This article analyses the display of the artifacts and works of art in the Séminaire de Quebec and Laval University Museums in the second half of the 19th Century. We study the visual culture matters and the intentions of the institution... more
This article analyses the display of the artifacts and works of art in the Séminaire de Quebec and Laval University Museums in the second half of the 19th Century. We study the visual culture matters and the intentions of the institution on the discourse they disseminate on the artifacts.
海运、贸易、鸦片,这三个词语几乎贯穿整个 20 世纪世界近代史,成为人类的伤口与勋章下的根基。远洋贸易带来不同场域文化之间的交流与冲击,在这个势头之下,世界—或是这个地球——在人们的认知中变得越来越小。20 世纪 80 年代,伴随着第三次科技革命的浪潮,“全球化”一词应运而生,其内在概念进而被学者们从社会学、政治学、经济学、地理学、人类学、教育学等领域研究,但在哲学范畴内却鲜少被触及。近期,香港非营利艺术空间 Para Site... more
海运、贸易、鸦片,这三个词语几乎贯穿整个 20 世纪世界近代史,成为人类的伤口与勋章下的根基。远洋贸易带来不同场域文化之间的交流与冲击,在这个势头之下,世界—或是这个地球——在人们的认知中变得越来越小。20 世纪 80 年代,伴随着第三次科技革命的浪潮,“全球化”一词应运而生,其内在概念进而被学者们从社会学、政治学、经济学、地理学、人类学、教育学等领域研究,但在哲学范畴内却鲜少被触及。近期,香港非营利艺术空间 Para Site 的展览“创意运营方案”期望以香港这一船运港及其在鸦片贸易中的角色地位为切入点,讨论在全球化形势下对海运、地缘政治、劳工法律等的直接反思。该展览也是Container Artist Residency 01 艺术家驻留计划的首个项目。
The exhibition of the Anglo-Saxon Staffordshire Hoard at Birmingham Museum and Gallery is reviewed along with the accompanying publications ‘The Staffordshire Hoard’ and ‘Beasts, Birds and Gods: Interpreting the Staffordshire Hoard’ and... more
The exhibition of the Anglo-Saxon Staffordshire Hoard at Birmingham Museum and Gallery is reviewed along with the accompanying publications ‘The Staffordshire Hoard’ and ‘Beasts, Birds and Gods: Interpreting the Staffordshire Hoard’ and the dedicated Staffordshire Hoard website. The exhibition is praised for its innovative approach in developing flexible displays, which can adapt to the findings of ongoing research, but criticized for the unclear juxtaposition of reconstructed and original artefacts, and cramped space within the ‘Treasury’. The publications are considered excellent, combining beautiful photography with modest cost, whilst the website is a useful additional resource containing a detailed gallery of photographs of use to both the serious scholar and student.