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As a result of continuing demand for increased performance, modern generators are sometimes designed to operate near critical speed, which causes difficulty in maintaining the rotor balance required to ensure acceptable vibration levels.... more
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The propellant used in space programs creates exclusively three ecological concerns: Ground-based Impacts which vary from groundwater contagion to explosions caused by inconvenient management of fuels. Atmospheric Impacts are generally... more
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Rotating machinery acceptance parameters in terms of vibration and protection is one of the key considerations in detailed engineering and design process. For these activities, API standards are used normally in oil and gas industries.... more
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    • Turbo Machinery (Rotor Dynamics)
Conventional rotordynamic analyses generally simplify the rotor, neglecting detailed geometrical characteristics. However, in modern rotating machines, rotors consist of multiple complex-shaped parts that are usually non-axisymmetric with... more
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      RotordynamicsFinite element methodFEMContact Mechanics
Rolling bearings are one of the most important uproar and vibration generator into mechanical constructions. According to that, it is very important to know ascendancy of rolling bearing construction to main parameters which determine... more
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      EngineeringStructural EngineeringVibrationsRotordynamics
This paper presents a novel topology for enhanced vibration sensing in which wireless MEMS accelerometers embedded within a hollow rotor measure vibration in a synchronously rotating frame of reference. Theoretical relations between... more
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      EngineeringRotordynamicsVibrationMicroelectromechanical systems
Electrodynamic bearings (EDBs) are passive magnetic bearings that exploit the interaction between eddy currents developed in a rotating conductor and a static magnetic field to generate forces. Similar to other types of magnetic... more
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      EngineeringComputer SciencePhysicsStructural Engineering
In this paper, the complementary role of Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Modal Analysis is studied using ANSYS Mechanical APDL. Primarily, two models (2D and 3D) of the flywheel are designed. Then, Finite Element (FE) static-stress... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsStructural EngineeringFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)
Les instabilites generees par frottement sont responsables des divers bruits tels que le crissement, le sifflement ou le broutement ... Pour modeliser et comprendre ce phenomene d'instabilites, les analyses temporelle et frequentielle... more
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Ce papier traite de l'étude harmonique d'un modèle réduit d'aubage obtenu par projection modale et soumis à des non-linéarités géométriques. Les effets non-linéaires réduits sont supposés polynomiaux et déterminés à l'aide d'une procédure... more
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The present study aims to predict the dynamic stability of a turbofan engine submitted to light contacts between fan blades tips and their surrounding casing. The study is based on a hybrid model which introduces a simplified bladed wheel... more
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      Computer ScienceRotordynamicsStator
A mesoscale turbocompressor spinning above 500,000 RPM is evolutionary technology for micro turbochargers, turbo blowers, turbo compressors, micro-gas turbines, auxiliary power units, etc for automotive, aerospace, and fuel cell... more
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      Materials ScienceRotordynamicsMesoscale Meteorology
The paper investigates the lift-to-drag coefficient ratio (CL/CD) efficiency of three airfoils, namely E387, RG15, and SD6060. The objective is to optimize the airfoils for maximum CL/CD efficiency and evaluate them using XFOIL software.... more
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      Wind EnergyRotordynamicsAerodynamicsLow Speed Aerodynamics
Unbalanced magnetic pull (UMP) resulting from air-gap eccentricity can present a potential risk to the lifetime and dynamic stability of high-speed electrical machines. Nevertheless, a method to identify the effects of UMP in actual... more
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      Computer ScienceMaterials ScienceRotordynamicsFinite element method
In large rotor-bearing systems, the rolling element bearings act as a considerable source of subcritical vibration excitation. Simulation of such rotor bearing systems contains major sources of uncertainty contributing to the excitation,... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMaterials ScienceRotordynamicsFinite element method
In this study, different numerical models are computed and compared with particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurement for wake correlation of a 4.5 m of diameter wind turbine rotor. The collaborative European wind turbine MEXICO project... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceTurbineWake
Rotordynamics is a very challenging field because of machine complexities. Many internal and external factors contribute toward change in the structural dynamic characteristics. One of these factors is broad-band high-vibration... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringPhysicsRotordynamicsVibration Control
Bladed disks of engine rotors usually operate at harsh conditions of high rotating speeds, which may lead to nonnegligible rotordynamic effects, including Coriolis force, spin softening, and stress stiffening effects. ese effects on the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringPhysicsMechanics
Bladed disks of engine rotors usually operate at harsh conditions of high rotating speeds, which may lead to nonnegligible rotordynamic effects, including Coriolis force, spin softening, and stress stiffening effects. These effects on the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringPhysicsMechanics
Grosses tempêtes qui m'avez secouru, Beau soleil qui m'a contrecarré, Il y a haine en moi, forte et de date ancienne, Et pour la beauté on verra plus tard. Je ne suis, en effet, devenu dur que par lamelles ; Si l'on savait comme je suis... more
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    • Control Management
A l’interface de l’automatique, de la mecanique et de l’acoustique musicale, le controle des instruments de musique s’emploie a developper des methodes permettant de controler, en temps reel, leur son acoustique. Les controleurs utilises... more
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      PhysicsHumanitiesActive ControlQi Gong
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringPhysics
Rotordynamics is a very challenging field because of machine complexities. Many internal and external factors contribute toward change in the structural dynamic characteristics. One of these factors is broad-band high-vibration... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringPhysicsRotordynamicsVibration Control
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      Computer ScienceRotordynamicsVibrationActive Control
Dans les moteurs d'avion, l'utilisation de paliers inter-arbres est préconisée en vue d'un gain de masse non négligeable. Cependant, ce palier est très fortement sollicité par les excitations générées par les balourds présents sur les... more
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    • Physics
A mesoscale turbocompressor spinning above 500,000 RPM is evolutionary technology for micro turbochargers, turbo blowers, turbo compressors, micro-gas turbines, auxiliary power units, etc for automotive, aerospace, and fuel cell... more
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      Materials ScienceRotordynamicsMesoscale Meteorology
Ce travail de recherche présente une technique numérique pour calculer la réponse vibratoire nonlinéaire d'une structure hyperélastique en contact avec un plan rigide. Les non-linéarités traitées sont similaires à celles prises en compte... more
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The study of rotating machines is usually carried out taking into account linearized hydrodynamic forces, considering dynamic coefficients of stiffness and damping, although a high order of nonlinearity can be significantly present in the... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsNonlinear dynamicsRotordynamics
Turbogenerator as a set of turbines and electric generator presents a very complicated mechanical system. Its design must take into consideration the rotordynamics of rotor, which undergoes bending and torsional oscillation. The... more
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      EngineeringRotordynamicsTurbineKey words
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      EngineeringRotordynamicsVibrationIndustrial Control
Many rotating machines such as compressors, turbines, and pumps have long thin shafts with resulting vibration problems. They would benefit from additional damping near the center of the shaft. Magnetic dampers have the potential to be... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringStructural Engineering
The successful industrial application of flexible rotors supported on active magnetic bearings (AMBs) requires careful attention not only to rotordynamic design aspects, but also to electromagnetic and feedback control design aspects.... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringMagnetic BearingsRotordynamics
Squeeze film dampers are widely used in aircraft engines, land-based gas turbines, and other rotating machines to improve system damping. They often have entrained air within the oil film, which is usually not taken into account in... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringRotordynamicsTribology
High Speed PM Motors are popularly used in Spacecraft flywheel application. So, this paper proposes two different designs: one for classical sizing and the other for genetic one at 50 kW output power with 250 m/s tip speed. These two... more
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      Computer ScienceMatlabGenetic AlgorithmSizing
This research focuses on the structural analysis of aircraft electrical harnesses for the ± 270 VDC network. A combined experimental and simulation-based approach is used, where numerical models for the harnesses are developed and... more
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Because of their high load carrying capacity and low cost, journal bearings are widely used to support the rotor of industrial machinery with high loads, such as steam turbines, centrifugal compressors and pumps. However, sudden... more
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      EngineeringRotordynamicsCondition MonitoringVibration
Helicopter rotor track and balance (RTB) is the process of reducing to a minimum the rotor induced vibration present during helicopter flight. We propose here the use of an optimisation algorithm to reduce the number of dedicated flights... more
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    • Engineering
Y © J o h n W il e y & S o n s , I n c . C o l a b o r a c i ó n e n l a t r a d u c c i ó n : R a f a e l G a r c í a D í a z 7 ' I n g e n i e r o e n m i n a s p o r l a U n i v e r s i d a d d e G u a n a j u a t o , M é x i c o . R e... more
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Le calcul numérique de fonctions de matrices f (A) avec A matrice carrée de Toeplitz ou Toeplitz-like de taille n × n trouve son intérêt dans divers domaines mathématiques, que ce soit pour la discrétisation d'une équation... more
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    • Toeplitz matrix
This project aims to design and create an affordable yet efficient small-scale wind turbine to provide people in diverse environments with the opportunity to harness wind energy. We investigated different wind turbine designs and... more
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      Environmental ScienceMarine EngineeringWind PowerTurbine
Rotating disk and blade fatigue failures are usually a low percentage of failures in most machinery types, but other than coupling / shaft end failures remain some of the most problematic for extensive repairs. High-cycle fatigue failures... more
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      Computer ScienceRotordynamicsTurbomachineryImpeller
A machine-tool structure optimization is an important technique that improves the machining efficiency and saves materials and the energy resource. In this work, dynamic design optimization method for Machine-Motorized-Spindle (MMS)... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceMaterials ScienceStructural Engineering
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Electromagnetic actuators that use a current-carrying coil (which is placed in a magnetic field) to generate mechanical force are conceptually attractive components for active control of rotating shafts. In one concept that is being... more
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      EngineeringRotordynamicsMagnetic fieldStiffness
One of the causes of rotor instability is the damping of the rotating parts of the system. Its destabilizing effect can be counteracted only by introducing a suitable non rotating damping, with the instability threshold increasing with... more
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Centrifugal softening effect is an alleged and elusive reduction of the natural frequencies of a rotating system with increasing speed sometimes found in finite element rotordynamics. This reduction may, in some instances, be large enough... more
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      PhysicsRotordynamicsFinite element methodCentrifugal Force
Nonsynchronous rotating damping, i.e. energy dissipations occurring in elements rotating at a speed different from the spin speed of a rotor, can have substantial effects on the dynamic behaviour and above all on the stability of rotating... more
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      PhysicsRotordynamicsRotating MachineryDamper
DYNROT is a code based on the finite element method aimed to perform a complete study of the dynamic behaviour of rotors. Although initially designed to solve the basic linear rotordynamic problems (Campbell diagram for damped or undamped... more
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      Computer ScienceRotordynamicsMatlabToolbox
En este trabajo se presenta el desarrollo del modelo matemático de un identificador algebraíco en línea; para determinar el desbalance y su posición angular en sistemas rotodinámicos vibratorios de múltiples grados de libertad. El... more
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This paper evaluates how tilting pad bearings can affect the forced response of a vertical rotor. The stiffness and damping for a tilting pad bearing is dependent on the position in the bearing (load on pad or load between pad) and the... more
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      Structural EngineeringStiffness