Recent papers in Urania
KARAKTERISASI MIKROSTRUKTUR, KEKERASAN, KOMPOSISI KIMIA DAN STRUKTUR KRISTAL LAPISAN PADA PERMUKAAN BAJA. Baja dan paduannya digunakan sebagai bahan struktur komponen reaktor nuklir dan peralatan dukung fasilitas hot cell.... more
The story of science fiction in Italy during the second half of the Nineteenth century is a fascinating history of intercultural relationships. The translation of the Anglo-American tra- dition has to be identified not only with that of... more
One of the most important Roman sculptures from the Netherlands. In 1980 two matching shaft blocks of almost the same height, square in shape, from Norroy limestone, were recovered from the foundations of the medieval castle of the... more
Scene of the encounter between the poet and the Muse in the poem Urania by Alessandro Manzoni in the light of the classical tradition. Structural analysis Abstract: The short poem Urania is the last neoclassical work of Alessandro... more
«I Romanzi di Urania», «I Romanzi del Cosmo», «Oltre il Cielo», «Galaxy» e «Galassia», «Futuro» e «Robot» sono i laboratori che, tra anni Cinquanta e Settanta, hanno proposto la fantascienza in Italia come un genere riconoscibile e... more
Das Themenheft 'Berliner Welträume im frühen 20. Jahrhundert' untersucht Genese und Gestalt technischer Weltraumvisionen. Es fragt nach der Entstehung, Verbreitung und Resonanz von Astrokultur und Raumfahrtbegeisterung vor dem sogenannten... more
RÉSUMÉ – Les Géorgiques sont le modèle structurel et stylistique de l’Urania de Pontano, qui loue Virgile comme genius loci du chant de Pontano dans son domaine du Pausilippe mais aussi comme protagoniste d’un mythe qui le vouait à vivre... more
"The work of Giorgio Monicelli as a translator, a publishing consultant, an editor, has never been thoroughly studied, leaving in the shadow the contribution given by this self-taught, odd and unique intellectual to Italian culture during... more
Die Tagung des Arbeitskreises Astronomiegeschichte in Bochum stand 2016 unter dem Thema Popularisierung der Astronomie. Dies war inspiriert von den zahlreichen astronomischen Aktivitäten im Ruhrgebiet. Wie kann man ohne Teleskope, wie die... more
Pure urania- and urania-gadolinia-containing fuel pellets were coated with boron nitride (BN) to improve the physical and neutronic properties of the fuel. The BN coating seems to have a technological advantage over zirconium-diboride... more
Many ways of popularization exist, e. g. publications in books and journals, lectures, exhibitions and museums, science on stage, in addition pubic observatories, planetariums, star gazing, as well as new media. In Baroque time and... more
An inscribed marble gable found near the ancient city center of Ascalon (modern Ashkelon) is published. The inscription (of AD 220) records the erection and dedication of a temple in honor of the goddess “Ourania of Skorpon”. Ourania... more
RESUMEN El objetivo fundamental de este trabajo es presentar una reflexión general en torno al servicio de tropas suizas en España en época de los Austrias (siglos XVI-XVII). Dicha reflexión se estructura en tres apartados: en primer... more
“Raritäten- und Wunderkammern” of the Baroque period were a microscopic image of the macroscopic world, in which astronomical instruments, orreries and celestial globes played an important role. The Gottorf globe in the ducal castle in... more
"...Shi Kong was indeed the first example of Chinese science fiction translated into Italian and, moreover, it was one of the first publications of Chinese science fiction in a European language at all. ..."
Uranium dioxide-gadolinium oxide fuel was produced by the sol-gel technique. The effects of different parameters such as calcination and reduction temperature, compaction pressure, particle size of powder, type of binder, sintering... more
In this research work pure urania and urania-gadolonia (5 and 10%) fuels were first produced by sol-gel technique. The effects of some operational parameters such as grinding, use of binder, compaction pressure, and reduction temperature... more