Genetic variability of seed yield and its components in grain cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) under coconut based farming systems Darshana AS and Bindu MR Abstract Thirty three grain cowpea genotypes were evaluated for yield and... more
Genetic variability of seed yield and its components in grain cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) under coconut based farming systems Darshana AS and Bindu MR Abstract Thirty three grain cowpea genotypes were evaluated for yield and yield contributing characters under coconut based farming system. The genotypes showed significant difference for maturity period, yield and yield components. Phenotypic coefficient of variation was found to be higher than genotypic coefficient of variation for all the characters considered. Highest magnitude of PCV and GCV was observed for seed yield per plant. High GCV with correspondingly high values of PCV was observed for number of primary branches per plant, number of pods per plant, 100 seed weight and harvest index. All characters recorded high estimates of heritability. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance was observed for number of primary branches per plant, height of plant, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, 100 seed weight, crop duration and harvest index indicating additive gene action for these characters and scope for improvement of these characters by selection.
Can a for profit private company maintain affordability in housing? I posit the formation of Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village can inform us how to better construct affordable housing in the future.
Data recorded for 13 quantitative and 7 quality characters to study genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance. Analysis of variance among 31 rice hybrids showed highly significant differences for all the characters indicated... more
Data recorded for 13 quantitative and 7 quality characters to study genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance. Analysis of variance among 31 rice hybrids showed highly significant differences for all the characters indicated the presence of substantial amount of genetic variability. On the basis of mean performance highest grain yield per hill observed in hybrid IHRT-M 3311 (32.67 g), followed by IHRT-M 3312 (30.67 g), IHRT-M 3314 (29.67 g). The hybrid IHRT-M 3311 was considered to be best hybrid having high grain yield, early maturity, more no of tillers per plant coupled with desirable hulling %, long kernel length and less width. Highest GCV and PCV was observed for grain yield per hill (27.14, 27.55), followed by spikelets per panicle (22.67, 22.76) indicating that these characters could be used as selection for crop improvement. High estimates of heritability were observed for plant height, spikelets per panicle and biological yield (99.00%) followed by days to 50% flowering (98.3%) and days to maturity (97.34%). High heritability coupled with high genetic advance was observed for spikelets per panicle (99.24% and 110.69), indicating predominance of additive gene effects and the possibilities of effective selection for the improvement of these characters.
Although the knowledge of morphometrics and hematology of reptiles in health has grown substantially in recent years, there are still knowledge gaps in many species and from different geographical regions. The objectives of this study... more
Although the knowledge of morphometrics and hematology of reptiles in health has grown substantially in recent years, there are still knowledge gaps in many species and from different geographical regions. The objectives of this study were to document morphometrical measurements and hematological data of clinically healthy free-ranging adult Mesopotamian spiny-tailed lizards (Saara loricata), the Iraqi Mastigure or Iraqi spiny-tailed lizard, from Khuzestan Province, Iran, and to investigate sex differences in evaluated parameters. Although we did not observe any gender differences in morphometrical measurements, the visually larger genital pores of males allowed for differentiation of study animals into females (n = 6) and males (n = 5). We obtained femoral vein blood samples for hematological analysis, including detailed red blood cell (RBC) measurements, RBC count, packed cell volume (PCV), white blood cell (WBC) counts, and blood film review. Gender differences were identified in some RBC measurements, notably length and width of erythrocytes and nucleus width, as well as RBC and WBC counts. Gametocytes of hemogregarines varied from absent to frequent. The information presented herein will be useful for interpretative considerations of health assessment data for this species from Iran in comparison to data from the same and closely related species from other geographical regions
A 7 month-old, male Katjang cross goat weighing 35kg with body condition score of 3/5 was presented to Large Animal Ward, University Veterinary Hospital (UVH). The goat had pale mucous membrane and diarrhoea. The goat had moderate... more
A 7 month-old, male Katjang cross goat weighing 35kg with body condition score of 3/5 was presented to Large Animal Ward, University Veterinary Hospital (UVH). The goat had pale mucous membrane and diarrhoea. The goat had moderate normocytic, normochromic anaemia with packed cell volume (PCV) of 0.14 (0.22-0.32) and low normal plasma protein, neutrophilia with left shift and monocytosis, including hyponatraemia, hypocalcaemia and hypoalbuminaemia with increased muscle enzyme (CK). Thin blood film stained with Geimsa showed evidence of blood parasites and mycoplasma sp. 0.1 % of RBC was infected and with high strongyle infestation (13900 epg) using modified McMaster technique. Blood transfusion was done as a result of decreased PCV value to 0.13 on the second day of hospitalization. Parasitic gastro-enteritis (PGE) concurrent with eperythrozoonosis infection was diagnosed in the goat.
Thirty five recently developed clones of sugarcane were evaluated in a replicated trial under AICRP (Sugarcane), V.C. Farm Manday, Karnataka to estimate the genetic variability parameters for 14 quantitative characters. Analysis of... more
Thirty five recently developed clones of sugarcane were evaluated in a replicated trial under AICRP (Sugarcane), V.C. Farm Manday, Karnataka to estimate the genetic variability parameters for 14 quantitative characters. Analysis of variance revealed highly significance differences between the clones for all characters studied. High genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variance were recorded for cane yield, CCS (t/ha) and single sugarcane weight coupled with high genetic advance on the other hand high heritability estimates coupled with high genetic advance as per cent mean were registered by millable cane number indicating the more additive gene action hence the selection for these traits could be effective.
The present investigation was undertaken to estimate the vitamin C, beta carotene and total phenol content in kale genotypes collected from different regions of Jammu and Kashmir including Ladakh. The experiment was undertaken in... more
The present investigation was undertaken to estimate the vitamin C, beta carotene and total phenol content in kale genotypes collected from different regions of Jammu and Kashmir including Ladakh. The experiment was undertaken in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications at the Experimental Farm of the Department of Vegetable Science and Floriculture, SKUAST, Jammu. Thirty genotypes of kale were evaluated during Rabi season of 2015-16 and 2016-17 and their corresponding pooled data were worked out and further analysed. Analysis of variance revealed significant variability for most of the traits. The PCV and GCV were found to be low for all the three traits during both the year and pooled analysis which could be due to differences in genetic material and growing conditions. High heritability with low genetic advance as percentage of mean was marked for all the three biochemical traits indicating that these traits are more likely under the control of non-additive gene action and selection for these traits would be less effective.
Rectal stricture is an acquired annular fibrous constriction of the rectum that results from a variety of chronic necrotizing enteric diseases. In pigs, it is in most cases a sequel of Salmonella infection. Porcine circovirus type 2... more
Rectal stricture is an acquired annular fibrous constriction of the rectum that results from a variety of chronic necrotizing enteric diseases. In pigs, it is in most cases a sequel of Salmonella infection. Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) is a known pathogen causing immunosuppression in pigs worldwide. PCV2 infected pigs may be predisposed to salmonellosis. In this report, rectal stenosis was observed in 160 pigs from a herd that experienced an outbreak of enteric salmonellosis over a 4-month period. Distension of the abdominal wall and diarrhea were the main clinical signs observed. Five animals were analyzed showing annular cicatrization of the rectal wall 5.0-7.0 cm anterior to the anorectal junction and Salmonella-positive immunostaining in the large intestine. Salmonella Typhimurium was isolated from fragments of the large intestine. Porcine circovirus type 2 antigen was observed in the mesenteric lymph-node in 4 pigs and in the large intestine in 3 pigs.
The aim of present work is to investigate the effects of green tea on some blood parameters of male albino rats with cadmium toxicity. 24Male albino rats were divided into 4groups, 6 normal rats and 18 cadmium intoxicated rats. Group 1... more
The aim of present work is to investigate the effects of green tea on some blood parameters of male albino rats with cadmium toxicity. 24Male albino rats were divided into 4groups, 6 normal rats and 18 cadmium intoxicated rats. Group 1 without treatment (controls), group 2 treated with cadmium, group 3 and group 4 treated with cadmium and green tea. Group (1) was fed on a standard diet as a control. Group (2) was fed on a standard diet and received a dose of 1mg/100g body weight. Group (3) was fed on a standard diet supplemented with 2g GTE and received a dose of 1mg cadmium chloride. Group (4) was fed on a standard diet supplemented with 4g GTE and received a dose of 1mg cadmium chloride. The experimental duration lasted for 30 days initiated from the first dose. The results showed cadmium decreased PCV (P<0.001), Hb% (P<0.001) and RBC (P<0.005) counts and elevated the TLC (P<0.005) and DLC count comparing with the control group of rats. However, the orally feeding of GTE with Cd treatment could significantly improve the changed levels of above parameters. These data suggested that, GTE possesses a protective effect on the above blood profile against the cadmium toxicity.