Turkish Revolution
Recent papers in Turkish Revolution
Öz İsviçre'de yayımlanan Neue Zürcher Zeitung Gazetesi'nin 2 Temmuz 1933 tarihli nüshasında, " Yeni Türkiye Başkentin Gelişimi " başlıklı bir makale yer almıştır. Makale, gazetenin basıldığı Zürih'te, Almanca olarak Cumhuriyetin 10.... more
Öz İsviçre'de yayımlanan Neue Zürcher Zeitung Gazetesi'nin 2 Temmuz 1933 tarihli nüshasında, " Yeni Türkiye Başkentin Gelişimi " başlıklı bir makale yer almıştır. Makale, gazetenin basıldığı Zürih'te, Almanca olarak Cumhuriyetin 10. yılında Türkiye ve özellikle başkent Ankara'nın değişimi üzerine yazılmıştır. Makalenin Fransızcaya tercüme edilmiş haline Başbakanlık Cumhuriyet Arşivi'nden ulaşılmıştır. Makalede, Ankara'nın yolları, halkı, yaşam alanları ve koşulları detaylı olarak ilgi çekici bir şekilde tasvir edilmiştir. Makalede ulaşılan sonuç, genç Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nin genç başkentinin 10 yıl gibi kısa bir sürede Avrupa'nın çağdaş şehirleriyle boy ölçüşebilecek seviyeye taşınmış olması yönünde olmuştur. Atatürk'ün kişisel çabalarıyla çağdaş uygarlıklar seviyesinin üstüne çıkma hedefiyle gerçekleştirilen Türk Devrimi'nin yaşam alanı olarak kurgulanmaya çalışılan Ankara'nın ele alınış şekli ilgi çekici görülerek bu çalışmada ele alınmıştır. Makalenin incelemesi, Fransızca'dan bire bir tercümesi gerçekleştirilerek yapılmış, bu çalışmada, detay atlanmaması ihtiyacından makalenin ele aldığı konular sırasıyla gözden geçirilerek aktarılmıştır. Küçük bir Anadolu kasabasından Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devleti'nin çağdaş başkentine dönüşen Ankara'nın bir yabancının gözünden de aynı doğrultuda gözlemlenmesi durumunun Ankara'nın tarihi ve gelişimi incelenirken gözden kaçırılmaması gerekli görülmektedir.
Abstract On July 2, 1933, the Swiss newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung published an article titled " New Turkey-The Capital's Development ". Penned in German and printed in Zurich, where the paper is based, the article was written on the 10th anniversary of the Republic and evaluated the changes in Turkey and particularly in Ankara, the capital city. The French version of the document was accessible at the State Archives of the Prime Ministry of Turkey. The article described in detail Ankara's transport system, local people, places they lived and worked as well as their conditions. The conclusion of the article was that the young capital of the young Republic had reached, within the short space of 10 years, such levels that it could take on Europe's modern cities. The way Ankara was addressed in this article –as a place conceived as the manifestation of the Turkish Revolution, which, achieved through Atatürk's personal efforts, aimed at raising Turkey beyond the levels of modern civilizations– was considered interesting. For the purposes of this article, the French version of the newspaper article was translated into Turkish, and the topics covered in the newspaper were reviewed in their original sequence. When examining Ankara's history and its development, it is important to take into account foreign views on Ankara, a small Anatolian town transformed into the modern capital of the Turkish Republic.
Abstract On July 2, 1933, the Swiss newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung published an article titled " New Turkey-The Capital's Development ". Penned in German and printed in Zurich, where the paper is based, the article was written on the 10th anniversary of the Republic and evaluated the changes in Turkey and particularly in Ankara, the capital city. The French version of the document was accessible at the State Archives of the Prime Ministry of Turkey. The article described in detail Ankara's transport system, local people, places they lived and worked as well as their conditions. The conclusion of the article was that the young capital of the young Republic had reached, within the short space of 10 years, such levels that it could take on Europe's modern cities. The way Ankara was addressed in this article –as a place conceived as the manifestation of the Turkish Revolution, which, achieved through Atatürk's personal efforts, aimed at raising Turkey beyond the levels of modern civilizations– was considered interesting. For the purposes of this article, the French version of the newspaper article was translated into Turkish, and the topics covered in the newspaper were reviewed in their original sequence. When examining Ankara's history and its development, it is important to take into account foreign views on Ankara, a small Anatolian town transformed into the modern capital of the Turkish Republic.