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Objectives: P-selectin inhibition has been found to limit venous thrombosis. We hypothesize that elevated levels of P-selectin will amplify thrombosis, mediated by procoagulant microparticles (MPs). Methods: Male mice (Mus musculus,... more
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      InflammationVascular SurgeryMicecerebral Venous sinus thrombosis
Kinked extracranial carotid and vertebral arteries are observed in 10% to 16% of cerebral angiograms. The hemodynamic significance of some kinked carotid arteries has been shown by investigators who documented oculoplethysmographic and... more
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      Vascular SurgeryMethodsAgedVertebral artery
Purpose: To evaluate our experience of thoracic endoluminal graft (ELG) repair of various thoracic aortic pathologies using a commercially available device approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Our patient population includes... more
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      Treatment OutcomeVascular SurgeryFollow-up studiesVascular
Background: The use of endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) in abdominal aortic aneurysm is limited by neck configuration and angulation. Using stent grafts outside the instructions for use may result in failure and higher endoleak rate.... more
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      Vascular SurgeryMedicineMedical and Health Sciences
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      Vascular SurgeryDenmarkPulmonary Embolismcerebral Venous sinus thrombosis
Non-giant cell arteritis disease of the superficial temporal artery (STA) is rare, appearing only as case reports in the literature. There were nine patients with STA pathology. STA aneurysm (n ‫؍‬ 1), pseudoaneurysm (n ‫؍‬ 4), thrombosis... more
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      SurgeryAdolescentVascular SurgeryYoung Adult
Injuries of the abdominal visceral vessels are uncommon but devastating entities resulting in extremely high rates of mortality. The most common cause of abdominal vascular injuries is penetrating trauma, accounting for 90% to 95% of... more
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      Vascular SurgeryCase ReportDifferential DiagnosisRupture
Repair of the VA has evolved in the last decade. It began as an uncommon operation used in a minute percentage of patients with cerebrovascular disease. At that time many neurologists and vascular surgeons viewed these reconstructions... more
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      Vascular SurgeryCerebrovascular DiseaseFollow-up studiesDiagnostic Imaging
A 36-year-old woman with chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities underwent successful venous valve reconstruction with prosthetic bovine monocusp patches in the superficial femoral and great saphenous veins. Postoperative... more
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      Vascular SurgeryMedicineFollow-up studiesFemoral Vein
The expansion of an abdominal aortic aneurysm sac after conventional repair has been rarely described. All cases in the literature have been associated with polytetrafluoroethylene grafts and perigraft seromas. We present a patient with a... more
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      Vascular SurgeryMedicineRecurrenceAged
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      Vascular SurgeryMedicineClinical Sciences
Le traitement actuellement recommandé par les équipes de chirurgie vasculaire d'une infection prothétique aorto-iliaque est l'allogreffe artérielle cryopréservée. Si cette thérapeutique a nettement diminué la mortalité et la morbidité en... more
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      Vascular SurgerySudden DeathClinical SciencesDegeneration
Objective: To determine the rates and risk factors of complications related to cerebrospinal fluid drainage (CSFD) during first stage and completion fenestrated-branched endovascular aortic repair (F-BEVAR) of pararenal and... more
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      Vascular SurgeryMedical and Health Sciences
Objective: Although infection following carotid endarterectomy is rare, consequences of this seldom seen complication can be devastating. Polyester, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), and vein patches have all been used by many institutions... more
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      SurgeryTreatment OutcomeLeukemiaVascular Surgery
Abstract: As a group, heavy metals include both those essential for normal biological functioning (e.g., Cu and Zn), and nonessential metals (e.g., Cd, Hg, and Pb). Both essential and nonessential metals can be present at concentrations... more
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      Immune responseVascular SurgeryMultidisciplinaryHeavy metals
Purpose: The purposes of this study were to evaluate the long-term results of different autogenous conduits used for infrainguinal bypass when ipsilateral greater saphenous vein (IGSV) is absent or inadequate and to determine the impact... more
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      Vascular SurgeryIschemiaRisk factorsVascular
A 31-year-old woman with neurofibromatosis type I (NF-I) came to our hospital with hypotension and abdominal pain. A computed tomography (CT) scan showed blood in the retroperitoneum and two saccular aneurysms in the superior mesenteric... more
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      Treatment OutcomeVascular SurgeryStentsNeurofibromatosis
Objective: Minimally invasive methods (MIMs) are now available for the management of visceral artery aneurysms and pseudoaneurysms (visceral artery aneurysms [VAA]). The purpose of this study was to review our 10-year experience with the... more
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      Treatment OutcomeAdolescentVascular SurgeryUnited States
The study was conducted to demonstrate improved survival (30-day mortality) after the introduction of an emergency endovascular therapy protocol for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms (rAAA). Numerous authors have successfully... more
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      AlgorithmsSurvival AnalysisTreatment OutcomeRisk assessment
Background: Abdominal aortic operations have the highest perioperative cardiac risk. To test the impact of preoperative coronary artery revascularization (PR) in this high-risk subset, a post hoc analysis was performed in patients... more
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      Treatment OutcomeRisk assessmentVascular SurgeryCatheterization
To determine whether a percutaneous vascular intervention (PVI) combined with supplemental supervised exercise therapy (SET) is more effective than a PVI alone in improving walking ability in patients with symptomatic peripheral arterial... more
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      Quality of lifeTreatment OutcomeVascular SurgeryExercise therapy
Abstract: A total of 13 cadavers (12 men and 1 women) of different age group were used for the study with the purpose to determine the prevalence of femoral vein duplication. Lower limb regions (26 sides) were carefully dissected as per... more
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      Internal Medicine (General Medicine)Orthopedic SurgeryRadiologyPlastic Surgery
Background Preoperative SARS-CoV-2 vaccination could support safer elective surgery. Vaccine numbers are limited so this study aimed to inform their prioritization by modelling. Methods The primary outcome was the number needed to... more
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      SurgeryNeurosurgerySurgical OncologyVascular Surgery
To identify factors related to poor control of blood pressure in primary care, we designed a retrospective case-control analysis of clinical and demographic data recorded in the General Practitioners (GP) database. Study data were... more
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      Primary CareVascular SurgeryFamily historyItaly
Dr Cameron should be proud of his 6th edition of "Current surgical therapy." This text meets the objective of providing up-to-date information on therapeutic options for a broad range of subject material. When my vascular fellow saw that... more
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      RadiologyUltrasoundVascular Surgery
This case report described a patient of Behçet disease (BD)-related vascular lesions that initially presented as occlusion of superior vena cava (SVC) without any evidence of thrombosis. The patient was treated first by percutaneous... more
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      Treatment OutcomeVascular SurgeryStentsBiopsy
Purpose: Venous reconstructions are rarely performed, and factors affecting long-term results of bypass grafts implanted in the venous system are not well defined. In this report we updated our experience. Methods: The clinical data of... more
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      SurgeryTreatmentAdolescentVascular Surgery
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      Vascular SurgeryShockClinical SciencesCurriculum and Pedagogy
CLI patients face a dismal prognosis with one year mortality up to 30% Infra-popliteal BS is a demanding procedure with poor long-term survival. A minimally invasive therapy with equivalent results would be more appropriate. SIA is easy... more
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      Vascular SurgeryLower limb
East Orange and Newark, N.J. Purpose: Calf muscle pump dysfunction is a recognized factor in chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). We investigated the hypothesis that limbs with CVI have a reduced ankle range of motion (ROM) that may be... more
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      Vascular SurgeryAirMusclesVascular
The aim was to assess 18 month outcomes of the paclitaxel eluting balloon (PEB) in patients with femoropopliteal (FP) in-stent restenosis (ISR). In a national prospective and multicentre cohort study, symptomatic patients with... more
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      Treatment OutcomeVascular SurgeryMedicineProspective studies
structured around an original "case management" approach. Multiple chapters discuss assessment and management of psychosocial stressors. The last part is titled "Moving Cardiac Rehabilitation into the Next Century: Contemporary Challenges... more
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      Cardiovascular diseaseVascular SurgeryClinical SciencesPublic health systems and services research
BACKGROUND: Communication breakdowns are a common threat to surgical safety, but there are little data to guide initiatives to improve communication. STUDY DESIGN: In surgeon-review of 444 surgical malpractice claims from 4 liability... more
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      CommunicationVascular SurgeryGeneral SurgeryMedical errors
Diabetic foot infections are a common and often serious problem, accounting for a greater number of hospital bed days than any other complication of diabetes. Despite advances in both antibiotic therapy and surgical management, these... more
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      PodiatrySurgeryEvidence Based MedicineMagnetic Resonance Imaging
Background: Renal artery stent placement is a recognized treatment for patients with hemodynamically significant renal artery stenosis when medical therapy fails. Duplex ultrasound (DUS) is the primary method used for noninvasive... more
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      UltrasoundVascular SurgeryStentsRecurrence
We propose an anatomy-based approach for an efficient construction of a three-dimensional human normal cerebral arterial model from segmented and skeletonized angiographic data. The centerline-based model is used for an accurate... more
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      EngineeringVascular SurgeryGeometric modelInterventional Radiology
In the Netherlands, vascular surgery is not a monospecialty. Vascular interventions are performed by general surgeons with an interest and additional training in vascular surgery. The Dutch Society for Vascular Surgery was founded in... more
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      Vascular SurgeryPatient CareWorking Hours
Background: The objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and profile of patients presenting with chronic venous insufficiency (class C3-C6) and cascading deep venous reflux involving femoral, popliteal, and crural veins to... more
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      Vascular SurgeryChronic DiseaseAgedClinical Presentation
To determine the effect of elastic compression stockings on deep venous hemodynamics we measured ambulatory venous pressure, venous refill time, maximum venous pressure with exercise, amplitude of venous pressure excursion, and... more
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      TreatmentVascular SurgeryHemodynamicsVascular
Objetivos: O objetivo deste estudo foi o de analisar morbidade e mortalidade pós-cirúrgicas em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de aneurisma da aorta torácica e aneurisma toracoabdominal no Departamento de Cirurgia Vascular do IRCCS San... more
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      Vascular SurgeryCerebrospinal FluidSpinal CordRenal failure
INTRODUCTION: Femoral wound complications can threaten vascular grafts. Muscle flaps can be used to facilitate soft-tissue coverage and graft salvage. We report a series of sartorius flaps performed by vascular surgeons in the treatment... more
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      SurgeryTreatmentWound HealingVascular Surgery
Objective: To produce a comprehensive anatomical and hemodynamic ultrasound scan mapping of the whole limb in patients with primary varicose veins (VVs). Design: An analysis of venous duplex scans performed on patients referred for... more
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      CartographySurgeryVascular SurgeryHemodynamics
Background: To determine whether renal perfusion with cold crystalloid solution enriched with histidine-tryptophanketoglutarate (Custodiol; Dr Franz-Kohler Chemie GmbH, Bensheim, Germany) provides better protection against renal ischemic... more
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      Acute kidney injuryTreatment OutcomeVascular SurgeryLinear models
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      Ancient HistoryMilitary MedicineMedieval HistoryVascular Surgery
Objectives: Duplex ultrasound has become the reference standard in assessing the morphology and haemodynamics of the lower limb veins. The project described in this article was an initiative of the Union Internationale de Phlébologie... more
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      Evidence Based MedicineUltrasound ImagingHospital InfectionTreatment Outcome
Objective: Dual antiplatelet therapy with clopidogrel plus acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) is superior to ASA alone in patients with acute coronary syndromes and in those undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. We sought to determine... more
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      AustraliaPlacebo EffectTreatment OutcomeRisk assessment
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      Computed TomographyMagnetic Resonance ImagingVascular SurgeryMagnetic Resonance
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      Vascular SurgeryMedicineMedical and Health Sciences
Branchial clefts cysts (BCC) are uncommon anomalies of embryonic development encountered frequently by the otolaryngologists. They involve the soft tissue of the neck and manifests as branchial cyst, fistula or sinus. These anomalies... more
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      RadiologySurgeryVascular SurgeryThyroid Surgery
Objective: Assessment of walking distance by treadmill testing is the most commonly used method to evaluate the effect of treatment in patients with peripheral arterial disease. However, treadmill testing is time consuming, relatively... more
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      Quality of lifeVascular SurgeryVascularAged