Signs of the Times
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Recent papers in Signs of the Times
Title in English:
“Signs of the Times” at the crossroads of definitions of Church and world. Partial reception of the theology of Father Marie-Dominique Chenu O.P. after Vatican Council II
“Signs of the Times” at the crossroads of definitions of Church and world. Partial reception of the theology of Father Marie-Dominique Chenu O.P. after Vatican Council II
This paper is a critique and correction of premillennial dispensationalism, the theological theory that God has divided up all of history into seven periods in which he distributes, or dispenses, grace in different ways. We should be... more
¿Quién habla hoy de «signos de los tiempos»? Prácticamente, ya nadie. Sin embargo, la necesidad de acogerlos y «auscultarlos» permanentemente, fue uno de los mensajes centrales del Concilio Vaticano II, un mensaje que sigue vigente, que... more
Studium podejmuje w szczegółowej analizie naturę teologiczną "znaków czasów". Wyrażenie określone w literaturze fachowej w liczbie mnogiej jest jednym z istotnych tematów poruszonych przez ostatni Sobór Watykański II. Termin „znaki... more
ISSN 0716-730X, Vol. XXIX / Nº 2 mayo-agosto 2015, pp.125-127
Sažetak: U članku se istražuje shvaćanje povijesti u fatimskoj poruci pod vidom Božjeg poziva čovjeku da bude njegov suradnik. Pokazuje se da povijest nije pesimistički determi-nirana negativnim silama zla, nego predstavlja izazov ljudima... more
My analysis on the category of signs of times (SoT) shows how it can help to explain a few aspects of synodality. I will explain how synodality and SoT support each other and why Synods should teach a correct judgment of SoT. It is a way... more
The need for a philosophical conversion and three points of blockages to be surpassed in the pastoral conviction of today's apostolate from the point of view of theology. Potrzeba nawrócenia filozoficznego i zadanie otwarcia trzech... more
Son cuatro, entre otros, los aspectos que más sobresalen al abordar el problema que intentamos reflexionar. Primero, el tema nos lleva a posicionarnos frente a la posibilidad y el modo de la presencia real de Dios en la historia. Segundo,... more
Le parti che seguono, raccolte in ordine sparso, sono dei corollari all'articolo Segni dei tempi, sinodalità e "gender", in pubblicazione per Studia Patavina. Si tratta di ulteriori spunti di riflessione collegabili con alcune parti... more