Tourism as one of the important foreign exchange earning industries has manifested great potential of growth under liberalized Indian economy. To attract the foreign tourists in India, liberal policies and reduction in taxes along with a... more
Tourism as one of the important foreign exchange earning industries has manifested great potential of growth under liberalized Indian economy. To attract the foreign tourists in India, liberal policies and reduction in taxes along with a comprehensive package for attracting tourist and foreign investment are the need of the hour. There is also a need to increase the government’s role in promoting India as a brand. Just like exports and other sectors, tourism will grow only if the India brand is established in the global market. Hence, we must have an open mind on alliances with other countries, which might help in adopting better promotion strategies, marketing, services and packaging. Only overall growth can help in improving revenue generation, which needs to grow in line with the additional capacity being set up by the hospitality industry. Key Words: Tourism Policy, infrastructure, destinations, terrorism, sustainable tourism development, Global Tourism Boom, Economy
EN: The GEOprof-Database was developed at the Chair of Human Geography at the University of Passau between autumn 2018 and summer 2021. The development of the database was part of a research project funded by the German Research Council... more
EN: The GEOprof-Database was developed at the Chair of Human Geography at the University of Passau between autumn 2018 and summer 2021. The development of the database was part of a research project funded by the German Research Council (DFG). The GEOprof-Database is the first complete compilation of the professorate of German-speaking geography (Germany. Austria, German-speaking Switzerland and Luxembourg). The database includes basic information on all full professors from 1949 to 2021.
DE: Von Herbst 2018 bis zum Sommer 2021 wurde am Lehrstuhl für Anthropogeographie der Universität Passau die GEOprof-Database erstellt. Bei dieser Datenbank handelt es sich um die erste vollständige Zusammenstellung der Professor:innenschaft der deutschsprachigen Geographie (Deutschland. Österreich, deutschsprachige Schweiz und Luxemburg (ab 2006).
Die hier zur Verfügung gestellte GEOprof-Database ist für die historiographische Erforschung der deutschsprachigen Geographie von großem Wert; sie kann Basis und Ausgangspunkt für die Bearbei-tung unterschiedlicher fachhistorischer und wissenschaftssoziologischer Untersuchungen sein. In der Datenbank finden sich Informationen zur akademischen Biographie der gesamten Geographieprofes-sor:innenschaft inklusive der Forschungschwerpunkte, der beruflichen Stationen seit dem ersten Ruf sowie der Denomination der jeweiligen Professur.