generative adversarial networks (GANs)
Recent papers in generative adversarial networks (GANs)
Analysis and modeling of crime text report data has important applications, including refinement of crime classifications, clustering of documents, and feature extraction for spatiotemporal forecasts. Having better neural network... more
Histopathological evaluation and Gleason grading on Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) stained specimens is the clinical standard in grading prostate cancer. Recently, deep learning models have been trained to assist pathologists in detecting... more
In this study, we introduce a novel unsupervised countermeasure for smart grid power systems, based on generative adversarial networks (GANs). Given the pivotal role of smart grid systems (SGSs) in urban life, their security is of... more
Deep learning's breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence has resulted in the creation of a slew of deep learning models. One of these is the Generative Adversarial Network, which has only recently emerged. The goal of GAN is... more
Recently, generative adversarial networks (GANs) have become a research focus of artificial intelligence. Inspired by two-player zero-sum game, GANs comprise a generator and a discriminator, both trained under the adversarial learning... more
Current multi-person localisation and tracking systems have an over reliance on the use of appearance models for target re-identification and almost no approaches employ a complete deep learning solution for both objectives. We present a... more
Also available for review at We recognize myths for what they indicate about the values and beliefs of the cultures who were the authors and audiences of those myths; many of the earliest... more
Converting natural language text descriptions into images is a challenging problem in computer vision and has many practical applications. Text-image is not different from language translation problems. In the same way similar semantics... more
In this paper we address the problem of continuous fine-grained action segmentation, in which multiple actions are present in an unsegmented video stream. The challenge for this task lies in the need to represent the hierarchical nature... more
Hyperrealistic replicas of the human face owe their documentary value to the belief that they result from mechanical reproduction. The idea that a picture is automatically produced through a process of imprint taking is often enough to... more
We propose a novel conditional GAN (cGAN) model for continuous fine-grained human action segmentation, that utilises multi-modal data and learned scene context information. The proposed approach utilises two GANs: termed Action GAN and... more
Inspired by human neurological structures for action anticipation , we present an action anticipation model that enables the prediction of plausible future actions by forecasting both the visual and temporal future. In contrast to current... more
Further advances in exoplanet detection and characterisation require sampling a diverse population of extrasolar planets. One technique to detect these distant worlds is through the direct detection of their thermal emission. The... more
Image segmentation is the procedure of dividing a digital image into a multiple set of pixels. The prior goal of the segmentation is to make things simpler and transform the representation of medical images into a meaningful subject. Many... more
This article addresses the need for adaptive ethical analysis within machine learning that accounts for emerging problems concerning social bias and generative adversarial networks (gan s). I use John Dewey's criticisms of the reflex arc... more
We propose a novel semi supervised, Multi-Level Sequential Generative Adversarial Network (MLS-GAN) architecture for group activity recognition. In contrast to previous works which utilise manually annotated individual human action... more
The rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT) has prompted a recent interest into realistic IoT network traffic generation. Security practitioners need IoT network traffic data to develop and assess network-based intrusion... more
Abstract: The extraordinary research in the field of unsupervised machine learning has made the non-technical media to expect to see Robot Lords overthrowing humans in near future. Whatever might be the media exaggeration, but the... more
This paper investigates conditional generative adversarial networks (cGANs) to overcome a fundamental limitation of using geotagged media for geographic discovery, namely its sparse and uneven spatial distribution. We train a cGAN to... more
Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks are widely used for Image to Image transformation implementations, since they are capable of generating synthetic imaginary from image constraints. However, these lack of user control as for... more
Las Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) son una arquitectura de redes neuronales de reciente desarrollo capaces de generar nuevas realidades a partir de un conjunto de datos de entrenamiento. Con el objeto de explorar el potencial de las... more
With the exponentially growing COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) pandemic, clinicians continue to seek accurate and rapid diagnosis methods in addition to virus and antibody testing modalities. Because radiographs such as X-rays and... more
The rapid growth of the worldwide web and accompanied opportunities of web applications in various aspects of life have attracted the attention of organizations, governments, and individuals. Consequently, web applications have... more
Visual saliency patterns are the result of a variety of factors aside from the image being parsed, however existing approaches have ignored these. To address this limitation, we propose a novel saliency estimation model which leverages... more
In a world where seeing is increasingly no longer believing, experts are warning that society must take a multi-pronged approach to combat the potential harms of computer-generated media. As Bill Whitaker reports this week on 60 Minutes,... more
In this study, we introduce a novel unsupervised countermeasure for smart grid power systems, based on generative adversarial networks (GANs). Given the pivotal role of smart grid systems (SGSs) in urban life, their security is of... more
The rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT) has prompted a recent interest into realistic IoT network traffic generation. Security practitioners need IoT network traffic data to develop and assess network-based intrusion... more
Face Recognition (FR) problem is one of the significant fields in computer vision. FR is used to identify the faces that appear over distributed cameras over the network. The problem of face recognition can be divided into two categories,... more
The primary objective of this paper is to provide a comparative analysis of various generative adversarial networks (GANs). In this paper we present our study of-SinGAN, Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (CGAN), Star generative... more
In this study, we introduce a novel unsupervised countermeasure for smart grid power systems, based on generative adversarial networks (GANs). Given the pivotal role of smart grid systems (SGSs) in urban life, their security is of... more
Image segmentation is the procedure of dividing a digital image into a multiple set of pixels. The prior goal of the segmentation is to make things simpler and transform the representation of medical images into a meaningful subject. Many... more
Every human has a unique face that may vary with a wide variety of details from person to person. But, in twins, these differences are very less to be noticed but much significance. Hence, this raises a problem in creating digital faces... more
Inspired by human neurological structures for action anticipation, we present an action anticipation model that enables the prediction of plausible future actions by forecasting both the visual and temporal future. In contrast to current... more
The recent generative model-driven Generalized Zero-shot Learning (GZSL) techniques overcome the prevailing issue of the model bias towards the seen classes by synthesizing the visual samples of the unseen classes through leveraging the... more
Image segmentation is the procedure of dividing a digital image into a multiple set of pixels. The prior goal of the segmentation is to make things simpler and transform the representation of medical images into a meaningful subject. Many... more
Every human has a unique face that may vary with a wide variety of details from person to person. But, in twins, these differences are very less to be noticed but much significance. Hence, this raises a problem in creating digital faces... more
Further advances in exoplanet detection and characterisa-tion require sampling a diverse population of extrasolar planets. One technique to detect these distant worlds is through the direct detection of their thermal emission. The... more
Histopathological evaluation and Gleason grading on Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) stained specimens is the clinical standard in grading prostate cancer. Recently, deep learning models have been trained to assist pathologists in detecting... more
Radiation budget directly affect on the local and global current atmospheric state and the climate projections through thermal exchange between the atmospheric layers. In this work, we present the capability of Generative Adversarial... more
In this study, we introduce a newly developed method called Deep-Performance, to enable automatic environmental performance simulation prediction without the need to perform simulations, by integrating deep learning strategies. The aim is... more