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Genetic variability of seed yield and its components in grain cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) under coconut based farming systems Darshana AS and Bindu MR Abstract Thirty three grain cowpea genotypes were evaluated for yield and... more
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      AgricultureHeritabilityGenetic advanceGCV
Can a for profit private company maintain affordability in housing? I posit the formation of Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village can inform us how to better construct affordable housing in the future.
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      Critical TheorySocial Research Methods and MethodologySocial SciencesCorporate Social Responsibility
Data recorded for 13 quantitative and 7 quality characters to study genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance. Analysis of variance among 31 rice hybrids showed highly significant differences for all the characters indicated... more
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      BotanyAgronomyOrganic agricultureSustainable agriculture
Although the knowledge of morphometrics and hematology of reptiles in health has grown substantially in recent years, there are still knowledge gaps in many species and from different geographical regions. The objectives of this study... more
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by Madhurina and Amitava Paul

Published in :HortFlora Res. Spectrum, Vol 1(3):July-Sept 2012
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      QualityPath AnalysisTomato. YieldGCV
A 7 month-old, male Katjang cross goat weighing 35kg with body condition score of 3/5 was presented to Large Animal Ward, University Veterinary Hospital (UVH). The goat had pale mucous membrane and diarrhoea. The goat had moderate... more
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      BiochemistryAnaemiaBlood TransfusionPCV
Thirty five recently developed clones of sugarcane were evaluated in a replicated trial under AICRP (Sugarcane), V.C. Farm Manday, Karnataka to estimate the genetic variability parameters for 14 quantitative characters. Analysis of... more
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      VariabilityHeritabilityGenetic advanceGCV
The present investigation was undertaken to estimate the vitamin C, beta carotene and total phenol content in kale genotypes collected from different regions of Jammu and Kashmir including Ladakh. The experiment was undertaken in... more
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      AgricultureBrassica oleraceaBeta CarotenePCV
Rectal stricture is an acquired annular fibrous constriction of the rectum that results from a variety of chronic necrotizing enteric diseases. In pigs, it is in most cases a sequel of Salmonella infection. Porcine circovirus type 2... more
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      BiologyPigsSalmonellaVeterinary Sciences
The aim of present work is to investigate the effects of green tea on some blood parameters of male albino rats with cadmium toxicity. 24Male albino rats were divided into 4groups, 6 normal rats and 18 cadmium intoxicated rats. Group 1... more
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