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AES (Advance Encryption Standard) adalah teknik merahasiakan sandi atau data sesuai standarisasi dari FIPS (Federasi Information Processing Standard) versi 197 dengan menggunakan algoritma rijndael. AES dibuat oleh kriptografer asal... more
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Cryptography is one of the most integral components when trying to maintain achieve a secure communication medium and determining the best cryptography algorithm is as important as having a secure communication. In this paper, we will... more
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      Symmetric key encryptionRijndael
We introduce the concept of "green cryptography," which adopts the principle of recycling cryptographic design strategies, components, and primitives; in this essay, we'll focus on the AES, and it's underlying block cipher, Rijndael.... more
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A proposed FPGA-based implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm is presented in this paper. This implementation is compared with other works to show the efficiency. The design uses an iterative looping approach... more
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Problem statement: Image encryption needs to be secure by resisting statistical attacks and other types of attacks. Approach: The new algorithm, call it the Shuffle Encryption Algorithm (SEA), applies nonlinear s-box byte substitution.... more
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      Computer ScienceStatistical AnalysisCryptographyImage Encryption
While it is known previously that the cycle lengths of individual components of the AES round function are very small, we demonstrate here that the cycle length of the S-box combined with the ShiftRow and MixColumn transformation is at... more
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      AESInvarianceStructural PropertiesRijndael
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      CryptographyData SecuritySubstitutionEncryption Algorithms
In this paper, we proposed a new approach for key scheduling algorithm which is an enhancement of the Rijndael key scheduling. This proposed algorithm was developed to improve the weaknesses that has in the Rijndael key schedule. The key... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologySecurityCryptography
Problem statement: Image encryption needs to be secure by resisting statistical attacks and other types of attacks. Approach: The new algorithm, call it the Shuffle Encryption Algorithm (SEA), applies nonlinear s-box byte substitution.... more
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      Computer ScienceStatistical AnalysisCryptographyImage Encryption
This paper is about the design of multivariate public key schemes, as well as block and stream ciphers, in relation to recent attacks that exploit various types of multivariate algebraic relations. We survey these attacks focusing on... more
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      AESBlock CiphersStream CiphersSerpent
Problem statement: Image encryption needs to be secure by resisting statistical attacks and other types of attacks. Approach: The new algorithm, call it the Shuffle Encryption Algorithm (SEA), applies nonlinear s-box byte substitution.... more
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      Computer ScienceStatistical AnalysisCryptographyImage Encryption
A real-time video encryption module, developed to be used on an electrical accelerated mini-helicopter (UAV), is presented in this paper. The surveillance system is composed from six modules: image capture, encryption, two radio link... more
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      Computer ScienceEncryptionEmbeddedReal Time
Cryptography is one of the most integral components when trying to maintain achieve a secure communication medium and determining the best cryptography algorithm is as important as having a secure communication. In this paper, we will... more
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      Symmetric key encryptionRijndael
Implementation in one FPGA of the AES-Rijndael in Offset Codebook (OCB) and Electronic Codebook (ECB) modes of operation was developed and experimentally tested using the Insight Development Kit board, based on Xilinx Virtex II XC2V1000-4... more
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      MicroelectronicsFPGAEncryptionFPGA implementation
Cache attacks exploit side-channel information that is leaked by a microprocessor's cache. There has been a significant amount of research effort on the subject to analyze and identify cache side-channel vulnerabilities since early 2002.... more
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      Hash FunctionsCryptanalysisProvable SecurityDesign Strategy
By means of this study We have optimized the performance of the cryptographic algorithm Rijndael in a low cost hardware/software system, in a FPGA Spartan3e board of Xilinx with a MicroBlaze soft-processor. After the study of its... more
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      FPGAEmbedded SoftwareCryptographyField-Programmable Gate Arrays
AES advanced encryption standard algorithm was designed to resist classical methods of cryptanalysis (e.g. linear or differential attacks), which were based on probabilistic characteristics. But, it has not mature immunity against... more
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      AlgebraComputer ScienceProductionCryptography
Abstract. Several recently proposed ciphers, for example Rijndael and Serpent, are built with layers of small S-boxes interconnected by linear key-dependent layers. Their security relies on the fact, that the classical methods of... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceSystem IdentificationParameter estimation
In this paper we generalize the structure of the ciphers Shark, Square, BKSQ, Crypton and Rijndael. We show that the linear components play an essential role in the effect of the nonlinear S-boxes in providing resistance against... more
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      MathematicsComputer SciencePure MathematicsBlock Ciphers
This paper presents two algorithms for solving the linear and the affine equivalence problem for arbitrary permutations (S-boxes). For a pair of n × n-bit permutations the complexity of the linear equivalence algorithm (LE) is O(n 3 2 n).... more
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      Information TheoryCryptanalysisBlock CipherRijndael
This article describes the implementation methodology of Rijndael algorithm to encryption process, by using asynchronous design with assistance of the software tool Balsa, for functional simulation, description and synthesis of... more
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Cache attacks exploit side-channel information that is leaked by a microprocessor's cache. There has been a significant amount of research effort on the subject to analyze and identify cache side-channel vulnerabilities since early 2002.... more
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      Hash FunctionsCryptanalysisProvable SecurityDesign Strategy
Universal mobile telecommunication system (UMTS) has specified security mechanisms with extra features compared to the security mechanisms of previous mobile communication systems (GSM, DECT). A hardware implementation of the UMTS... more
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      Distributed ComputingBlock CipherCritical Path MethodData Confidentiality
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      Computer ScienceStateASCIIPlaintext
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceAESLinear Cryptanalysis
In this paper we propose the Grindahl hash functions, which are based on components of the Rijndael algorithm. To make collision search sufficiently difficult, this design has the important feature that no low-weight characteristics form... more
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      Hash FunctionsDesign StrategyAESRijndael