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It is established for the first time that the spatial distribution of breaking waves on the ocean surface is a multifractal process. This result is based on an analysis of airborne visible and near-infrared imagery of the ocean surface... more
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      Remote SensingNear InfraredMultidisciplinaryDiffusion
A novel experimental technique to measure static pressure fluctuation was applied in order to evaluate velocity-pressure correlation in a turbulent mixing layer. The developing region of the mixing layer was found to be out of equilibrium... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringCorrelationTurbulent Flow
A new theoretical model for mid-latitude mesosphere and lower thermosphere at equinox conditions has been developed by including new values of various characteristic atmospheric parameters. A value of the eddy diffusion coefficient was... more
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      Carbon DioxideAtmospheric ModelingTransport phenomenaPlanetary and Space Science
Profiles of currents, density, and microstructure were obtained in the Pacific Ocean on and near the equator at 140øW in late 1984 as pa• of the Tropic Heat program. During a 4•-day time series on the equator, the shear zone above the... more
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      Time SeriesMultidisciplinaryCurrent DensityShear Zone
for their cooperation and assistance. This report is one of a series of reports on numerical simulation of oil slicks in inland waterways. The series coordinator is Steven F. Daly, CRREL.
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      Environmental ScienceOil SpillAquatic EcosystemComputer Model
The frazil ice dynamics in a turbulent Ekman layer have been investigated using a mathematical model. The model is based on the conservation equations for mean momentum, energy and salinity, and employs a two-equation turbulence model for... more
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      Civil EngineeringTurbulenceNumerical SimulationMathematical Model
Combustion in direct-injection diesel engines occurs in a lifted, turbulent diffusion flame mode. Numerous studies indicate that the combustion and emissions in such engines are strongly influenced by the lifted flame characteristics,... more
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      KineticsLarge Eddy SimulationInternal Combustion EngineChemical Kinetics
A mathematical scheme is developed to simulate the vertical turbulent dispersion of air pollution that is absorbed or deposited to the ground. The scheme is an exact analytical solution of the atmospheric diffusion equation, without any... more
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      Atmospheric sciencesNumerical SimulationAppliedTurbulent Flow
The results of an analysis of velocity fluctuations in the plasma sheet of the Earth's magnetotail measured onboard INTERBALL Tail Probe satellite are presented. The hodographs of the velocity in directions (Y, Z) and correlation... more
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      Cosmic RaysDiffusion CoefficientTurbulent DiffusionCorrelation function
The results of an analysis of velocity fluctuations in the plasma sheet of the Earth's magnetotail measured onboard INTERBALL Tail Probe satellite are presented. The hodographs of the velocity in directions (Y, Z) and correlation... more
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      Cosmic RaysDiffusion CoefficientTurbulent DiffusionCorrelation function
Vehicle particle emissions are studied extensively because of their health effects, contribution to ambient PM levels and possible impact on climate. The aim of this work was to obtain a better understanding of secondary particle... more
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      Environmental EngineeringAtmospheric sciencesComputation Fluid DynamicsOperant Conditioning
The paper describes the implementation and applicability of the Large eddy simulation (LES) technique for simulating turbulent flows. The LES approach is implemented in the in-house RANS research code Spider-3D. The Spider-LES code is... more
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      TurbulenceLarge Eddy SimulationNumerical SimulationBoundary Conditions
The emergence of methods allowing the simplification of detailed chemical kinetics enables detailed modeling of turbulent diffusion flames. One of these methods, the “Intrinsic Law-Dimensional Manifolds” (ILDM) method and its application... more
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      PhysicsMonte CarloChemical KineticsTurbulent Combustion
An analytical technique to solve the Eulerian advection-diffusion equation for nonstationary conditions and passive contaminant within the Planetary Boundary Layer is analysed in this paper. The approach produces comparable results when... more
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      Air QualityAir pollutionMultidisciplinaryAtmospheric Turbulence
Pressure Diffusion flame Flame structure Flamelet approach Radiation a b s t r a c t A numerical study of hydrogen turbulent diffusion flame structure is carried out in the pressure range of 1e10 atm with a special emphasis on mixing. The... more
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      EngineeringAir flowComputation Fluid DynamicsHydrogen Energy
After a short excursion from discovery of Brownian motion to the Richardson "law of four thirds" in turbulent diffusion, the article introduces the Lévy flight superdiffusion as a self-similar Lévy process. The condition of... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsProbability Distribution & ApplicationsBrownian Motion
This work deals with the formulation and numerical implementation of a two-dimensional mathematical and numerical model describing open channel hydrodynamics, sediment and/or scalar transport and riverbed evolution in curved channels. It... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringTurbulenceWater resources
The turbulent natural convection of air flow in a confined cavity with two differentially heated side walls is investigated numerically up to Rayleigh number of 10 12 . The objective of the present work is to study the effect of the... more
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      EngineeringNuclear EngineeringMass TransferComputational Fluid Dynamics
In this paper (Part I) we derive the basic equations governing the model, discuss the treatment of meteorological variables (inversion height, wind field, and turbulent eddy diffusivity), present a kinetic mechanism for photochemical... more
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      EngineeringAir QualityKineticsAir pollution
Abstrac~Effects of flow direction, nonlinear drag and the corrected lift force on particle deposition rate in turbulent pipe flow is studied. A digital simulation technique is used and the trajectories of particles of different sizes are... more
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      Chemical EngineeringAtmospheric sciencesPipe FlowTurbulent Diffusion
Atmospheric air pollution turbulent fluxes can be assumed to be proportional to the mean concentration gradient. This assumption, along with the equation of continuity, leads to the advection-diffusion equation. Moreover, large eddies are... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringAir QualityAir pollution
Soot formation is compared in turbulent diffusion flames burning a commercial Diesel and two Diesel surrogates containing n-decane and a-methylnaphthalene. A burner equipped with a high-efficiency atomisation system has been specially... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringTime-of-flight mass spectrometryAutomotive Engineering
Milroy, Scott P., "A three-dimensional biophysical model of light, nutrient, and grazing controls on phytoplankton competition affecting red tide maintenance on the west Florida shelf " (2007). Graduate Theses and Dissertations.
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      ZooplanktonRed tideUpwellingDiel Vertical Migration
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      Numerical AnalysisFinite element methodFinite ElementMatrix Theory
Buoyant surface discharges into ambient water bodies can exhibit multiple complex flow processes, which cover the spatial range from the near field with initial jet mixing to the far field with passive ambient diffusion. Multiple flow... more
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      Civil EngineeringWater qualityWater PollutionHydraulic Engineering
The Danshui River estuarine system is the largest estuarine system in northern Taiwan and is formed by the confluence of Tahan Stream, Hsintien Stream, and Keelung River. A comprehensive one-dimensional (1-D) model was used to model the... more
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      Time SeriesMultidisciplinaryNumerical SimulationWater Supply
The northern Gulf of California, Mexico, is one of the most productive and diverse marine ecosystems in the world. It currently harbors three marine protected areas, including two biosphere reserves. Despite its significance as a... more
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      OceanographySeasonalityMarineRandom Walk
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsComputational Fluid DynamicsModeling
The paper describes the implementation and applicability of the Large eddy simulation (LES) technique for simulating turbulent flows. The LES approach is implemented in the in-house RANS research code Spider-3D. The Spider-LES code is... more
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      TurbulenceLarge Eddy SimulationNumerical SimulationBoundary Conditions
The ability of optimum multiparameter (OMP) analysis to identify regions where diapycnal mixing is prominent is examined. OMP analysis and isopycnal analysis are applied to synthetic data sets constructed with predetermined mixing regimes... more
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      MultidisciplinaryIndian OceanNorth AtlanticEnvironmental Variables
Two commercial CFD codes were used to simulate the strongly swirling single-phase flow with core recirculation within an axial hydrocyclone. Both packages used a Differential Reynolds Stress Model with default constants for the turbulence... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringDesignComputational Fluid Dynamics
Mathematical modelling provides an essential tool for understanding aeolian transport of dust and sand, its spatial and temporal dynamics, and its role in the earth system. As much of the crucial action takes place at or just above land... more
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      Mathematical ModellingMultidisciplinaryTemporal dynamicsParameter estimation
1] To date, flow through submerged aquatic vegetation has largely been viewed as perturbed boundary layer flow, with vegetative drag treated as an extension of bed drag. However, recent studies of terrestrial canopies demonstrate that the... more
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      MultidisciplinaryAquatic VegetationGeophysicalTurbulent Diffusion
Particle deposition on the wall in a dilute turbulent vertical pipe flow is modeled. The different mechanisms of particle transport to the wall are considered, i.e., Brownian motion, turbulent diffusion and turbophoresis. The Saffman lift... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringMass TransferTurbulence
1] Improved turbulent closures for use in fully nonlinear Boussinesq-type models are described here. The approach extends previous works in order to give a more flexible and accurate description of the turbulence due to a breaking wave.... more
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      Wave turbulenceMultidisciplinaryGeophysicalTurbulent Diffusion
Obstructed shear flows (i.e. those over permeable media) are common in the environment. An archetypal example, flow over a submerged vegetation canopy, is investigated here. Like any flow through complex geometry, canopy flows are... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental Fluid MechanicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
A multifractal method of analysis, initially developed in the framework of turbulence and having had developments and applications in various geophysical domains (meteorology, hydrology, climate, remote sensing, environmental monitoring,... more
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      MultidisciplinaryChemical and Biological EngineeringHigh FrequencyDiffusion
Properties of the North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) depend on mixing that occurs in the Denmark Strait (DS) and the Faroe Bank Channel (FBC) overflow regions. How the sill's topography in those regions may affect mixing processes and... more
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      GeologyStratificationMultidisciplinaryNumerical Simulation
Editor: M.L. Delaney Keywords: sedimentary geochemistry sedimentary petrology settling equivalence selective entrainment placer sands opaque minerals REE-bearing minerals Eu anomaly Himalaya
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      Earth SciencesRaman SpectroscopySediment transportPhysical sciences
A perturbation analysis of the Lagrangian equations of motion is used to examine the diffusion induced by a random field of internal waves. At second order there is a random field of shearing motion in the horizontal plane. We calculate... more
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      MultidisciplinaryDiffusionSpectrumSecond Order
1] Because of its relevance for the global climate the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) has been a major research focus for many years. Yet the question of which physical mechanisms ultimately drive the AMOC, in the... more
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      EngineeringEarth SciencesGlobal changeSouthern Ocean
1] An array of instruments air-deployed ahead of Hurricane Frances measured the three-dimensional, time dependent response of the ocean to this strong (60 ms À1 ) storm. Sea surface temperature cooled by up to 2.2°C with the greatest... more
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      MultidisciplinarySea surface temperatureDiffusionHeat Flux
The forces on the seabed in shallow water under waves influence near-shore transport processes. However, the actual nature of these forces is not yet fully understood. Sleath [1987] simultaneously measured horizontal shear force per unit... more
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      MultidisciplinaryTurbulent FlowOscillationsGeophysical
Buoyant surface discharges into ambient water bodies can exhibit multiple complex flow processes, which cover the spatial range from the near field with initial jet mixing to the far field with passive ambient diffusion. Multiple flow... more
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      Civil EngineeringWater qualityWater PollutionHydraulic Engineering
The growth rate of Langmuir cells is calculated from a linear stability analysis for different orientations of wind, waves, and cells as well as for various values of the dimensionless parameters describing wave-current interaction. These... more
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      MultidisciplinaryDiffusionSediment transportShear Flow
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    • Turbulent Diffusion
Relative dispersion in a neutrally stratified planetary boundary layer (PBL) is investigated by means of Large-Eddy Simulations (LES). Despite the small extension of the inertial range of scales in the simulated PBL, our Lagrangian... more
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      Boundary Layer MeteorologyLarge Eddy SimulationDirect Numerical SimulationAtmospheric sciences
A semi-empirical model based on a Gaussian vorticity distribution has been developed for determining eddy diffusivity and wind transport distributions in the polar stratosphere. The model uses as input data pressure surface heights... more
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      Atmospheric ModelingAtmospheric CirculationTurbulent DiffusionWind Velocity
A new phenomenon of turbulent thermal diusion is discussed. This eect is related to the dynamics of small inertial particles in low-Mach-number compressible turbulent¯uid¯ows. Turbulent thermal diusion is caused by the correlation between... more
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      EngineeringTurbulenceMultiphase FlowTwo Phase Flow
The mixing efficiency of a flow advecting a passive scalar sustained by steady sources and sinks is naturally defined in terms of the suppression of bulk scalar variance in the presence of stirring, relative to the variance in the absence... more
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      Applied MathematicsPartial Differential EquationsDirect Numerical SimulationMixing