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Open Call for Volunteers for Presidential Task Forces from President Yannis Ioannidis

May 8, 2023

As ACM President, I am planning to create 10 task forces as part of ACM 4.0, a long-term strategic plan for ACM, and I am inviting volunteers to serve on these task forces.

Brief descriptions of each of the task forces are available here. Each task force will comprise a cross-section of individuals selected for their interest and relevant expertise. Although the length of service for the different task forces may vary, it is anticipated that each will produce an initial report in about six months.

If you would like to be considered for membership in one or more of these task forces, please take a few minutes to submit your name using the form here. The form asks for a short statement of your interest in the task force, which can be accompanied by relevant attachments.

This is an open call for volunteers, so consider your colleagues who you think may be interested in participating and forward it to them.

Please reply to this call by May 22.