Background: Amino acids and chemical elements play a lead role in all physiological processes in the human body. The consistency of their composition is one of the most important and critical conditions for normal functioning and... more
Background: Amino acids and chemical elements play a lead role in all physiological processes in the human body. The consistency of their composition is one of the most important and critical conditions for normal functioning and development of organisms. The variation in composition of amino acids and elements in the body leads to deterioration in health status. One possibility of timely correction of violations of elemental and amino acid homeostasis in the human body is the use of extracts from medicinal plants. Morinda citrifolia, commonly known as Noni, contains essential amino acids for life. Methods: A total of fourteen essential, conditionally essential and nonessential amino acids were examined by thin-layer chromatography (TLC). Two categories of extraction solutions; aqueous extraction and 1% HCl extraction, were prepared. Total quantity of amino acids in the fruits, leaves and roots of noni were investigated by spectrophotometric method of analysis with glutamic acid solution prepared as a standard. Result: The TLC analysis showed presence and absence of amino acids in the parts investigated. The leaves extracts of noni showed the highest content of amino acids whereas the roots demonstrated the least amino acid content. Methionine, an important ingredient for tissue development and growth were found in the 1% HCl sample extraction analyzed with the leaves and roots of noni. Leucine, a muscle building compound was observed in the fruits of the aqueous sample extraction of noni. Total content of amino acids in alcohol extraction from the roots, leaves and fruits of crude extraction of Morinda citrifolia was much lower than in aqueous extractions. Conclusion: This study confirmed the presence of amino acids in noni. Higher total content of amino acids was observed in aqueous medium as compared to ethanol medium. In conclusion, therefore, aqueous extraction of noni presents an optimal amount of amino acids which play crucial antioxidative roles in living organisms.
Pengobatan kanker payudara bisa dengan prosedur bedah, kemoterapi, radioterapi, atau terapi hormon. Pada sejumlah kasus, dua atau lebih prosedur dikombinasikan untuk mengobati kanker payudara. Pengobatan yang dipilih tergantung pada tipe,... more
Pengobatan kanker payudara bisa dengan prosedur bedah, kemoterapi, radioterapi, atau terapi hormon. Pada sejumlah kasus, dua atau lebih prosedur dikombinasikan untuk mengobati kanker payudara. Pengobatan yang dipilih tergantung pada tipe, stadium, dan tingkat sel kanker. Bedah Lumpektomi Bedah lumpektomi dilakukan untuk mengangkat tumor yang tidak terlalu besar beserta sebagian kecil jaringan sehat di sekitarnya. Prosedur ini umumnya diikuti radioterapi untuk mematikan sel kanker yang mungkin tertinggal di jaringan payudara. Pasien dengan tumor yang besar bisa menjalani kemoterapi terlebih dahulu untuk menyusutkan ukuran tumor, sehingga tumor bisa dihilangkan dengan lumpektomi. Bedah Mastektomi Pi lihan prosedur bedah yang lain adalah mastektomi yaitu bedah yang dilakukan oleh dokter bedah onkologii untuk mengangkat seluruh jaringan di payudara. Mastektomi dilakukan jika pasien tidak bisa ditangani dengan lumpektomi. Ada beberapa tipe bedah mastektomi, yaitu: • Simple/total mastectomy-Dokter mengangkat seluruh payudara, termasuk putting, areola, dan kulit yang menutupi
Introduction. Morinda citrifolia or noni is a popular source for preparing traditional medicines in Pacific Islands. The main biologically active ingredients of Morinda citrifolia are phenolic and terpenoid compounds, organic acids, and... more
Introduction. Morinda citrifolia or noni is a popular source for preparing traditional medicines in Pacific Islands. The main biologically active ingredients of Morinda citrifolia are phenolic and terpenoid compounds, organic acids, and alkaloids. Material and methods. The object of the investigation included dried leaves, fruits and roots of Morinda citrifolia, which had been gathered in Ghana. The biologically active substances of the studied raw materials were identified and their quality was assessed according to the standard pharmacopoeial methods described in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation, XI and XIII editions). Results and conclusion. The content of basic groups of biologically active substances was phytochemically estimated. Alkaloids were found in the roots, leaves, and fruits. Anthraquinones were detected in the roots only. Tannic acids were found in the roots and leaves. The presence of flavonoids in all plant organs was confirmed, but most of them were in the roots. The merchandising and technological parameters of the analyzed herbal substances Morinda citrifolia fruit, leaves, and roots were established.
Green procedure for synthesizing silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) is currently considered due to its economy and toxic-free effects. Several existing works on synthesizing AgNPs using leaves extract still involve the use of physical or... more
Green procedure for synthesizing silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) is currently considered due to its economy and toxic-free effects. Several existing works on synthesizing AgNPs using leaves extract still involve the use of physical or mechanical treatment such as heating or stirring, which consume a lot of energy. To extend and explore the green extraction philosophy, we report here the synthesis and antibacterial evaluations of a purely green procedure to synthesize AgNPs using Carica papaya, Manihot esculenta, and Morinda citrifolia leaves extract without the aforementioned additional treatment. The produced AgNPs were characterized using the ultraviolet– visible spectroscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and antibacterial investigations. For antibacterial tests, two bacteria namely Escherichia coli and Bacillus cereus were selected. The presently employed method has successfully produced spherical AgNPs having sizes ranging from 9 to 69 nm, with plasmonic characteristics ranging from 356 to 485 nm, and energy-dispersive X-ray peak at approximately 3 keV. In addition, the smallest particles can be produced when Manihot esculenta leaves extract was applied. Moreover, this study also confirmed that both the leaves and synthesized AgNPs exhibit the antibacterial capability, depending on their concentration and the bacteria type.
This study examined the antibacterial potential of water extracts of different parts of Morinda citrifolia (Family: Rubiacae) plants which is used/indicated in Sri Lankan traditional and folk medicine to wash old cutaneous wounds, cuts,... more
This study examined the antibacterial potential of water extracts of different parts of Morinda citrifolia (Family: Rubiacae) plants which is used/indicated in Sri Lankan traditional and folk medicine to wash old cutaneous wounds, cuts, abrasion, rashes, bruises or burns, and as a throat gargle.This was tested in triplicate, in vitro, using agar disc diffusion bio assay against Gram positive human pathogenic bacteria,Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923) and Gram negative bacteria , Escherichia coli (ATCC 35218). Concentration ofwater extracts tested were 500,750 and 1000 µg/disk. Gentamicin(10 µg/disk) was used as the positive control. The results showed that none of the extracts (roots, fruits, flower, stem bark or combination of these parts) was effective against E. coli whilst fruit (diameter of inhibition zone 2.93 ±0.03mm), stem bark (5.1±0.03mm) and combined extract (9.46 ± 0.03mm) exhibited antibacterial activity against S. aureus. The reference drug,Gentamicine induced an inhibition zone of 13.98 ±0.04mm against S. aureus and 15.02 ±0.03 mm against E. coli. It is conducted that water extracts of different parts of M. citrifolia plant has mild to moderate antibacterial activity against S.aureus, a commonly encountered pathogen in cutaneous wounds.In addition, the results justify its use in Sri Lankan ethnomedicine as a topical cleaning agent for infected skin wounds.
O aparecimento de micro-organismos resistentes e a toxicidade associada aos fármacos antimicrobianos aumentam a necessidade de pesquisas por novos princípios ativos. Morinda citrifolia L., uma planta frutífera utilizada popularmente como... more
O aparecimento de micro-organismos resistentes e a toxicidade associada aos fármacos antimicrobianos aumentam a necessidade de pesquisas por novos princípios ativos. Morinda citrifolia L., uma planta frutífera utilizada popularmente como antibacteriano e com diversos outros usos farmacológicos. Possui diversos metabólitos primários e secundários, principalmente flavonóides, triterpenóides e alcalóides. O presente trabalho visou testar o potencial antimicrobiano e modulador dos extratos do seu fruto. Os extratos do fruto foram testados quanto ao seu efeito antimicrobiano e em combinação com antibacterianos e antifúngicos contra microrganismos patógenos pelo método de microdiluição em caldo. Observou-se que as associações entre antibióticos e extratos mostraram resultados com relevância clínica diante dos testes com bactérias Pseudomonas aeruginosa e Escherichia coli.
paling sering terjadi Kanker kulit merupakan sebuah kondisi kelainan sel DNA yang tidak normal di kulit manusia, dan secara umum menyerang sel tubuh sehat dengan ganas. Kelainan ini menyebabkan sel tumbuh dengan tidak terkendali dan... more
paling sering terjadi Kanker kulit merupakan sebuah kondisi kelainan sel DNA yang tidak normal di kulit manusia, dan secara umum menyerang sel tubuh sehat dengan ganas. Kelainan ini menyebabkan sel tumbuh dengan tidak terkendali dan membentuk massa sel kanker. Sebagian besar kerusakan DNA di sel kulit diakibatkan dari radiasi ultraviolet (UV) yang ditemukan di sinar matahari. Selain itu, Kanker pada kulit berisiko jika kulit terkena zat beracun atau Anda memiliki kondisi sistem kekebalan tubuh yang lemah. Umumnya, ada 3 jenis kanker pada kulit, pertama adalah karsinoma sel basal yang merupakan jenis kanker yang paling umum menyerang kulit, kedua ada karsinoma sel skuamosa, dan yang terakhir adalah melanoma. Nah, selain hal tersebut, faktor apa lagi yang bisa menjadi penyebab kanker kulit? Beberapa hal penyebab kanker kulit 1. Paparan sinar matahari langsung Sinar matahari yang mengandung UVA dan UVB bisa merusak DNA di dalam sel kulit manusia. Sinar matahari biasanya mulai memengaruhi DNA gen yang mengontrol
Kanker otak adalah pertumbuhan sel tidak normal (tumor) pada otak yang bersifat ganas. Sel kanker dapat menguasai dan mengambil ruang, darah, serta nutrisi dari sel sehat dalam tubuh. Berdasarkan jenis selnya, tumor otak dapat bersifat... more
Kanker otak adalah pertumbuhan sel tidak normal (tumor) pada otak yang bersifat ganas. Sel kanker dapat menguasai dan mengambil ruang, darah, serta nutrisi dari sel sehat dalam tubuh. Berdasarkan jenis selnya, tumor otak dapat bersifat jinak atau ganas. Tumor ganas pada otak atau kanker otak cenderung tumbuh lebih cepat dan menyebar ke bagian tubuh lain, serta dapat muncul kembali walaupun sudah diangkat. Terdapat 4 stadium tumor otak yang dapat dilihat dari perkembangan sel tumor dan perluasan penyebarannya. Pada stadium 1, jika dilihat di bawah mikroskop, sel tumor masih tampak normal dan pertumbuhannya lambat. Stadium 2 juga ditunjukkan dengan pertumbuhan sel tumor yang lambat, namun sel tumor mulai tampak tidak normal dan bila diangkat cenderung tumbuh kembali. Sedangkan pada stadium 3, sel tumor tidak lagi menyerupai sel normal dan perkembangannya aktif. Sementara pada stadium 4 , sel tumor sudah sangat berbeda dengan sel normal dan tumbuh secara cepat. Kanker otak dapat berasal dari sel otak sendiri, atau yang disebut kanker otak primer. Sel kanker juga bisa berasal dari bagian tubuh lain yang menyebar (metastasis) hingga ke otak, dan kondisi ini disebut kanker otak sekunder.
The aim of this study is to develop the technology of dry extracts from the roots of Morinda citrifolia as a prospective phytoactive pharmaceutical ingredient (API) for obtaining medicinal products. Factors influencing the extraction... more
The aim of this study is to develop the technology of dry extracts from the roots of Morinda citrifolia as a prospective phytoactive pharmaceutical ingredient (API) for obtaining medicinal products. Factors influencing the extraction process of active ingredients from the roots of Morinda citrifolia were investigated. The modes of extraction were formulated: extraction time of 60 minutes, the hydromodule was established to be 1:30, the extractant – 70% ethyl alcohol. The study developed a technological process of obtaining dry extracts.The technological scheme of production of dry extracts was proffered. The parameters of standardization of the dry extract of Morinda citrifolia roots were established.
Isochorismate synthase (ICS) is a key enzyme that catalyses the conversion of chorismate to isochorismate which is then channelled to other secondary product such as the anthraquinones. A near complete cDNA was isolated through RT-PCR... more
Isochorismate synthase (ICS) is a key enzyme that catalyses the conversion of chorismate to isochorismate which is then channelled to other secondary product such as the anthraquinones. A near complete cDNA was isolated through RT-PCR technique. Characterization of this gene is important in characterising its role in the production of anthraquinones in the Rubiaceae plant family. Anthraquinones are known for their medicinal properties and can be found in Rubiaceae especially in roots. In this study, total RNA was extracted from roots of 'mengkudu' using modified CTAB method. The total RNA was subjected to first strand synthesis using oligo-dT18 primer and M-MuLV reverse transcriptase. Subsequently, PCR technique using primers designed from conserved ICS domains from other plants were used to isolate an internal conservative region of 426 bp. The cDNA was subsequently sequenced and verified using BLASTn program through the NCBI Genebank database, which showed a high sequence identity (72%) to the ICS from Catharanthus roseus. Based on this sequence, 3'RACE was performed to obtain the 3'-end of the gene and a 1036 bp 3'-fragment was generated. Apart from that, another PCR managed to generate a fragment of 491 bp upstream of the cDNA. Both fragments were sequenced and verified. Contig analyses and assembly of the partial cDNAs generated showed a near complete cDNA of 1872 bp. Sequence analysis of this partial cDNA showed a high degree of identity with ICS cDNA from other plants with the highest identity of 72% with ICS from C. roseus. Deduced amino acid showed a high similarity with Rubia cardifolia ICS of 85%.