ÖZET: Bu çalmada, “Newton’un Hareket Yasalar” ünitesinde örencilerin baarlar ölçmek için kullanlan kavram haritas ve yaplandlm gridin geçerlik ve güvenirlikleri aralmr. Çalma grubunu, 2009-2010 öretim nda... more
ÖZET: Bu çalmada, “Newton’un Hareket Yasalar” ünitesinde örencilerin baarlar ölçmek için kullanlan kavram haritas ve yaplandlm gridin geçerlik ve güvenirlikleri aralmr. Çalma grubunu, 2009-2010 öretim nda Fen Bilgisi Öretmenlii ve Fizik Öretmenlii program 1. sfta okuyan 102 örenci oluturmaktadr. Kavram haritas ve yaplandlm gridin geçerlii için ölçüt olarak ayn konuda gelitirilen ksa cevapl bir test kullanlmr. Kavram haritasndan ve ksa cevapl testten elde edilen puanlar arasndaki Pearson korelasyon katsay 0.57 bulunmutur (p<0.05). Kavram haritasn iç tutarlk anlamnda güvenirlik katsay olan Cronbach alfa katsay 0.69’dur. Yaplandlm gridden elde edilen puanlar ile ksa cevapl testten elde edilen puanlar arasndaki iliki 0.69’dur (p<0.05). Yaplandlm gridin güvenirlii için Cronbach alfa katsay hesaplanm ve 0.77 bulunmutur. Kavram haritas ve yaplandlm grid arasnda pozitif yönde, orta düzeyde ve anlaml bir iliki olduu görülmütür (0.51; p<0.05). Anahtar sözcükler: kavram haritas, yaplandlm grid, tamamlay ölçme araçlar, geçerlik, güvenirlik ABSTRACT: This study aims to research on the validity and reliability of concept maps and structured communication grids used to assess students’ achievement regarding the unit called “Newton’s Laws of Motion”. The sampling consisted of 102 students studying in their Year One at Science Teaching and Physics teaching departments during 2009 – 2010 academic year. The responses to the short-answer test consisted of the main measure in checking the validity of the concept map and the structured communication grid. The Pearson Correlation Coefficient between the scores of the shortanswer test and the concept map was calculated to be 0.57. In order to find the reliability state of the concept map, the calculation concluded as 0.69. The degree of the relationship between structured communication grid and short answer test scores was calculated (0.69; p<0.05). For the reliability of the structured communication grid, Cronbach Alpha was calculated 0.77. A positive, medium level and significant relationship was observed between the structured communication grid and the concept map (0.51; p<0.05). Keywords: concept map, structural communication grid, alternative assessment tools, validity, reliability
ÖZET: Bu çalmada, " Newton'un Hareket Yasalar " ünitesinde örencilerin baarlar ölçmek için kullanlan kavram haritas ve yaplandlm gridin geçerlik ve güvenirlikleri aralmr. Çalma grubunu, 2009-2010 öretim nda Fen Bilgisi Öretmenlii ve Fizik... more
ÖZET: Bu çalmada, " Newton'un Hareket Yasalar " ünitesinde örencilerin baarlar ölçmek için kullanlan kavram haritas ve yaplandlm gridin geçerlik ve güvenirlikleri aralmr. Çalma grubunu, 2009-2010 öretim nda Fen Bilgisi Öretmenlii ve Fizik Öretmenlii program 1. sfta okuyan 102 örenci oluturmaktadr. Kavram haritas ve yaplandlm gridin geçerlii için ölçüt olarak ayn konuda gelitirilen ksa cevapl bir test kullanlmr. Kavram haritasndan ve ksa cevapl testten elde edilen puanlar arasndaki Pearson korelasyon katsay 0.57 bulunmutur (p<0.05). Kavram haritasn iç tutarlk anlamnda güvenirlik katsay olan Cronbach alfa katsay 0.69'dur. Yaplandlm gridden elde edilen puanlar ile ksa cevapl testten elde edilen puanlar arasndaki iliki 0.69'dur (p<0.05). Yaplandlm gridin güvenirlii için Cronbach alfa katsay hesaplanm ve 0.77 bulunmutur. Kavram haritas ve yaplandlm grid arasnda pozitif yönde, orta düzeyde ve anlaml bir iliki olduu görülmütür (0.51; p<0.05). Anahtar sözcükler: kavram haritas, yaplandlm grid, tamamlay ölçme araçlar, geçerlik, güvenirlik ABSTRACT: This study aims to research on the validity and reliability of concept maps and structured communication grids used to assess students' achievement regarding the unit called " Newton's Laws of Motion ". The sampling consisted of 102 students studying in their Year One at Science Teaching and Physics teaching departments during 2009 – 2010 academic year. The responses to the short-answer test consisted of the main measure in checking the validity of the concept map and the structured communication grid. The Pearson Correlation Coefficient between the scores of the short-answer test and the concept map was calculated to be 0.57. In order to find the reliability state of the concept map, the calculation concluded as 0.69. The degree of the relationship between structured communication grid and short answer test scores was calculated (0.69; p<0.05). For the reliability of the structured communication grid, Cronbach Alpha was calculated 0.77. A positive, medium level and significant relationship was observed between the structured communication grid and the concept map (0.51; p<0.05).