Ukrainian Army
Recent papers in Ukrainian Army
Гай-Нижник П. Військова розвідка і контррозвідка УНР та УД: створення, завдання, діяльність (1918 р.) // Національна спецслужба в українському державотворенні: збірник статей і матеріалів з нагоди 29-ї річниці утворення СБУ. – К.:... more
The annexation of Crimea by Russia and the first weeks of the war in the Donbas revealed what Ukraine’s armed forces were in reality – a petrified structure, incapable of any effective action in the face of minimal enemy engagement. A... more
В этом очерке не раскрывается весь многогранный и динамичный феномен новых добровольческих частей 2014 года. Вместо этого, я сфокусируюсь лишь на предыстории и некоторых аспектах возникновения одного особого и несколько девиантного... more
Шляхи становлення Національного музею історії України: від першовитоків до сьогодення: Тематичний збірник наукових праць. / Редкол.: Н.Г. Ковтанюк (відповідальний редактор) та ін. — К.: Національний музей історії України, 1994. - ISBN... more
For the Ukrainian army, mobiles provided a convenient battlefield tool due to outdated communications systems available in 2014. Soldiers were asking volunteers to supply them, among other essentials, with used mobile phones. They soon... more
What do I mean by "military" and "social" structure in my short presentation? By "military" structure I mean main forces and units which were deployed in Ukraine on both sides. In a way this is synonymous to "the order of battle". By... more
The Ukrainian state needs to achieve at least some modicum of security, as a political entity and as an investment destination. This security will only be achieved when Russia’s leadership and wider elite circles are made fully and... more
Contemporary warfare is characterised by hyperconnectivity and omnipresence of portable communication devices in combat situations. In the spirit of actor-network theory (Latour 2006), the paper will trace a difficult history of mobile... more
The article focuses on the Ukrainian geopolitical presence in the Black Sea littoral tracing its development since the beginning of the twentieth century. An attempt is made to predict the future regional policies of Ukraine taking into... more
The essay "A Military Theory of The Ukrainian Arm" is a historical overview of the political and military roots of the various Ukrainian armed forces up to the present time. From an understanding of the past Ukrainian military forces... more
on the project "Social factors of predominance of pro-European and pro-Russian geopolitical orientations in the regions of Ukraine". The data and results from these two research (see slide 3 of the presentation) periods are the main... more
Since the USSR's collapse Black Sea region, in which Ukraine is one of the central powers, has become in many ways important for European security. Today the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) are the only state army that openly takes part in... more
The military confrontation in South-Eastern Ukraine is an example of "hybrid warfare," in which one of the primary aspects is "war for minds." Differences in geopolitical predispositions among Ukrainians are frequently explained by their... more
Гай-Нижник П. П. Українська морська піхота: історія створення і бойовий шлях (1918–1921 рр.) // Воєнно-історична робота в Військово-Морських Силах. Сучасний стан та перспективи. Матеріали ІІІ Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції,... more