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The sources of the stone used to construct Stonehenge around 2500 BCE have been debated for over four centuries. The smaller “bluestones” near the center of the monument have been traced to Wales, but the origins of the sarsen (silcrete)... more
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryPrincipal Component AnalysisNeolithic Archaeology
Sediment transport through the Mississippi River affects the lives and economies of millions of people along its course, so that understanding the controls on this process is of scientific and societal importance. Detrital U-Pb geochro
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      Zircon U-Pb GeochronologySedimentary provenanceMississippi RiverGeology of North America
The petrographic and geochemical composition of the Dharla River sediments has been examined to infer their sediment type, degree of weathering, provenance, and tectonic settings. Petrographically the sediments are characterized by the... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryMineralogyTrace element Geochemistry
Detrital sand grains from three beaches (Tecolutla, Nautla, and Veracruz) along the western Gulf of Mexico were studied by a scanning electron microscope, to investigate the depositional environment and paleoclimate. Totally, 24... more
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      GeochemistryProvenanceSedimentary provenanceSedimentary Geochemistry
Beach sediments of the Kerala coast contain rich economically important heavy mineral deposits. Most previous studies have traced the source of heavy minerals to the Precambrian crystalline formations in the hinterland based on... more
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      Earth SciencesSedimentary provenanceHeavy Mineral studies;Beach Placer Deposits
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      SedimentologySedimentary PetrographySedimentary PetrologySedimentary provenance
Description of Walthers Law of Correlation which is used in Geology, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy to to describe the events of transgression and regression of past oceans and sedimentation.
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      GeologyOceanographyMarine GeologySedimentary provenance
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      GeochemistrySedimentary provenanceDetrital Zircon Geochronology
The intramontane Middle Magdalena Valley Basin (MMV) has a multistoried evolution. At the beginning it was a foreland basin associated to the Central Cordillera uplift since the end of the Cretaceous to Paleocene. Now, it is a broken... more
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      Tectonics & SedimentationSedimentary provenanceSedimentary geology and stratigraphy
We examined an International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) drilling core from Site U1501, located on the distal margin of the northern South China Sea (SCS) basin to unravel the sediment provenance evolution in the Paleogene and the... more
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      Zircon U-Pb GeochronologySedimentary provenanceDetrital Zircon GeochronologyGeology of China
Discrimination of active and passive margins is important from both academic and economic aspects. This can only be successfully achieved, however, if there are major compositional differences among sediments derived from different... more
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      GeochemistryTectonicsSedimentary provenance
The deposits of large Asian rivers with unique drainage geometries have attracted considerable attention due to their explanatory power concerning tectonism, surface uplift and upstream drainage evolution. This study presents the first... more
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      Zircon U-Pb GeochronologySedimentary provenanceSedimentary GeochemistryGeology of Asia
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      Earth SciencesGeochronologySedimentary provenanceSalt diapir
Transient storage and erosion of valley fills, or sediment buffering, is a fundamental but poorly quantified process that may significantly bias fluvial sediment budgets and marine archives used for paleoclimatic and tectonic... more
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      Sedimentary provenanceQuaternary Sedimentology and GeomorphologyIndus RiverIndian monsoon
Compositional and geochemical analyses of sands collected from the Chachalacas (CHA) and Veracruz (VER) beach areas along the western Gulf of Mexico were studied to determine the provenance and tectonic setting of the source region. The... more
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      GeochemistrySedimentologyTectonicsSedimentary provenance
Combined petrographic and geochemical methods are utilized to investigate the provenance, tectonic setting, palaeo-weathering and climatic conditions of the Cambrian Araba clastic sediments of NE Egypt. The  60 m thick Araba Formation... more
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      GeochemistryProvenanceSedimentary provenanceSandstones
The basal allochthonous units of NW and SW Iberia are members of an intra-Gondwana suture zone that spreads across the Iberian Massif and was formed during the collision of Gondwana and Laurussia in the late Paleozoic. This suture zone is... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryMetamorphic PetrologyTrace element Geochemistry
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      ProvenanceNeolithic ArchaeologySedimentary provenanceMycenaean era archaeology
Erosion is a key step in the destruction and recycling of the continental crust, yet its primary drivers continue to be debated. The relative balance between climatic and solid Earth forces in determining erosion patterns and rates, and... more
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      Climate ChangeSedimentary provenanceMonsoonHimalayan geology
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      SedimentologyCarbonate Diagenesis and StratigraphySedimentary PetrographySedimentary provenance
The stratigraphic well Saltarin 1A drilled the Miocene succession of the eastern Llanos basin, corresponding to the Carbonera (124.1 m; 407.1 ft drilled), Leon (105.1 m; 344.8 ft) and Guayabo Formations (441.8; 1449.5 ft). This work... more
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      StratigraphySedimentary provenanceDepositional Environments
Najman et al., 2010), has resulted in formation of the largest mountain ranges on Earth. The Himalaya have continued to evolve both in topography and structure as a result of ongoing tectonic deformation coupled with erosion, which is... more
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      Tectonics, erosion and climateSedimentary provenanceErosionHimalayan geology
Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata of the San Jacinto Fold Belt (Colombian Caribbean) provide insights about sedimentary environments and paleogeo-graphic evolution in the transition between the northern Andes and the South Caribbean deformed... more
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      Sedimentary provenanceEocenePaleogeographyOligocene
By selecting a limited number of variables (westward vs. eastward subduction polarity; oceanic vs. continental origin of downgoing and overriding plates), we identify eight end-member scenarios of plate convergence and orogeny. These... more
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      GeologyTectonicsSedimentary provenanceSubduction Zone Processes
ABSTRACT We propose formally the Chivillas Formation, as a key litostratigraphic unit to decrypt the sedimentary record of Cuicateca basin. Its type locality is along Barranca Las Salinas creek northeastern ward Tehuacán, Pue., where the... more
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      SedimentologyTectonics & SedimentationSedimentary provenanceCretaceous
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      Sedimentary provenanceTectonic Evolution of Rifted Continental MarginsSandstone diagenesisSiliciclastic Sedimentology and Reservoir characterization
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      SedimentologyStratigraphySedimentary provenanceSedimentary geology and stratigraphy
Приводятся результаты детального геологического и минералого-геохимческого исследования ме- таморфических пород, получивших развитие в подошве офиолитового комплекса п-ова Камчат- ский Мыс, Восточная Камчатка. Выявлены несколько... more
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      TectonicsSedimentary provenanceSedimentary GeochemistryPlate Tectonics
Slump is a movement of unlithified mass sediment gravity flow from particular bathymetry into deeper zone of the sea which caused by slope instability or earthquake. The slope instability is caused by rapid mass sediment distribution.... more
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During the Early Cretaceous important changes occurred in South-western Gondwana related to its fragmentation, and South Atlantic Ocean opening. Then, two basins developed in southernmost Patagonia: the AustralMagallanes Basin and the... more
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      Sedimentary provenanceGeochemistry of Black ShaleBlack shales and oil source rocks
A new data set of ca. 500 LA–ICP-MS U–Pb detrital zircon ages for six metasedimentary units from the Tuscan basement (Apuan Alps, Monti Pisani, Monticiano-Roccastrada), along with a precise SHRIMP U–Pb crystallization age of a... more
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      Zircon U-Pb GeochronologySedimentary provenanceGondwanaDetrital Zircon Geochronology
ABSTRACT: There is a known bias in C/N, d13C and d15N values of organic matter (OM) due to pre-analysis acid treatment methods. We report here, for the first time, the results of a pre-analysis acid treatment method comparison of measured... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologySedimentologyGeochronology
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    • Sedimentary provenance
The Khao Khwang fold-and-thrust belt, central Thailand, developed within a basin that formed on the southwestern margin of the Indochina block. Because of limited geo- chronological and provenance constraints, the time of deposition,... more
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      TectonicsZircon U-Pb GeochronologySedimentary provenanceSedimentary geology and stratigraphy
Banganapalle Formation (Kurnool Group) comprises intercalated arenaceous and argillaceous lithofacies with a basal conglomerate unit. Geochemically, basal conglomerate unit shows wide variation in major oxide contents due to the presence... more
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      GeochemistrySedimentologySedimentary provenanceSedimentary Geochemistry
New sedimentary geochemistry and petrographic analyses provide the most extensive sedimentary documentation yet of the rapid denudation of the young Timor orogen. The data from three basins including two widely-separated, well-dated... more
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      GeochemistryGeomorphologyTectonicsSedimentary provenance
Marine sedimentary rocks drilled on the southeastern margin of the South Orkney microcontinent in Antarctica (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 113 Site 696) were deposited between ∼36.5 Ma to 33.6 Ma, across the Eocene–Oligocene climate... more
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      GlaciationsSedimentary provenanceAntarcticaEocene-Oligocene transition
Geochemical data of sedimentary basins have been used to determine their plate tectonic setting. Here we test geochemical data for paired psammite–pelite samples from two greywacke packages that underlie 60% of the Paleozoic Acatlán... more
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      GeochemistrySedimentary provenanceSedimentary Geochemistry
Late Archaean metasedimentary basins in the Eastern Goldfields Province are spatially and temporally associated with regional shear zones and strike-slip faults related to terrane accretion and mineralisation.... more
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      GeologyStratigraphyGeochronologySequence Stratigraphy
The aim of this work is to constrain the provenance and depositional history of continental slope sediments in the Southwestern Gulf of Mexico (~ 1089 –1785 m water depth). To achieve this, 10 piston sediment cores (~ 5–5.5 m long) were... more
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      Environmental ScienceGeochemistrySedimentary provenanceQuaternary Sedimentology and Geomorphology
Loess sediments in Austria deposited ca. 30–20 ka ago yield different zircon age signatures for samples collected around Krems (SE Bohemian Massif; samples K23 and S1) and Wels (halfway between the Bohemian Massif and the Eastern Alps;... more
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      SedimentologyQuaternary GeologyProvenanceSedimentary provenance
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      Sedimentary provenanceGeochronology & isotope GeologyPb isotopes
We use apatite fission track ages from sediments recovered by the International Ocean Discovery Program in the Laxmi Basin, Arabian Sea, to constrain exhumation rates in the western Himalaya and Karakoram since 15.5 Ma. With the exception... more
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      Sedimentary provenanceFission Track DatingHimalayan geologyGeology of Indian Ocean
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The current meeting marks authors decade-long collaboration with the Geological Society of America (GSA) in proposing and conducting topical sessions highlighting the importance of undergraduate research involving basic geology and... more
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      SedimentologyEnvironmental GeologyGeotechnical EngineeringGeoscience Education
Sedimentological and mineralogical studies from two sandstone formations of pre-Santonian (Awi Formation) and post-Santonian (Lokoja Formation) ages were carried out aiming to characterize their provenance and depositional environments.... more
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      Sedimentary PetrographySedimentary provenanceFluvial SedimentologyHeavy Minerals
A multidisciplinary mineralogical, geochemical and biomarker study of Indus Fan sediments cored during International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 355 to the Laxmi Basin was carried out to define the different compositional... more
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      SedimentologyMarine GeologyOrganic GeochemistryBiomarkers
The Chablais Prealps (Haute-Savoie, France) represent a well-preserved accretionary wedge of the Western Alpine Tethys. They comprise a stack of sedimentary nappes related to palaeogeographic realms ranging from the Ultrahelvetic to the... more
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      Moine-Dalradian (Caledonian Geology)Sedimentary provenanceNeoproterozoic