Synthetic Aperture Radar
Recent papers in Synthetic Aperture Radar
This paper describes the analysis of L-band radiometric measurement data gathered with the synthetic aperture radiometer HUT-2D during several ground-based and airborne measurement campaigns. The radiometric data are analyzed from the... more
An adaptive and fast constant false alarm rate (CFAR) algorithm based on automatic censoring (AC) is proposed for target detection in high-resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. First, an adaptive global threshold is selected... more
Polarimetric SAR interferometry (Pol-InSAR) is a radar remote sensing technique, that allows to extract forest heights by means of model-based inversion. Recently, there have been plenty of research on the retrieval of vegetation... more
The necessity to control all the activities within the marine environment is nowadays vital for most official authorities. Besides protecting the ecosystem and providing safety and surveillance along the transportation corridors, illegal... more
Use of InSAR techniques in the study of unstable slopes has been suggested in recent works. However, in the ease of mass movements, which typically occur in high-relief terrain and are of limited areal extent, the detection of ground... more
A system that conforms to FIPA specifications (standards) is a FIPAcompliant system, and can interoperate with any other heterogeneous systems which are FIPA-compliant also. The conversion of a Multi-Agent System (MAS) into a... more
High resolution (HR) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images of urban areas reveal a large variety of details that, although potentially bringing a lot of information, are often very difficult to interpret.
An integrated remote sensing/field ecology project was carried out to link the use of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and other remotely sensed data to studies of landscape spatial heterogeneity and bird community ecology as a first step... more
A new graphical technique is developed that takes advantage of time-subsidence data collected from either traditional extensometer installations or from newer technologies such as fixed-station global positioning systems or... more
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images are strongly corrupted by the speckle noise due to random electromagnetic waves interference. The speckle noise reduces the quality of images and makes their interpretation and analysis really... more
The application of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) techniques to classical radar altimetry offers the potential for greatly improved Earth surface mapping. This paper provides an overview of the progress of SAMOSA, Development of SAR... more
This paper describes a phased incremental integration approach for application of image analysis and data fusion technologies to provide automated intelligent target tracking and identification for airborne surveillance on board an Aurora... more
Hydrology is the single most important abiotic factor in the formation and functioning of a wetland. Many limitations still exist to accurately characterizing wetland hydrology over large spatial extents, especially in forested wetlands.... more
The symmetric scattering characterization method (SSCM) has been recently introduced for high-resolution characterization of certain targets under coherent conditions. SSCM is based on the Poincaré sphere representation, which supports a... more
Non-quadratic regularization based image formation is a recently proposed framework for feature-enhanced radar imaging. Specific image formation techniques in this framework have so far focused on enhancing one type of feature, such as... more
Abstract: Sensor-management in tracking consists of sensor mode control and scheduling, target selection, and situation assessment. In a dynamic environment, airborne radar necessitates active mode control for the acquisition of a... more
Titan's vast equatorial fields of RADAR-dark longitudinal dunes seen in Cassini RADAR synthetic aperture images correlate with one of two dark surface units discriminated as ''brown'' and ''blue'' in Visible and Infrared Mapping... more
The various applications have been promised by the new generation of the spacecraft SAR data (i.e. Radarsat2 and TerraSAR-X), as the classification, the decomposition, and the modelling of the polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (SAR)... more
The Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar technique has provided various opportunities and challenges in agricultural activities mainly on crop management. The aim of this study is to investigate the sensitivity of 10 parameters derived... more
Satellite Radar Interferometry is a unique method that gives us a possibility to take measurements of a land subsidence on strictly determined huge areas and with precision state the time range. This method uses the phase signal... more
A new empirical model for the retrieval, at a field scale, of the bare soil moisture content and the surface roughness characteristics from radar measurements is proposed. The derivation of the algorithm is based on the results of three... more
The TerraSAR-L system is currently being designed in a Phase B definition study. The platform is optimized for and built around the 11 m x 2.9 m active phased array antenna of the L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (L-SAR). The L-SAR... more
The authors introduce maximum likelihood techniques for optimised discrimination between agricultural and wooded regions, based on a multitemporal sequencc of ERS images. The inherent resolution of the system is inadequate to make such a... more
The availability of long sequences of SAR data virtually at any location on the Earth allows an extensive evaluation of land cover dynamics, which is a well-known extension to image pair multitemporal analysis. In this work we show the... more
In agriculture, there is growing interest in determining field spatial variability for implementing differential management practices, which should generate economic and environmental benefits. To date, the majority of studies involving... more
Experiments of the two-pass interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (IfSAR) technique shows that the method often gives poor result due to poor coherence and to different physical conditions. For this reason, the stereoscopic Synthetic... more
algorithms are widely used in inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) imaging. In the standard RD algorithm, envelope alignment and autofocus are first applied to transform the original data into equivalent turntable target data, and then... more
Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) is an alternative technique to obtain measurements of surface displacement providing better spatial resolution and comparable accuracy at an extremely lower cost per area than conventional... more
In this paper, the potential use tf spaceborne polarimettic synthetic aperture radar (SAB) data in mapping landcover tripes and monitoring d@restation in tropics is studied, ttere, the emphasis is placed on several clearing practices a~d... more
Although it is a time-domain method, the finitedifference time-domain (FDTD) method has been used extensively for calculating frequency domain parameters such as specific absorption rate, radar cross-section, and S-parameters. When a... more
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is an active microwave imaging method. It operates independently of Sun illumination and cloud coverage. Current spaceborne systems use wavelengths of 3 to 25 cm and achieve resolutions of 10 to 50 m. The... more
Trihedral corner reflectors are the preferred canonical target for SAR performance evaluation for many radar development programs. The conventional trihedrals have problems with substantially reduced Radar Cross Section (RCS) at low... more
Over the past decades, a number of different Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) techniques were developed for mapping the surface of the planets either from Earth or from orbiting spacecrafts. However, the idea to use radar to study the... more
This paper considers synthetic aperture radar and other synthetic aperture imaging systems in which a backscattered wave is measured from a variety of locations.
| We analyze the application of Shannon entropy and Bhattacharyya distance for the characterization of polarimetric interferometric synthetic aperture radar (PolInSAR) images. We discuss the relevance of the decomposition of the Shannon... more
Abstrac/-SAR surveys from separate passes show relative shifts of the ground wavcnu m ber spectra thaI depend on the local slope and the off-nadir angle. We discuss the exploitation of this spectral sllift for different app] ications: I)... more
This paper presents a preliminary study about the scattering properties of urban-like scatters based on simulated SAR images. A simple target performed by a box of gypsum located over a perfectly conducting flat plane is analyzed for... more
AbstractThe launch of high-resolution remote sensing satel-lites like TerraSAR-X, WorldView, and Ikonos has benefited the combined application of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and optical imageries tremendously. Specifically, in case of... more