Russian Science Fiction
Recent papers in Russian Science Fiction
В статье исследуется, как в современных антиутопиях отражаются трансформирующиеся взаимоотношения между личностью, обществом и государством. На примере повести Аркадия и Бориса Стругацких «За миллиард лет до конца света» и дилогии Сергея... more
Neither Arkadii nor Boris Strugatskii had originally intended to make a living in writing. Arkadii dreamed of becoming an astronomer, but his wartime experience and training led him to work as a translator and editor of Japanese... more Since the dawn of the Space Age, when the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite and sent the first human into the cosmos,... more
Thi s study inquires into the ways in which contemporary science fiction (SF) interacts with the processes of identity-making in post-Soviet Russia. The importance of SF for contemporary Russian collective imagination could not be... more
Bifrost n° 72, 2013, dossier "Ray Bradbury", p. 143-144.
Abenteuerliteratur und Science Fiction gehörten in der Sowjetunion zu den beliebtesten Literaturgattungen. Hier konnten die Wunsch- und Schreckensbilder der eigenen Gegenwart in ferne und exotische Welten projiziert werden. Zugleich war... more
В статье делается попытка описания и обсуждения основных моментов социальной метафизики братьев Стругацких. К этим моментам относятся зависи-мость от советского социокультурного фона, принцип реализма, проектирование экспериментальных... more
Galaxies n°33, 2015, dossier "SF et totalitarismes", p. 111-114.
If the site view does not work, please, download to read. My original longish 1972 essay, to which the reader is respectfully referred, used a bibliography of 96 units of criticism for a survey of the critical reception accorded to the... more
in Arkadi et Boris Strougatski, "L'Escargot sur la pente", 2013, Paris, Denoël, p. 7-9.
in Viktoriya Shirkova-Lajoye (dir.), "Littératures postsoviétiques de l'imaginaire", "La Revue russe" n°43, 2014, p. 7-12.
Is international cooperation essential for the humankind movement into the Universe? What may be the goals of space exploration as seen by contemporary science fiction writers today, in the beginning of the 21st century? These questions... more
Galaxies n°27, 2014, dossier "SF à Kiev", p. 78-82
This article examines how Soviet science fiction between 1920 and 1965 developed the metaphors provided by eugenics and evolutionary biology, and in particular, by the contending discourses of Darwinism and Lamarckism, to explore the... more
Galaxies n°11, 2011, dossier "La nouvelle SF russe", p. 66-76.