantabrian Spain has been studied systematically since the 1980s, thanks to the excavation of several deposits, mainly in Asturias and Cantabria. This paper presents a critical review of the archaeological... more
Amoreiras, a shell midden in the Sado valley (Southern Portugal), was during years considered one of the most recent sites of the Sado Mesolithic complex, and a place of interactions between the last hunter-gatherers and the Neolithic... more
Another congress has been organized by Jauzarrea. This year’s event deals with “La huella humana en la Fachada Atlántica europea: de cazadores-recolectores a sociedades productoras.” The conference will focus on the European Atlantic... more
Paleoenvironment and cultural changes in the early Holocene: the rock shelter of Artusia (Unzué, Navarra) This paper presents the results of the 2009 and 2010 excavation campaigns of the Artusia rock shelter (Unzué, Navarre, Spain). Five... more
This study presents the main features of the lithic industry we have termed ‘Mesolithic with geometrics’. It has been observed at two cave sites, El Espertín and La Uña (levels III and IV), both located on the southern versant of the... more
"(Original in Portuguese) Located on the east bank of Guadiana River in the Alentejo, Barca do Xerês de Baixo is the only Early Mesolithic site found in the interior of Portugal with well preserved post- depositional contexts and a... more
Keywords: Mesolithic, Processes of blde production (“chaînes opératoires”), lithic technology. Peninsula Iberica
In the mesolithic site of “El Espertín” we have identified a blade prismatic “chaîne opératoire” (with several modalities), that would be the main technical process, and two “chaînes opératoires” for flake production: the... more